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徐慶宜; Hsu, Ching-yi 張智凱; Chih-Kai Chang; 數位學習科技學系碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 徐慶宜; Hsu, Ching-yi
  • 張智凱; Chih-Kai Chang; 數位學習科技學系碩士班
  • 主題: 即時共同註記; 英語閱讀理解; 合作學習; 科技融入教學; 科技接受模式; synchronous shared annotation; ESL reading comprehension; cooperative learning; connecting curriculum and technology; technology acceptable model
  • 描述: 許多非英語系的國家的人民,都在積極找尋快速且有成效的學習策略或輔助工具來加強英語能力,提昇自我的英語閱讀理解成效;其中最好的學習方式之ㄧ就是經常接觸與閱讀英語文章。相較於刻板的傳統教育學習,本研究主要是希望學生能透過行動載具(PDA),讓一般教室也可具備部份語言教室之英語教學輔助功能,讓學生進行文章閱讀。因此,本研究實作出─字彙翻譯與註記及多人即時共同註記系統,進而探討提供字彙即時翻譯和字彙註記與多人即時共同註記,對英語閱讀理解程度的影響與歷程分析,並且找出最佳小組人數的學習模式。 研究結果顯示,本研究系統對於英語閱讀理解程度達顯著效果,藉由本系統確實能排除英語字彙缺乏所造成的英語閱讀困難,結果證實:多人即時共同翻譯註記閱讀合作小組分組人數為2、3、4人時,閱讀理解程度都比個人翻譯註記閱讀理解成效高,達顯著水準,唯有5人合作模式時平均分數仍比單人高,但因小組人數越多時,反而容易產生彼此干擾情形,造成學習者困擾,在學習成效上未達到顯著水準。從合作分組人數來分析,以本實驗為例,3人合作小組不論在合作閱讀完成時間或者小組合作閱讀理解測驗成績平均皆呈現較優異結果。就整體而言,平均6成以上的學生都覺得系統易用、有用,更有學習者對系統滿意度近7成。所以學習者能喜歡使用本系統來進行往後的英語閱讀,這對研究者而言是有正面的鼓舞。比較先前研究,本實驗系統改版「多人」共同註記功能後,認知有用性從原先不到半數的平均47.22%進步到66.67%,在認知易用性上也從原先平均61.11%進步到平均78.17%,可以得知系統在改版後學習者整體滿意度向上提升。唯有學習者還是認為使用多人即時共同註記在英語閱讀上,可以改善其英語閱讀績效進而增進其英語閱讀理解能力這點,滿意度結果依然不如個人閱讀使用情形,顯示大多數的學習者偏好較無干擾的閱讀情境。
    Nowadays, many non-English countries are looking for effective approach and supporting tools to enhance their people’s English proficiency. One of the best learning methods is to read frequently. This research is to apply Personal Digital Assistant to classroom teaching so that English learning tools that used to exit in the language lab can be partly provided in the traditional classroom. A Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) system is developed in this study including instant translation function, instant annotation function, and instant multi-user annotation function. The purpose of this study is to investigate the best number of learners per group can achieve best reading comprehension by analyzing learners’ learning portfolios and the post-experiment reading comprehension test.The results show that the system can help students’ English reading comprehension significantly. Experimental results indicate that grouped by 2, 3 and 4 students have significantly better comprehension than individual learning ; however, too many learners in a group may interrupt each other so that grouped by 5 are relatively negative effects. In terms of groupmate number, students have better performance in reading time and reading comprehension degree when grouped by 3. Overall, sixty percent of the students agree that the system is useful and ease-of-use, and seventy percent of the students perceive satisfaction.Compare to previous researches, this study developed a system with instant multi-user annotation function so that the perceived-of-usefulness rise from 47.22% to 66.6 % and the perceived of ease-of-use rise from 61.11% to 78.17 %. Finally, most of the students think that the system can help them reach better understanding when reading English articles. However, the satisfaction level of using multi-user annotation funciton is lower than individual use; that is, most of the students prefer reading environment without interruption.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
