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葉千詩; Yeh, Chien-shih 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 葉千詩; Yeh, Chien-shih
  • 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 文學性; 流行歌詞; 閩南語; 通俗性; Literature; Lyrics; Taiwanese; Popularity
  • 描述: 閩南語流行歌曲在台灣流行音樂裡佔有相當重要的地位,除了提供民眾娛樂,更深入描寫出大眾的心聲,反映臺灣社會與文化。閩南語流行歌曲自三0年代開始發展,至今已有七十多年,許多流行歌曲成為經典歌曲,不僅一再被翻唱,歌詞、旋律更是琅琅上口,難以忘懷。隨著政治與社會環境逐漸開放,閩南語流行歌曲在歌詞與曲風也跟著變得多元化,故本文探究的範圍從二十世紀三0年代至2009年,藉此了解歌詞內容與曲風轉變的情形。 一首流行歌曲能受到聽眾的喜愛,並流傳多年,其歌詞內容必須具有深度與美感,才能讓人念念不忘。首先從歌詞的題材、主題、意象、意境及內容分析,再透過結構、修辭、押韻分析歌詞創作表現手法。歌詞必須要搭配適合的音樂,才能使整體的情感一致。在曲調創作上一直吸收自日本與西方音樂的元素,使曲調能夠跟上世界的潮流,帶給民眾新鮮感。另外要探討的是閩南語流行歌曲裡的翻唱歌曲,無論是同一首曲調填上不同的歌詞或是曲調重新改編,這類型的創作歌曲會使歌曲的情感不同、意境轉變,也表現出每位作者的想法與風格,是閩南語流行歌曲的一項特色。然而,歌詞創作也是一種文學創作,如何以簡短的字數描繪情感的層次,或是陳述故事,並觸動人心,是不容易的。本論文的論述重點著墨在內容、結構、押韻與音樂節奏的分析,展現閩南語流行歌曲的通俗性與文學價值。
    Taiwanese popular songs is the key role in Taiwan, which offer amusements and describe the cultures and society of Taiwan. It has developed since 1930s and many of them have become classical. The lyrics and melody made people unforgettable. With politics liberated, the lyrics and melody become diversity. The theme research the transfer of lyrics and melody from 1930s to 2009. The song that spreads around and makes people unforgettable its contents must be imaginable and beauty. Discuss the topic, rhyme, construction, and rhetoric how to create a song. Lyrics should be associated with melody so that it could present emotion. Some of them are transferred into different ways which can perform artists own style. Creating lyrics is an art and literature. It is difficult to describe various feelings and stories in briefly and touch heart. The papers focus on assay the topic, rhyme, construction, rhetoric and melody to understand the popularity and the literature values of Taiwanese popular songs.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
