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黃招榮; Huang, Chao-jung 吳學明; Wu , Hsueh-ming; 鄉土文化研究所 2003


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃招榮; Huang, Chao-jung
  • 吳學明; Wu , Hsueh-ming; 鄉土文化研究所
  • 主題: 巴克禮; 傳教; 長老教會; 神學校; 白話字; 公報社; 教會公報; 聖經; Barclay; evangelizing; Presbyterian; Tainan Theological College; Romanized Taiwanese; Taiwan Church Press; Taiwan Church News; the Holy Bible
  • 描述: 巴 克 禮 在 台 灣 的 傳 教 研 究 指導教授:吳學明 先生 學 生:黃招榮                摘    要 本文的研究目的,是探討英國長老教會的宣教師巴克禮,其一生在台灣的事蹟。 巴克禮是蘇格蘭人,1875年5月來台,在台灣傳教共六十年。在台灣傳教期間,做了很多事工。本文將巴克禮在台灣的事蹟類分為三大項:傳教、教育、文化。巴克禮所做的這些事蹟,對台灣的文化有顯著的影響。 第一章:緒論,說明研究此題目的動機與目的、相關史料的引用。 第二章:先說明基督教來台的背景,並呈現清末台灣傳教的大環境,諸如台灣的衛生條件、治安情形、人民對這外來宗教的觀感、以及巴克禮來台之前的南台灣傳教情形。 第三章:探討巴克禮的傳教工作,先介紹其生平,再討論巴克禮在台灣的傳教工作,如整頓教會的內部、寫信向英國母會力爭台灣的宣教資源、巡視後山及各地的教會,並探討巴克禮與南部中會的關係,以及南部中會成立後,對教會的重大影響。至於巴克禮在傳教生涯中,曾有「二崙事件」、「日軍進城事件」,此章節都有詳文討論。 第四章:探討巴克禮在台灣的教育事業。神職教育是巴克禮在台灣的工作重心,台南神學校為巴克禮在1876年所創辦,其創設的背景、沿革、學生與課程方面的特色,以及各種與巴克禮有關的規制,本章節都詳加討論。 第五章:探討巴克禮在台灣的文化事工,巴克禮為傳教更成功,紮根傳教工作,大力推行白話字,使不識漢字的信徒可以自行閱讀聖經;創設公報社,發行教會公報,堅固信徒的信仰;改譯新舊約聖經,讓聖經更接近原意;為了方便宣教師學習台語,編著廈英大辭典增補。巴克禮在文化上的努力,為台灣文化增添異彩。 第六章:將全文做一總結。 關鍵字:巴克禮、傳教、長老教會、宣教師、二崙事件、日軍進城事件、神學校、南部中會、白話字、公報社、教會公報、聖經
    A Study on Dr. Thomas Barclay’s Missionary Activities in Taiwan Advisor: Prof. Wu, Hsueh-ming Student: Huang, Chao-jung Summary The purpose of the study is to approach Dr. Thomas Barclay, an English Presbyterian missionary, his life career in Taiwan. Dr. Thomas Barclay, a Scot, who came to Taiwan in May, 1875 as a missionary for sixty years. He was involved in numerous activities during his stay in Taiwan. They are classified into three categories in this thesis, namely, ministries in preaching, education, and cultural. His activities have left profound influence and significant impact on Taiwan. Chapter 1: Introduction explains the motivation and purpose of choosing this title for the thesis and the related historical materials referred. Chapter 2: The background of Taiwan at the time Christian faith was introduced is explained. The context of Taiwan at the end of Manchurian Dynasty when Christianity was spread to Taiwan, e.g. public health, security, the attitude of the people towards the foreign religion, and the missionary achievements in Taiwan before Dr. Barclay came.Chapter 3: Dr. Barclay’s missionary activities are approached, firstly, his life, and then his missionaries activities, such as trimming the church internally. appealing to the Home Church for missionary resources for Taiwan, evangelizing in Eastern Taiwan, and visiting the local churches all over Southern Taiwan, researching on the relationship of Dr. Barclay and Tainan Presbytery, and how the organization of the Presbytery influenced the Church in Southern Taiwan. As to the important incidents related to Dr. Barclay, such as Ji-lun Incident, and the incident of ushering Japanese troops into Tainan City are fully discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4: Dr. Barclay’s educational career is dealt. The education of the young people to be preachers was Dr. Barclay’s most important contribution is Taiwan. Tainan Theological College was founded by Dr. Barclay in 1876. This chapter fully discusses the background, short history, students, and the characteristics of the curriculum of the school and various regulations set by Dr. Barclay. Chapter 5: Dr. Barclay’s contribution to the culture in Taiwan is the main theme of this chapter. To make his preaching ministry more affective and deep-rooted, Dr. Barclay promoted Romanized Taiwanese so that the illiterate could read the Bible by themselves, founded Taiwan Church Press and issued Taiwan Church News to strengthen the faith of the believers, revised the translation of the New Testament and the Old Testament so that the Holy Bible could be more accurately understood, and supplemented Carstairs Douglas’ Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy for the convenience of Missionaries to study Amoy (Taiwanese). His great efforts in this field have manifested Taiwanese culture. Chapter 6: Conclusion Keywords: Barclay, evangelizing, Presbyterian, missionary, Ji-lun Incident, Ushering the Japanese troops, Tainan Theological College. Southern Presbytery, Romanized Taiwanese, Taiwan Church Press, Taiwan Church News, the Holy Bible
  • 建立日期: 2003
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
