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黃于禎; Huang, Yu-chen 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃于禎; Huang, Yu-chen
  • 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 北門城外; 遷葬; 練兵場; 射擊場; 眷村; military dependent Villages; the suburbs of North Gate; relocation of burial sites; military training grounds; target range
  • 描述: 本文以台南府城北門城外的歷史變遷為研究主題,探討北門城外荷治、明鄭、清領、日治、戰後至解嚴後各時期的發展與變遷。以文獻探討為基礎,搭配地圖的判讀,再佐以田野調查結果,由社會政治、產業經濟、地方建設、文教信仰等各方面來了解其歷史面貌。北門城外在荷治時期為赤崁耕地的一部份,主要為稻田及蔗田分布;明鄭時期在台江沿岸即有漢人聚落形成;清領時期府城發展,仍限於城內地區,北門城外除練兵場作為軍事用途,其他多為先人埋骨之所,形成荒坟處處的地景。日治時期因軍事需要,而開始遷葬北門城外的墳塚,以作為軍事用途,練兵場、射擊場、衛戍病院的設置,使北門城外成為府城的軍事城寨。此外,日治時期的都市計畫拆除府城舊城牆,使府城成為無圍都市,也使建成區的發展,開始突破城牆的界線,於是北郊開始有小聚落的產生。而陸續設立的工廠,如台南製麻株式會社、煉瓦株式會社等,吸引了打零工者到此落腳,而在周邊形成了小聚落,促進北門城外的聚落發展。戰後國民政府遷台,接收日治時期的軍事用地,如練兵場、射擊場、陸軍公墓等,用以興建眷舍,以安置隨軍來台的大量軍民,因此,形成北門城外連棟平房的大片眷村景象,造就了此處特殊的「竹籬笆文化」。交通要道的開元路以及公園路,沿途墳墓逐漸遷葬,變成外來移民的主要居住地,因此建成區在開元路與公園路之間急速擴展;在沒有適當規劃下的擴張,使得北門城外的土地利用幾近飽和,房舍擁擠、巷道狹窄,住宅、商店、工廠混雜。此外,元寶樂園和小北商圈的掘起,帶動了北門城外的商業發展。解嚴後的北門城外,公共設施便利,信仰多元發展,然而人口的急速擴張,導致北門城外發展趨於飽和,於是人口漸往研究區域西側的舊魚塭區發展。而早期建立的眷村因其老舊擁擠,陸續改建為高樓大廈的新式國宅,台灣社會獨有的眷村文化,隨著時代變遷而消失。此外,元寶樂園的遷離及小北商圈的沒落,使得北門城外無大型的商業活動,終仍無法在府城的繁華發展中展露頭角。北門城外的發展,由荷治時期至今已三百餘年,三百多年來北門城外的土地利用情形,由荷治的農耕地到清領時期的墳塚區,日治時期成為軍事城寨,直到今日聚落密集的現況,在政治、社會的交互影響下,改變了其歷史面貌,有別於府城外的其他三境。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the historical transition of suburbs around North Gate in Tainan City during the periods of Dutch Formosa, Ming and Chen Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Japanese Colonization, after World War II and after revocation of marital law. This research adopted literature review, map interpretation and field investigation method. The dimensions of social-politics, economic, religion, education and local constructions were discussed. Results indicated that the suburbs of North Gate appeared to be featured diversely under dissimilar governance, and six themes were identified:(1)During the time of Dutch Formosa, this area was part of Chihkan farms where paddy and sugar cane were distributed. (2)At the period of Ming and Chen Dynasty, there were the Han people villages formed along Taijiang coast. (3)The skirts of North Gate functioned as not only graves but training grounds for military affairs in the time of Qing Dynasty. Compared to the suburbs, downtown area of North Gate was more developed.(4)It became the military fortress under Japanese occupation. Japanese rulers began to remove the tombs and developed the area for the purpose of Military affairs. Training grounds, target ranges and hospitals were mainly established. In addition, the town wall was demolished during Urban Planning as a result in the development of small villages. Establishment of factories, such as Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd, Tainan Brick Cooperation, which brought workfolks, also facilitated the growth of suburbs around North Gate.(5)Under the regime of KMT government, military training grounds and the army cemeteries were replaced with military dependent villages for soldiers who came from Mainland China with KMT. As a result, the unique culture of “Bamboo Fence” was formed due to a great quantity of military dependent villages made of bamboo. Meanwhile, the tombs along Kaiyuan Road and Park Road were relocated to other sites that brought more and more residents to move in. The build-up area between Kaiyuan Road and Park Road was expanded rapidly without planning and became jam-packed, such as narrow paths and combination of residential and commercial zones. Moreover, existence of Yuan-Bao Amusement Park and Siao-Bei Shopping area accreted the business development of suburbs of North Gate.(6)At the time of after revocation of marital law, the population raised promptly because of convenient public facilities and diversity of religions. Consequently, it became a densely populated area so that residents moved out to west side of the assigned area in this study. Simultaneously, the unique culture of military dependent villages had died out because that modern buildings and mansions replaced those old and crowded villages. Moreover, the relocation of Yuan-Bao Amusement Park and the decrease of business impeded the further growth of the area while others in Tainan City developed prosperously.In summary, the development of the suburbs of North Gate has been overthree hundred years from the time of Dutch Formosa till now. As a result of the mutual impact of politics and social-economy, transition of the use of the area was from farms, graves, military training grounds to high population density. This transforming differed the suburbs of North Gate from other Gates in Tainan City.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
