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李姎顄; Li, Yang-han 汪中文; Chung-wen Wang; 國語文學系國語文碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李姎顄; Li, Yang-han
  • 汪中文; Chung-wen Wang; 國語文學系國語文碩士班
  • 主題: 災異思想; 競建內之; 先王之道; 鮑叔牙與隰朋之諫; 齊桓公; the thoughts on the calamities and anomalies; Qi huan gong; Jing jian nei jhih; Bao shu ya yu Xi peng jhih jian
  • 描述: 《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(五)》中〈競建內之〉、〈鮑叔牙與隰朋之諫〉二篇,主要描述齊桓公任內發生日食,鮑叔牙與隰朋藉此異象勸諫桓公須反省修德、施行德政,並直言桓公貪樂而不察豎刁、易牙之奸惡,最後齊桓公聽從鮑叔牙與隰朋之諫言,勵精圖治,終於免除兵災與水難。 原整理者陳佩芬對此二篇做了初步的整理與釋讀,後來又有多位學者從編聯、文字隸定、斷句、注解、釋文等多方面提出看法,但各家意見仍舊分歧未有定論。故本論文先整理各家說法、比較異同,再提出一己之看法,進而重新釐清簡文有疑異之處,深入地討論其內容所反映的災異思想與先王之道,並與史實記載作一對照與考證,以提供學界在古文字考釋與戰國時期思想和歷史紀錄之參酌。
    “Jing jian nei jhih"“Bao shu ya yu Xi peng jhih jian" in “Chu Bamboo Slips of warring states collected by Shanghai Museum(Vol.5) “,they described the occurrence of solar eclipse is a symptom of political instability, Bao shu-ya and Xi peng admonished Qi huan gong against extravagance and the turpitude of Shu diao and Yi ya. Therefore Qi huan gong accepted their advice, and avoided the disaster of the war and the floods.These two articles are preliminary review, investigation and explanation by Chen pei fen. Afterward other scholars advances their opinions about the collocation, the written Chinese characters, punctuation,explanation, translation about “Jing jian nei jhih",“Bao shu ya yu Xi peng jhih jian", but these subjects were had different conclusion. The research arrangement and compare different views of scholars,then proposes our opinions to clarify the question of the original article . Besides, the research is to discuss the thoughts on the political views about “Sian wang jhih dao", the calamities and anomalies, and the annals. It will provide for the scholars the explanation and investigation of the written Chinese characters,and the change of ideologies in the Warring States period.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
