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沈美綺; Shen, Mei-chi 汪中文; Chung-wen Wang; 國民教育研究所 2002

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  • Title:
  • Author: 沈美綺; Shen, Mei-chi
  • 汪中文; Chung-wen Wang; 國民教育研究所
  • Subjects: 陳寅恪; ; cheng-yin-ke; poet
  • Description: 論文摘要陳寅恪,江西省義寧州人,一代史學巨匠。寅恪先生不但是史學專家,更是滿腹經綸的國學大師。在他豐碩的史學成就之外,最能展現他對文學充分的掌握能力,就是他對「詩」的研究與實踐。然而一般人對其詩歌了解不多,在中國文學史上亦得不到應有的重視。整體而言,雖然寅恪先生從未以詩人自居,僅以創作詩歌表達個人之挫折與感慨,但其詩在反映時局,譏諷時政下,不但唱出了國家在轉變時期的苦痛和掙扎,也展現了他以史為詩的獨特風格。加上先生晚年身處在思想桎梏的政治環境下,在其生前,其詩一直處於撲朔迷離之象,在他身後,因時代政策的轉移,歷史真相逐漸還原,他的詩成為時代盛衰的生命慨歎,使後來的誦讀者,都能從中獲得不同的體驗與感受。故本論文之撰,希冀藉由探析寅恪先生詩的內涵,著重其「古典」與「今典」的探索,以解開詩中隱晦的成分,了解這位前賢的思想情感,進而探尋到詩歌作品的藝術品貌,使其價值大顯於世。我們可以發現,寅恪先生的詩,無論是在詩人個人之抒懷,或文學的繼承與創新,或發現歷史文化的真貌上,都有其不可抹煞的時代意義,在多重價值的審思下,寅恪先生的詩歌不僅為耐人尋味之文學作品,更蘊積無限啟思空間,引領讀者揭開清末民初文學悲歌之特質。
    AbstractCheng-yin-ke, born in Yi-Ning-State of Jiang Xi Province, was a great historical science master of one Generation.Being in vigorously impact of traditional culture and thought of western trend both, Cheng-yin-ke walked through much struggle and self-examination process. Not only was Cheng-yin-ke a master of historical science, he was also a maestro filled with Chinese literature.Besides, with his rich achievements in the science of history, Cheng was capable of showing his perfect control of literature through the research and practice of poetry.But it''s a pity that there is no engrossed study that focus on the poetry, which reflect the life long path of his mind.This thesis is written in a view to explore the inside thought and emotional world through his poetry, then to find why his poetry is obscure, and therefore could probe the real appearance of his poetic works. This paper covers the scope of Chen''s poem .First I try to understand his family history and character, with that, I go further to classify and analyze the connotation of his poetry. Also I emphasize his exploration between "Classic" and "contemporary", unlock the obscure component, Finally induce the specific feature of poetry and, position its value.A relishing literary works will be more than the poet’s personal relief. For the poetry of Cheng-yin-ke, we may carefully appreciate the genuine language in the poetry through a wider angle. Thus we can endow it with deserved value. This way we reveal the profound land inside the Cheng''s poetry and feel his intention of creations, so to manifest the dual value of the poet and poetic works.
  • Creation Date: 2002
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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