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劉文筠; Liu, Wen-yun 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 劉文筠; Liu, Wen-yun
  • 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 莊子; 東坡; 蘇軾; Zhuang-Zi; Don-Paul; Su-Shih
  • 描述: 身為唐宋八大家之一的蘇軾,在中國文學史上有著舉足輕重的地位。他在詩、詞、文、書、畫上的成就,向來是歷代爭相探討研究的對象。初入仕途,他懷抱著儒家思想積極入世,無奈一再受到政治打壓,使得他轉向莊子思想,在逆境中尋求穩定心靈的力量。由於莊子思想的影響,讓蘇軾在接二連三的貶謫生活中,依舊能保持自我,過著超脫物累的曠達生活。本論文將從莊子的處世觀、安命觀及修養觀三方面,探討蘇軾如何在生活中體現莊子生活精神。而蘇軾這種堅守自我節操,以及豁達自適的人生境界,正是除了文學成就之外,另一項留給後人仿效的崇高人格典範。
    There were eight maestros of literature from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty. Su Shih was one of them; he played a decisive role in Chinese literature history. His achievements in poetries, compositions, calligraphy and painting have been researched for hundreds of years. When he put his first step into the politics, he had his own lofty ideals. However, he received much pressure from other politicos. He started to pay attention to Zhuang-Zi’s values gave him the force to stay calm in time of adversity. Because of the effects of Zhuang-Zi’s thought, Su-Shih could not only keep his ego complete after depreciating his job but also lead a magnanimous life. This article discusses how Su-Shih accomplished the object of Zhuang-Zi’s values in three parts which includes how Zhuang-Zi got along with others, how he treated himself and his great manners. Besides the achievements of literature, Su-Shih’s strict living attitude and optimistic life are great models for posterity.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
