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楊菁菁; Yang, Ching-ching 林進材; Chin-Tsai Lin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊菁菁; Yang, Ching-ching
  • 林進材; Chin-Tsai Lin; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 閱讀教學; 閱讀; 國民小學; Reading instruction; Reading; Primary school
  • 描述: 本研究以南部一所小學為對象,旨在瞭解國民小學實施閱讀教學的現況,包括行政部門規畫的閱讀教學活動、班級導師所實施的閱讀教學,並探討實施閱讀教學所遭遇的困境與因應策略。透過文件蒐集、問卷調查、訪談等方式,統整相關資料,並依據研究結果提出結論與建議,供教育行政機關、學校行政單位、班級導師在推動閱讀教學活動時之參酌。 在問卷調查方面,係以張文彬(2007)所編製「澎湖縣國民小學實施閱讀教學現況調查」之研究問卷為主,針對31位班級導師進行問卷調查。在訪談方面,行政部份以訪談教學組長為主,班級導師則針對調查對象採立意抽樣方式,抽取12位班級導師進行訪談。最後將訪談、問卷調查結果及文件歸納整理提出結論。本研究結果結論如下:1.個案學校實施閱讀教學的行政規畫現況方面:推動「歡喜閱讀教學計畫」、重視教學情境的營造、加強圖書館利用教育。2.個案學校實施閱讀教學現況方面:班級導師重視閱讀活動的推展、訂定班級獎勵制度、自掏腰包充實圖書、最常進行的閱讀教學活動是心得發表、最常用的評量方式為撰寫心得單、規畫圖書館的使用在班級閱讀活動當中。3.個案學校實施閱讀教學的困境與因應策略方面:(1)實施閱讀教學的困境:教學時間不夠、教師閱讀教學專業知能不足、圖書存量不夠。(2)實施閱讀教學的因應策略:規畫共同閱讀時段、推動校本閱讀特色課程、成立校內讀書會。教師以經驗的累積提升教學能力、希望行政支援班級圖書、鼓勵學生利用課餘時間閱讀以克服閱讀教學時間不足的問題。
    The study was designed to understand reading-instruction situations in elementary schools, and one school in southern Taiwan was the object for this study. The major investigation had consisted of reading-instruction activities designed by administration, reading-instruction executed by homeroom teachers, difficulties and solutions as reading-instruction is executed. By methods of associated document collection, questionnaire, interview, observation, and conclusion and suggestion of this study, they were hoped to offer the education authorities, school administration departments, and tutors the references to practice reading-instructions.As to questionnaire, it was referred to the study, “reading-instruction investigation on elementary schools in Penghu County”, written by Chang in 2007. The questionnaire queried from 31 class teachers.As to the part of interviews, the query consists of school’s education administrators and 12 homeroom teachers those are judgment samplings. After questionnaires, interviews and document analysis, the conclusion is shown as below.1. In the design of administration: to promote “liking to read” activities, to emphasize the building of situational teaching, and to enhance library education.2. In reading-instruction executed by homeroom teachers: to emphasize any promotion of reading activities, to make regulation of class incentives, and to fulfill the books with financial support. Presentation is the most popular reading activities in classes. Teachers should arrange the using of libraries in reading activities also.3. In difficulties of reading-instructions: insufficient teaching time and professional teaching skills for teachers, insufficient book stocks in school libraries as well.4. In strategies of reading-instructions: to manage the common reading periods, to promote school-based feature reading courses, to set up the reading meeting, to enhance teaching abilities based on teachers’ own experiences, to enrich the financial support for books in classes, and to encourage students to read extensively during their recess.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
