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鄭淑昭; Cheng, Shu-chao 汪中文; Chung-Wen Wang; 教管所國語文教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭淑昭; Cheng, Shu-chao
  • 汪中文; Chung-Wen Wang; 教管所國語文教學碩士班
  • 主題: 篆書; 疊字; 類化; 簡繁; 陽文; 異化; ; 頂真; 譬喻; 夸飾; 典故; 同化; 誌蓋; 誌題; 對偶; ; epitaph title; Simplified/Traditional Strokes; Assimilation; Hyperbole; Categorization; Metaphor; Anadiplosis; Antithesis; Allusion; sealscript; EReduplication; main content; Ming; epitaph lid; yang; Transformation
  • 描述: 本論文以《北魏墓誌百種》的100幅拓片為研究對象,記述成書過程和彙整誌目資料,在內容上,主要為探析其墓誌銘及字形,將《北魏墓誌百種》作系統性的探討,以呈現其研究上的價值。 在墓誌銘探析上,分「誌蓋」、「誌題」、「序」和「銘」四項討論,參照前人所提各項義例加以比照驗證。從比照驗證中發現:在「誌蓋」方面,形狀多成方形,蓋題多位在中央,字體多刻「陽文篆書」,並成整齊的行列排列,官銜多為「題尊」。在「誌題」方面,多先書國號,中間亦多標舉墓主官銜與爵位,並書墓主姓氏,誌題末尾多書「墓誌銘」三字。在「序」方面,諱、字、鄉邑、族出、行治、履歷、壽年、卒日、卒地、葬日、葬地和刻石必要及目的,此12項是墓誌「序」中主要的項目。在「銘」方面,以四言為主;內容首先頌讚當朝或世系,其次表彰德行或功勳,最後綴以哀悼之詞或刊石之目的;修辭上應用「疊字」、「對偶」、「頂真」、「譬喻」、「夸飾」和「典故」等,使有限的四言銘辭,具象徵性與美感;銘辭用韻大致與周祖謨《魏晉南北朝韻部之演變》北魏部份各韻表相合,僅61個韻腳可增補周氏所列北魏音韻譜。 在字形探析上,分「簡繁」、「類化」、「異化」、「同化」四類歸納探討。從歸納探討中發現:在「簡繁」方面,有增減筆畫、部件和形體等方式。在「類化」方面,受文字形構和上下文等影響。在「異化」方面,有筆畫異形、分連、伸縮和曲直等變化。在「同化」方面,蒐羅不同部件卻寫成一致的字群。除此之外,本研究為了便利例證上的蒐尋,將字形作系統性的編碼,根據該字形的編碼,對照原拓片,易於尋得該字形的上下文,以取得例證以添加字形例證的資料。 《北魏墓誌百種》之研究價值廣泛,至少有以下五項研究價值:提供墓誌義例之例證、增補北魏音韻之素材、提供俗字字形之演變字例、顯現北魏文字之孽乳實況與添補異體字字典之字形。透過本研究,期能窺知《北魏墓誌百種》的整體價值,並對北魏墓誌有更深入的了解。
    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how One Hundred Epitaphs of the Northern Wei Dynasty《北魏墓誌百種》had been produced and to analyze the rubbings in that book. This author’s efforts were focused on the epitaphs and the strokes of characters so as to give a systematic analysis and to present the research value of the book. Epitaphs were analyzed in four aspects: epitaph lid(誌蓋), epitaph title(誌題), main content(序)and Ming/ poetry(銘). The data was verified and compared with examples in other books. Findings were as follows:1. Most of the epitaph lids were squares. The title was put in the center. Characters, lined neatly, were carved in yang, (陽文lit. “red characters”) seal script (Zhuanshu篆書). The highest official title was included, too.2. The epitaph title often began with the official name of the nation, followed by official titles, the rank of nobility, and the family name of the diseased. “墓誌銘”(epitaph) often appeared in the end. 3. The main content covered twelve major items. They were the name of the deceased(諱), his/her courtesy name, country/place of birth, pedigree, moral conduct, experience, longevity, when and where he/she died, where and when the burial took place, the necessity and the purpose of the carvings. 4. Four-character poetry usually began with a compliment to the dynasty or the pedigree of the diseased, followed by another compliment to his/her lofty morality or distinctive achievements, mourning for the diseased or/and the purpose of the carving. For the sake of beauty and symbolism, several rhetorical devices were adopted, including Reduplication(疊字), Antithesis(對偶), Anadiplosis(頂真), Metaphor(譬喻), Hyperbole(夸飾), and Allusion(典故). Most of the rhymes in Ming/poetry corresponded to the rhymes in The Changes of Rhymes in the Wei and Jing Dynasties by Zu-Mo Zhou(周祖謨) (see the chapter on the Northern Wei). Only 61 rhymes were new to Zhou’s collection.Four subtitles were under the detailed analysis of the structures of Chinese characters, Simplified/Traditional Strokes(簡繁), Categorization(類化), Transformation(異化), and Assimilation(同化). Findings were as follows.1. In Simplified/Traditional Strokes, addition and reduction were found in strokes, parts, and outlines.2. In Categorization, structures of characters and the context were major factors.3. In Transformation, changes like distortion, disconnection/connection, lengthening/shortening, and curve/straight were found in strokes.4. In Assimilation, characters with a similar structure were classified as a group. (Originally differing from one another, these characters were later similar to one another in some part.)To facilitate the searching of examples, this author adopted a systematic coding device. Comparing the code of a character with the original rubbing made it easier to find the context, furnish examples, and collect data. One Hundred Epitaphs of the Northern Wei Dynasty is of great value on research. Five functions are cited as follows. It offers examples on epitaphs. It supplements the phonological study on the Northern Wei Dynasty with more source material. Its abundance in characters in popular forms(俗字) is helpful in analyzing the changes in these words. It helps present the Extension(孽乳實況) of characters in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It also supplements dictionaries of variant forms with more examples. This author hoped that this research would be helpful in presenting the value of One Hundred Epitaphs of the Northern Wei Dynasty so as to deepen the understanding of the epitaphs of that dynasty.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
