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江宛臻; Chiang, Wan-chen 施如齡; Ju-Ling Shih; 數位學習科技學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 江宛臻; Chiang, Wan-chen
  • 施如齡; Ju-Ling Shih; 數位學習科技學系碩士班
  • 主題: 多重感官教學; 閱讀障礙; 數位故事書; Multi-Sensory teaching; Reading Disabled; Digital Storybook
  • 描述: 本研究以多重感官刺激的教學方法,自編的三本數位故事書為教學教材,搭配多重感官刺激增強下,使閱讀障礙學童能有更有效的學習。數位故事書教學內容針對閱讀障礙學童對字音字形辨別、標點符號使用與文章內容理解在學習上的困難,設計可做辨別判斷的教學故事內容。閱讀障礙學童能在數位故事書的教學後,學會正確的字音字形區辨、正確的使用標點符號,以及增進閱讀理解的能力。研究結果發現數位故事書的教學對識字能力差的閱讀障礙學童成效較明顯,而對理解能力弱的學童進步較有限,對整體而言數位故事書教學是具有正面的成效。在學習成效方面,從前後測與延後測比較雖沒有達到顯著差異,但平均成績皆明顯高於數位故事教學前的前測平均成績。閱讀障礙學童對於數位故事書的教學都給與正向的肯定,也表示喜歡這樣的學習方式,希望未來能應用在其他學科之上,本研究也對此提出相關看法與建議
    In this study, the researcher used multi-sensory teaching methods to design three digital story books as teaching materials in order to enhance the reading abilities of children with reading disabilities. The content of digital storybooks focused on the differenciation of word sounds, word forms, use of punctuation marks, and reading comprehensions. It is hoped that through the interactive reading practices, students with reading difficulties can be improved in those aspects. Research results showed that the teaching with digital storybooks had overall positive effect to all students; and more significant effects to students with word-recognition disabilities, but limited effects to students with reading compresion disabilities. In terms of learning effectiveness, the results of the pre-test, post-test, and postpond-test had not reached significant differences, but students’ average scores had obvious improvements. All students gave the teaching with digital storybooks positive feedbacks and said that they like such learning method. They all hope to apply it to other subjects.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
