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江婉婷; Chiang, Wan-ting 吳知賢; JR-SHIAN WU; 國民教育研究所 2003


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 江婉婷; Chiang, Wan-ting
  • 吳知賢; JR-SHIAN WU; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 課程統整; 藝術與人文領域; 意見調查; 實施現況; questionnaires and interviews; current implementation; curriculum integration; Arts and Humanities Domain
  • 描述: 本研究旨在了解澎湖縣國民中小學一般藝術教育教師實施藝術與人文領域統整課程,在課程認知情形、課程設計、課程實施、教學資源、研習進修各層面之現況、困境及意見。本研究的研究方法以問卷調查法為主,訪談調查法為輔。其中問卷調查是採研究者自編之問卷,以普查方式針對全數澎湖縣國民中小學現職之一般藝術教育教師進行調查,所得資料以次數分配及百分比統計分析;訪談調查採立意取樣法,以半結構式問題進行。本研究結論如下:一、課程認知層面:教師認同藝術與人文領域課程統整之理念,但對課程組織模式、師資能力與實施成效方面持有不同看法。二、課程設計層面:(一)以「藝術在生活上應用的能力」為教學主要目的。(二)教科書仍是藝術與人文領域課程統整設計之主要教材來源。(三)缺乏自藝術與人文領域觀點出發所作的課程設計。(四)具有進行藝術與人文領域課程設計及轉換能力指標的困難。三、課程實施層面:(一)課程多採自行規劃與協調後分科實施。(二)教學引導活動及教學評量方式少有統整學習的目的。(三)具有藝術專業人員缺乏、課程縱向銜接、時間安排、及應用新興教學策略各方面的困難。四、教學資源層面:(一)多數藝術教育相關教學設備未能充份提供。(二)校外資源的結合與運用尚待加強。(三)具有相關藝術專業人員、教學設備缺乏及校外資源結合不易的困難。五、研習進修層面:(一)研習並非教師獲得本領域相關新資訊的主要管道,卻是教師認為最能藉以提昇本領域課程統整各方面能力的最主要方式。(二)具有研習地點、時間考量及調課不易的困難。最後根據本研究之結果提出建議,俾供教育行政機構、師資培育機構提、學校行政、教師教學及後續學術研究參考。
    The purpose of this research is to study how curriculum of arts and humanity domain is integrated by teachers of Arts and Humanities Domain at Elementary and Junior High Schools in Peng-hu County, including: the current situations and predicaments, as well as the teachers’ individualistic opinions on curriculum cognition, curriculum design, curriculum implementation, teaching resources, and in-service training programs. This research is conducted mainly through questionnaires, and supplemented by interviews. The questionnaires are self-designed by the researcher. The respondents are all the faculty of Arts and Humanities Domain at Elementary and Junior High Schools in Peng-hu, and the data was analyzed used SPSS 10.0 for Windows to perform description statistics. In addition, the interviews are limited to purposeful sampling, applied along with constructional questions.The conclusions of this research are as follows:I. Aspects concerning curriculum cognition: the faculty agrees to the curriculum rationale, while dissenting to certain aspects. II. Aspects concerning curriculum design:A. Practical application of arts in life is the terminus ad quem of the curriculum.B. Textbooks are the major resource of the integrated curriculum in the Arts and Humanities Domains.C. Inadequate is the curriculum design based on the viewpoints of Arts and Humanities Domains.D. Difficult is the designation of the curriculum and conversion of the competence indicators. III. Aspects concerning curriculum implementation: A. Curriculum are self-designed and taught on subject bases.B. Curriculum integration is hardly the concern of teaching activities and evaluations.C. The hardships include lack of professional faculty in the art domain, the vertical integration, time schedule, and new teaching approaches.IV. Aspects concerning teaching resources:A. Most art-teaching appliances are insufficient.B. Coordination with extramural resources needs to be enforced.C. Difficult is the lack of professional faculty in arts, teaching appliances, and coordination with extramural resources.V. Aspects concerning in-service training programs:A. In-service training programs are not the arch way for the faculty of art to obtain new information of their practice. However, the faculty of art considers the programs as the cardinal way to enhance their professional capacities. B. Difficult are the searching for the locales of in-service training programs, arrangement of time schedule, and courses.Finally, some advices are listed in accordance with the results of this research, in order for the governments of education, institutions of faculty incubation, administrations of knowledge factories, faculty, and further researches, to reference.
  • 建立日期: 2003
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
