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范耕榛(G.J. Fan) ; 施柏齡(B.L. Shih) ; 陳哲仁(J. R. Chen) ; 張惠如(H. J. Chang) ; 李春芳(C.F. Lee)

中國畜牧學會會誌, 2019-12, p.305-305


引用 被引用
  • 題名:
  • 著者: 范耕榛(G.J. Fan) ; 施柏齡(B.L. Shih) ; 陳哲仁(J. R. Chen) ; 張惠如(H. J. Chang) ; 李春芳(C.F. Lee)
  • 主題: Genetically modified corn and soybean ; Goat milk ; Health ; Risk assessment ; 健康 ; 基因改造玉米與大豆 ; 羊乳 ; 風險評估
  • 所屬期刊: 中國畜牧學會會誌, 2019-12, p.305-305
  • 描述: 畜禽採食的飼糧多由進口基改玉米與大豆所調配,為增進對基改飼料安全之瞭解,本試驗進行基改飼料玉米與大豆對乳山羊健康與羊乳安全風險的評估。將16頭阿爾拜因泌乳羊分成兩組,餵飼含50%藉料與50%精料的飼糧10週,藉料皆為國内非基改玉米青貯料與盤固草,非基改組精料以國產玉米粒及大豆配製,基改組則採用進口玉米粒及大豆。經PCR檢測,基改玉米及大豆粕檢出4〜5個基改元件(Nos-T、CP4-EPSPS、FMV 35S-P及Pat,玉米再多出CaMV 35S-P)。羊隻飼養期間測定泌乳性能、血液性狀及乳與糞便中基因片段。結果顯示,泌乳羊採食基改或非基改飼糧對其乳量、乳成分及血液中GOT、GPT等的反應皆相近,且於二組羊隻之生乳與糞便中也都沒有追蹤到上述之基因片段的殘留。泌乳山羊餵飼基因改造飼料對於羊隻性能、健康及生乳安全性,由本次試驗結果顯示尚屬安全
    Most of the livestock feed is formulated from imported genetically modified (GM) corn and soybean. To assess its safety, this experiment was conducted on Alpine goats by checking their milking performance, health, and GM event residues. A total of 16 goats were assigned into two treatments fed diet containing 50% forage and 50% concentrate for 10 wks. Forages came from local non-GM corn silage and pangolagrass hay. Concentrate of non-GM group was formulated from local corn and soybean, and GM group was from imported. By PCR procedures, 4to5 GM elements (Nos-T, CP4-EPSPS, FMV 35S-P, and Pat, and extra CaMV 35S-P in corn) were detected in the i
  • 出版者: 台灣: 中國畜牧學會
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號: ISSN: 0253-9187
  • 資源來源: Alma/SFX Local Collection
