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陳毓正; Chen, Yu-cheng 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳毓正; Chen, Yu-cheng
  • 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 變遷; 市場; 交易; the functional change; marketplace
  • 描述: 本論文嘗試透過一套能夠完整分析四百年來的台南市集與市場發展與變遷的架構,從時代的潮流與趨勢切入,經由選擇性、意識、管理、形象符號、現實與需求等層面去探討台南市集在不同歷史階段,空間需求下,自主與非自主,正式與非正式管道交互運作下對台南市集所產生的影響。研究結果如下: 一、台南在不同歷史時空下,市集或市場功能的改變,雖有來自於民間自主力量的影響,但是主導市場變化的主要力量仍然是來自官方。二、在荷、鄭、清、日、民國五個時期中,荷蘭開啟了台南市集重商的傳統、鄭清的發展決定了台南市街的輪廓與傳統市集的位置,而日本市場的近代化則為日後台南現代化市場打下了良好基礎。三、民國之後由於主政者所接管的市場雖承繼了前代良好的基礎,也有心要將市場現代化,但是一連串與民意脫節與時代脫鉤的改革,不但未能振興市場,反而加速市場的衰微,而後期新一代賣場能夠抓到台南人之所好,迅速興起,與前面的市場形成強烈對比四、各式賣場各有各的特色,在新的時代,能抓到自己的賣點的店就能生存下去,但是否能夠透過台南市集在不同時代所呈現出來的不同功能的變遷,去抓到台南市集演變中某些重要的地域特性,可能就是未來賣場在台南能否能生存的重要因素。
    This dissertation analyzes the development and the transition of the marketplace in Tainan in the past 400 years. The study is conducted in the levels of selectivity, ideology, management, symbols/images, realism, and need. The main analysis of this dissertation focuses on the impacts of the interaction of voluntary/involuntary, formal/informal channels on the marketplace in Taiwan in different historical stages.The results of this study are:1. In different historical stages, the functional change of the marketplace in Tainan is mainly influenced by the authorities and is only partially influenced by the voluntary power from the citizens.2. In the five historical stages studied in this dissertation, Dutch colonization period established the business-oriented tradition of the Tainan marketplace; Koxinga and Qing dynasty identified the contour of the streets and the location of the traditional marketplace in Tainan; the Japanese Occupation Period then modernize the marketplace in Tainan.3. After the take-over of the Republic of China, the authorities strived to modernize the traditional marketplace which had the heritage from the previous periods. However, the sequence of reformation against the public opinion and the epoch not only failed to prosper the traditional marketplace but also led to the recession of the traditional marketplace. On the contrary, we found that the new-style marketplace emerged and began to attract the Tainan citizen.4. Any kind of marketplace has its own distinguishing characteristics and the one who can have the specific selling point survives. Whether the marketplace can identify and have the local specification which can be found during the functional changes in different epoch will be the key survival factor of the marketplace in Tainan
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
