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周茂欽; Chou, Mao-chin 賴志彰; none; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 周茂欽; Chou, Mao-chin
  • 賴志彰; none; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 七股潟湖; 青鯤鯓; 避風港; 新鹽灘; 陳天賜; new sabkha; Cing Kunshen; Cigu lagoon; Chen Tiansih; Port
  • 描述: 本研究將透過社會人類學和文化人類學研究法,來瞭解青鯤鯓人和青鯤身沙汕之間互為依存,彼此改變的情形。  在台南縣沿海的洲潟型海岸演變過程中,青鯤鯓由清領時期臺江內海外側沙汕,至日治末期變為突出於七股潟湖的半島地形,民國60年時變為被鹽田包圍的聚落。外在環境的逐漸改變,造成青鯤鯓產業和文化上的不斷變遷。  清領至日治中期,青鯤鯓為潟湖中的沙洲島,整個地形和生態環境並未臻穩定,除了捕撈漁貝和駕駛戎克船到澎湖作生意,其餘可發展的維生活動並不多。所以島上的人口負載量低,因而村民外移者多。  日治昭和11年後,在陳天賜主導下青鯤鯓與本島陸連,對外交通的便利,使得人口外移的更快,不過留在家鄉繼承家業的村民,在醫療和衛生條件改善之下,後代子孫繁衍昌盛,整個聚落的人口倍增。  面對日益增多的人口,村民開始思考如何增加聚落的土地,來容納這些新增的人口。於是從民國41年建避風港時新填的土地開始,至民國44年時,公正塭也逐漸的填土,並在其上蓋上一間間的民居。民國60年後,因聚落週圍的海埔地被開發成為新鹽灘,所以人口的負載力又降低,於是村民又興起一波的外移潮流,年輕的村民在受完教育後,大多選擇留在外地發展,於是村內人口也逐漸的降低。  民國66年時,新鹽灘一工區蓋了三十四戶的鹽工住宅,民國71年時在七股鹽場青鯤鯓場務所的後方,又蓋了五十戶的鹽工住宅,曬鹽工作成了許多村民的新事業。不過隨著民國81年以後七股鹽場的廢曬,又使得原本從事曬鹽工作的村民,又回到原本的「討海」工作。  如今青鯤鯓的人口數量不斷減少且逐漸老化,傳統漁業也將逐漸消失。未來如何蛻變和轉型,正是青鯤鯓目前最重要的課題。民國91年時,台南縣政府推動的南瀛濱海國家風景區正式掛牌營運,青鯤鯓正好位於其中的關鍵位置,如何學習安平成功轉型的經驗,發展觀光休閒產業,本研究已作探討,將來如何?就端賴青鯤鯓人如何努力了。
    The purpose of the study was to explore the process of interdependence and exchange between the region of Sha-sian(沙汕)in Cing Kun-shen(青鯤身)and the villagers there, through the implementation of Anthropological methods. Because the external surroundings in Cing Kun-shen shifted gradually, states of cultures and properties also changed stage by stage.In the past, Cing Kun-shen, as an island of alluvion, wasn’t in a stable situation about geography and environment. The main activities then was fishery and trading by Sakoku junks to Penghu(澎湖). Most inhabitants migrated at that time.In 1936, Cing Kun-shen was connected to Taiwan Island. Inhabitants migrated in a great number because it was convenient in transportation. Owing to the better conditions in medicine and public hygiene, those who stayed in hometown bore and raised more children than before; therefore, the number of population enormously increased.Facing the music of population expanding, some water areas were filled with soils even though the area in Gong-jheng fish farm(公正塭)since 1952. After 1971, newborn lands surrounding the town were opened up and developed into new sabkha where inhabitants could not live on it. Young villagers chose to stay in where they studied out of the hometown instead of going back. Hence, the number of population decreased again at that time.In 1977 and 1982, several resident projects was built for workers in salt industry which was a new occupation taken by villagers in Chin Kun-shen. However, the salt farms in Cigu(七股)were abandoned in 1992. In the end, villager had no other choices except for devoting themselves to the fishery again.Nowadays, population in Cing Kun-shen was decreasing and aging and conventional fishery was diminishing as well year after year. Consequently, the most important task for people in Cing Kun-shen now is its transmutability and revolution of type. In 2002, Nanying(南瀛)National Scenic Area, where Cing Kun-shen was exactly located in the central place, was officially established and operated by the government of Tainan County. Furthermore, it is highly possible for Cing Kun-shen to adopt the successful experience of Anping(安平), an admirable foothold of sightseeing in South Taiwan. This study just pointed out the connection between Cing Kun-shen and Anping and could be served as a remarkable milestone in such an issue. How about the development of Chin Kun-shen in the future? It totally depends on the effort devoted by the villagers there.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
