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顏芳美; Yen, Fang-mei 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 語文教育學系教學碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏芳美; Yen, Fang-mei
  • 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 語文教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 組詩; 擬作; 傅玄; 陶淵明; 陸機; 謝靈運; 庾信; 鮑照; 江淹; Ni-Zhou; Wu Xin; Fu-Xuan; Bao Zhou; Lu-ji; Xie Ling-yun; Composed Poems; Tao Yuan-ming; Chiang Yen
  • 描述: 擬作現象之所以成為魏晉南北朝的文壇特色,初始只是學習屬文的方式、文仕奉詔同題共詠,繼而文人擬作的動機複雜了,加以文學集團主導者的提倡與鼓勵,遂蔚為文壇風氣。魏晉南北朝不但是「文體」類大興的朝代,更是追求「唯美」詩風的開創時代。在六朝以前《楚辭》、《古詩》即具有組詩形式。「組詩」形式的詩作,莫不受到《楚辭》、《古詩》的影響,魏晉南北朝詩人喜以「組詩」抒發情志,從魏晉的阮籍、陸機、陶淵明至南朝而呈現高峰狀態,尤其是五言八句詩。擬作組詩是文人單篇詩作形式的改變,單篇詩章不足以抒發完整的情懷,言之不足,故以成組來表現。從陸機的〈擬古〉、阮籍的〈詠懷〉組詩,開了風氣之先後,文人即不斷的以「組詩」型態來抒懷、詠史、敘事、託諷。可見,組詩形式在文人的文學認知中是具有意義的。組詩形式並非全是偶然而互不相干的現象。魏晉南北朝「擬」作組詩的特色,呈現在儷句的講究、修辭技巧的巧妙運用及用典的繁富,唯美詩風的追求,充滿個體主觀的審美眼光。誠如劉勰《文心雕龍•明詩篇》所說:「儷采百字之偶,爭價一句之奇;情必極貌以寫物,辭必窮力而追新」正是魏晉南北朝擬作組詩的寫照。茲將本論文的章節分述如下。第一章、為本論文的緒論、研究範圍及材料、研究方法與步驟的說明。第二章、首先闡明「擬作」的定義;追溯擬詩源起;探討擬詩之成因;繼而將魏晉南北朝的擬詩提出,作分類說明。並探討古人擬作的動機、摹擬的方式及擬詩體式、風格之傳承;最後探討組詩之界義,綜合學者的論述,將本文「擬」作組詩之呈現方式,區分為三種形式,並舉例說明。第三章、擬作組詩之分類與析論。包括內容意旨、擬詩寓意。並探究各擬作組詩之源頭及學者的考據。第四章、探討各擬作組詩的創作藝術手法。第五章、探討「擬古」與「創新」,論述古人的擬古,雖名曰擬古,實為一種創新;繼而舉出幾位擬作中的佼佼者,論述創作個體的成就與貢獻,及擬作組詩對後世的影響。第六章、結論
    The reason why Ni-Zhou (a work done in the manner of a certain author) Phenomenon became the feature in the literary arena in Wei Jin And Six Dynasties is that it was the way of learning composing a piece of prose writing, literati sing the same topic, and then the literati’s motivation of Ni-Zhou became complicated, plus the advocate and encourage by the leaders of literary groups, so it turned out to be literary practice. Wei Jin and Six Dynasties was not only the era of “literary forms” with great development, but also an initiating ear of pursuing “estheticism” poetic style.Before six dynasties, Chu Ci (Songs of the South or Songs of Chu) and Gushi (old poems) had the form of composed poems. The form of “composed poems” was greatly influenced by Chu Ci and Gushi. The poets in Wei Jin and Six Dynasties preferred to express their emotion and ambition by “composed poems”, while from Ruan-ji, Lu-ji, Tao Yuan-ming in Wei Jin to Nan dynasty was the most popular, especially five-eight-character poems. Ni-Zhou composed poems is the change of the style in single piece of poems. The single piece of poems were not enough to express the complete idea so the composed poems appeared. Lu Ji’s“Ni Gu” and Ruan-ji’s “Yong Hue” were the start of composed poems. Consequently, literati used composed poems to express, sing history, narrate, and mock, so the form of composed poems was not accidental and irrelevant but meant a lot from literati’s recognition The feature of Ni-Zhou composed poems in Wei Jin and Six Dynasties was represented in the particular pairs of sentences, the manipulation of rhetoric skills, abundant allusions, the pursuit of aesthetic poem styles, and full of the appreciation of the beauty of the individual subject. For example, “Wen-hsin tiao-lung, Ming Shi pian” said “the antithesis is important; new and strange idea is pursued; the skill to describe the scenery is excellent.” Which can be the portrayal of Ni-Zhou composed poems in Wei Jin and Six Dynasties. The chapter of this dissertation is described as followed:Chapter one: The introduction of this dissertation, the range of study and material, study methods and the description of steps.Chapter two: The definition of “Ni-Zhou”, to trace back the orgin of the composed poems, to discuss the reason of forming composed poems, to categorize the composed poems in Wei Jin and Six Dynasties, to discussion the motivation of Ni-Zhou, ways of imitation and style of composed poems, the inheriting of styles by the ancients, to final explore the definition of composed poems on the basis of scholars’ statement, and then to divide the ways of presentation of composed poems into 3 styles with the examples.Chapter 3: The classification of Ni-Zhou composed poems. This includes the content and intention, and implied meaning of composed poems. Plus the exploration of the origin of the composed poems and scholars’ evidences.Chapter 4: To discuss the technique of art creation in each composed poems.Chapter 5: To discuss “Ni Gu” (to restore ancient ways) and “innovation”. The ancients’ “Ni Gu” actually means a kind of innovation. The remarkable examples would be listed, and their contribution would be described as well as the influence of their work.Chapter 6: Conclusion.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
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