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陳慧鴻; Chen, Hui-hung 王萬清; 國民教育研究所 1999


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳慧鴻; Chen, Hui-hung
  • 王萬清; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 沙箱治療; 受虐兒童; 生活適應; Sandplay therapy; abused child; life adjustment
  • 描述: 沙箱治療對受虐兒童生活適應之影響歷程研究 陳慧鴻 摘 要 本研究的主要目的在探討受虐兒童接受沙箱治療的過程中,在治療室與治療者互動的情形、使用沙和玩具表達其內在經驗的情形,以及沙箱治療前後生活適應的改變情形。 本研究採用個案研究法與參與觀察法,以台南市家扶中心判定遭受父親精神虐待的一位國小六年級男生為研究對象,在進行沙箱治療前,先施以「國小學童生活適應量表」之前測與測驗內容反應的晤談,再進行為期約二個月,共11次,每次約1小時的沙箱治療。進行期間以錄音錄影紀錄輔導歷程,並對個案所製作的沙箱作品予以拍照存檔。十一次的沙箱治療結束後,再進行「國小學童生活適應量表」之後測與測驗內容反應的晤談,並施以「語意分析量表」和「語句完成測驗」,以了解個案對於某些特定玩具的意像,與在沙箱歷程中所潛藏的感覺和想法。在研究期間並針對個案日常的生活情形,與個案的父親、爺爺、和級任老師做非結構式的訪談。研究結果如下: 一、在臉部表情與情緒反應方面,沙箱治療初期時,個案的臉部表情緊繃,眼神也從未接觸過治療者,之後幾次逐漸放鬆,表情也較自然。不過當和治療者一起坐下來討論分享沙箱及進一步晤談時,神情常變得較為木然或不耐。直到第七次輔導時,才開始用眼角「瞄」治療者幾次。在第十次輔導時,才第一次主動看治療者。顯示個案在治療室中尚未能完全放鬆。在口語方面,個案說話偶有口吃,並常以簡短字句回答,或以「點頭」、「搖頭」來表示。第十次輔導時,才第一次為沙箱編一個故事。在身體距離方面,第一次輔導時,個案很明顯避開治療者靠近的動作,而將自己身體移往和治療者相反的方向。隨著治療次數增加,有漸漸的拉近的現象,第九次輔導時,治療者和個案談到眼神接觸的問題,並拉起個案的手,個案的手在發抖。然而第十次、第十一次輔導時個案和治療者的距離更為接近,顯示個案對治療者的信任程度增加。 二、在沙箱作品中,一開始先出現戰爭場面,隨後出現豐收場景,再出現競爭、對立和獵殺,直到最後出現輕鬆遊戲的氣氛,並出現完滿統整的象徵─「曼陀羅」,顯示個案內在經驗的轉變,也顯示了個案人格的成長與統整。 三、個案在「國小學童生活適應量表」後測得分高於前測,百分等級由40改變為60,顯示個案經過沙箱治療後,生活適應情形有進步的趨向。從測驗內容反應的晤談中,得知個案變得有勇氣克服困難、和朋友更好相處、對自己的外表不再那麼在意等,皆支持上述推論。 本研究並根據上述結果提出對受虐兒童的輔導及未來研究的建議,以供從事相關工作或研究者參考。
    A study on the influencing process of Sandplay therapy for an abused child in life adjustment Hui-hung Chen ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to explore the mental abused child how to interact with the counselor in the process of Sandplay therapy, how to use sand and miniatures to express his inner experience, and how he changed in life adjustment after Sandplay therapy sessions. This study adopted case study method and participant observation method. The subject is an 6th grade elementary school boy who was mental abused by his alcoholic father in the judgement of Tainan Family Help Center. 11-sessions Sandplay therapy, 1hour for each session, was intervened with the subject for about 2 months after the pretest of “Elementary School Children Life Adjustment Scale” and further interview. Each session was videotaped, and the sandtrays which the subject made were taken pictures for analysis and preservation. After the termination of Sandplay, post-test of “Elementary School Children Life Adjustment Scale” and further interview were administered. “ Semantic Differential Scale” and “Sentence Complete Test” were administered to understand the subject’s image on some specific miniatures, and latent feelings and thoughts in the process of Sandplay sessions. During the process of this study, interviews with the subject’s father, grandfather, and teacher in a un-strutured situation were administered. The results of this study were listed as follows : 1. In facial expression and emotional reaction, the subject was unable to be relaxed completely in the therapy room. In verbal expression, the subject sometimes stammered, and often reacted with brief sentences, nodding or shaking his head. In body distance between the subject and the counselor, the distance became closer when the sessions proceeded, showing the subject improved his trust on counselor. 2. Overview all the sandtrays the subject made, the first two trays were war scenes, then harvest scene, and afterwards competence, confrontation, hunting, and the final scene was a relaxing game, it demonstrated the subject’s inner experience had changed, and the personality had grown. 3. The subject’s posttest scores in “Elementary School Children Life Adjustment Scale” was higher than pretest scores, the percentile rank changed from 40 to 60, demonstrating the subject had improved in life adjustment after Sandplay therapy. Furthermore, in the further interview, the subject said he became more courageous to overcome difficulties, got along with friends, and did not pay much attention to his looks, supporting above inference. Based on the results above, suggestions for counseling with abused children as well as further study in the future were discussed.
  • 建立日期: 1999
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
