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楊珮郁; Yang, Pei-yu 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 文化與自然資源學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊珮郁; Yang, Pei-yu
  • 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 文化與自然資源學系碩士班
  • 主題: 都市發展; 都市計畫; 府城臺南; urban development; urban planning; Tainan
  • 描述: 府城臺南是一個歷史悠久的都市,從早期的城牆都市到現今的現代化都市,歷經了三百多年之久。比對各時期的府城臺南地圖,發現由於都市建設與土地使用等原因使得城市面貌不斷在改變。本研究以府城臺南都市的發展為主軸,探討不同時期府城臺南的都市發展過程,透過各個時期府城臺南地圖之描繪加以論述,以呈現出各時期的府城都市樣貌的變化;並利用各時期的文獻資料與實施之都市計畫及建設等相關資料,來探究府城臺南都市的發展與變化。府城臺南從荷治時期的小市鎮發展至清領時期的城牆都市,市街的發展是由西向東擴張,並逐漸朝北與南發展而至具有城牆圈圍的都市。日治時期,殖民政府為了改善府城臺南傳統都市環境於是實施市區改正,中期則為市區計畫,拆城牆、闢建道路、建設水道、公共設施等全面性的改造整個都市,至後期臺灣都市計畫令公布,此時的府城臺南已今非昔比。戰後,府城臺南實施的都市計畫主要計畫為都市計畫的擴張,計畫範圍已非原先的城牆都市,而是隨著市中心漸漸向外圍擴大。透過歷次都市計畫主要計畫可以得知,研究範圍內的土地使用主要為商業區、住宅區與文教區、保存區與公共設施等。府城臺南從城牆都市歷經日治時期所實施的市區改正、市區計畫與都市計畫,及戰後至民國九○年代實施的都市計畫主要計畫,將府城臺南由傳統城牆都市改造成為現代化之都市,呈現現今面貌。
    Tainan Prefecture is a historic city, it takes more than three hundred years from walled cityto the modern city. We can find that the appearance of the city continue to change due to urban construction and land use by comparing the maps of Tainan city during each timeperiod. The study is aimed at investigating the development of ancient Tainan Prefecture and focuses on its development during each period. Investigating maps, literature reviews, urban planning and constructions of ancient Tainan Prefecture to explain the development and revolution of ancient Tainan Prefecture.Prior to town in Dutch rule period and it turns into a walled city in Qing rule period, it develops from west to east and expanded to south and north formed a walled city. During Japanese rule, government use design and constructing roads and urban planning to reformed the city.After World War II, the urban planning changed into expand the planning from the center of city instead of walled city. After several urban planning, Ancient Tainan Prefecture is divided into a few sections like commercial area, residential area, cultural district, etc. After several urban planning which started from World War II to 2000s, ancient Tainan Prefecture have changed into a modern city.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
