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楊喻婷; Yang, Yu-ting 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊喻婷; Yang, Yu-ting
  • 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 歷史; 台南諺語; 風土; History; Tainan’s Proverbs; Customs
  • 描述: 諺語是庶民共同的記憶,歷史文化的里程碑,早期人民透過口耳相傳、集體創作的方式,反映人民的生活經驗、民情習俗、宗教信仰、歷史變遷等,是百姓智慧的結晶,更是文化的瑰寶。隨著時代的變遷,諺語逐漸為人所淡忘,當務之急,應將其保存並發揚,然而不同的地區也因不同的時空背景,形成具有地方特色的諺語。身為府城人,不可不知府城事,而這一切的文化資產皆蘊藏在台南諺語中。本論文針對台南的地理環境和歷史背景做簡要陳述,進而將蒐集到的38條歷史諺和62條的風土諺做釋義與探源。進一步從諺語看台南的歷史發展,以探討台南歷史諺38條為主,分別從荷據和明鄭時期、清領時期、日治戰後時期,探究台南的歷史發展進程,想見府城風華。在風土民情部分,探討台南風土諺62條為主,從自然地理、民情習俗、宗教信仰三方面探究台南的風土民情,以彰顯台南純樸民風和優良在地文化。總結台南諺語有歷史、文化、教化、教育價值。透過台南諺語,能體悟台南動人的歷史、純樸的民風、勤奮的生活態度、美食文化、傳統民俗、宗教信仰等,而今我們須透過台南諺語傳承府城先民智慧,並進一步發揚在地文化,讓台南成為名副其實的文化之都。
    Proverbs are the mutual memory among people, the milestone of history and culture, the word-of-mouth way that ancient people created collectively, the reflections of people’s life experience, customs, religious belief, historical changes and so on, the creation of people’s wisdom, and the cultural treasure. As time goes by, proverbs have gradually been forgotten; therefore, it is urgent to preserve and then glorify them. Different regions form their own local proverbs based on different periods. As a resident in Tainan, you cannot know nothing about Tainan; all the cultural assets are stored in the proverbs of Tainan. This thesis is a Sketch of the Natural Geography and Historical Background of Tainan, outlines the geographical environment and historical background.And then explains and explores the thirty-eight historical proverbs and sixty-two customary proverbs and their origins. Seeing Tainan’s Historical Development Though the Proverbs, mainly probes into the thirty-eight historical proverbs in Tainan. Tainan’s historical development is explored from the Dutch occupying period, the Ming Dynasty, the Ching Dynasty, the Japanese ruling and after-war period. IN the Customs section, focuses on the sixty-two customary proverbs. Tainan’s customs are probed into from the three aspects of natural geography, customs, and religious belief, which outstands Tainan’s simple folkways and excellent local culture. Conclusion, summarizes that the Tainan’s proverbs hold the value of history, culture, moralization and education. Through the Tainan’s proverbs, Tainan’s touching history, simple folkways, diligent life attitude, delicacies culture, traditional customs, religious belief and so on. We need to pass down the wisdom of ancient people in Tainan, glorify the local culture, and make Tainan a real cultural city.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
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