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吳宇停; Wu, Yeu-tyng 黃家勤; NONE; 環境生態研究所碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳宇停; Wu, Yeu-tyng
  • 黃家勤; NONE; 環境生態研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 傳統活性污泥法(CAS); 間歇曝氣法(AAA); ㄧ號活性污泥模式(ASM1); Conventional Activated Sludge(CAS); Alternated Aerobic-Anoxic(AAA); Activated Sludge Model no.1(ASM1)
  • 描述: 傳統活性污泥法是目前處理生活污水廣被採用的程序,其缺點有:1)無法有效去除污水中營養鹽,2)能源耗用量大,3)操作技術門檻較高。為改善台灣地區河川優養化問題,提高生活污水中氮、磷等去除效率確有需要,並進而節省能源使用量。因此須尋求適當的污水處理程序以解決上述課題。為達解決上述課題之目的,本研究內容有:1)以IWA-ASM1為基礎,建構反應槽之生化反應的數學模式,並初步模擬安平污水廠操作現況,2)參數敏感度分析與模式驗證,3)應用模式預測安平污水廠緊急狀況並訂立操作原則,4)探討傳統活性污泥法轉換成間歇曝氣方式可行性,並運用間歇曝氣模式模擬除氮及節能效率。使用Matlab語法建構活性污泥數學模式,並以安平污水廠操作數據來檢定參數及模式驗證。模式模擬結果顯示:參數選用之數值與IWA建議之典型數值相近。經由參數敏感度分析得知,敏感參數有生物增值/衰減係數、比生長率等,與文獻記載相符。模式應用於安平污水廠緊急狀況有水力負荷突增與有機負荷突增兩種情境模擬,經模式模擬結果可知:水力負荷大於設計值三倍,處理水即不合格,而有機負荷則以兩倍為限。因此實廠操作可參酌模式預測,據以訂定緊急應變措施。眾多研究均已證實間歇曝氣法有高的脫氮效能,且應用於實厰操作亦屬可行。本研究認為既有傳統活性污泥法之污水處理廠轉換成間歇曝氣程序具有實際應用價值。模式模擬結果顯示,循環時間30 min之間歇曝氣法脫氮效率最高,進一步探討間歇曝氣法中好氧/缺氧最佳曝氣時間比;經多次模擬比對,曝氣循環時間比(fa)以0.4或好氧/缺氧為12min/18min時處理效果最佳,總氮去除率達59.2%,且此情境下可節省曝氣單元之動力約22%。
    The conventional activated sludge (CAS) process is commonly used to treat municipal wastewater. This process, though a proven technology, is embedded with some well-known shortcomings, including: 1) the process is energy intensive, 2) the process is incapable of achieving nutrient removal, and 3) the process requires a high level of operation techniques. A study was thus initiated to enhance the performance of the conventional wastewater treatment plant.The purposes of this study therefore include the followings: 1) to develop a wastewater treatment plant model using IWA ASM1, and validate the model with operating data from a local municipal treatment plant (the An-Ping WWTP), 2) to conduct a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters, 3) to apply the treatment plant model to the An-Ping WWTP for developing control strategies for a number of scenarios, and 4) to explore the feasibility of converting a CAS process into the AAA mode, and evaluate the process parameters for the optimization of the AAA process (in terms of nitrogen removal and energy saving) through simulation.Matlab was used to build the treatment plant model in this study. Operating data from the An-Ping WWTP were then used to perform parameter estimation and model validation. The results from this study reveal that the values of the model parameters are quite close to the default values suggested by the IWA Task Force Group. Furthermore, results from a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters indicate that the most sensitive parameters are YH, YA, bH and , similar to those reported in the literature. The model was then used to develop control strategies to cope with a number of scenarios likely to be encountered in the treatment plants. Two scenarios, namely hydraulic shock loading and organic shock loading events, were considered in this study. Simulation results suggest that the An-Ping WWTP can withhold up to 3Q of the influent flow, but only 2-fold of the organic shock loads may be tolerated. Both contingency plans and control strategies need to be developed in accordance with these results.The AAA process has been proposed as a viable process option for plants with a limited footprint seeking enhanced process capability to achieve nutrient removal. Merits of converting the CAS process into AAA mode were also evaluated in this study. Under long SRT and low DO conditions, a cycle time (tc) of 0.5 hours was found to render excellent process performance. Further simulation revealed that the best process performance was reached at fa=0.4 or 12 min/18 min (on/off) cycles, which entailed a 59.2% reduction in total nitrogen discharge and a 22% cut back in energy consumption.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
