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黃素秋; Huang, Su-Chiu 汪榮才; 國民教育研究所 1998


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃素秋; Huang, Su-Chiu
  • 汪榮才; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 國小自然科教學班; 創造表現
  • 描述:   本研究的主要目的在於探討國小自然科教學的班級氣氛與學生在自然科創造表現的關係。  本研究之受試者為臺南市區某所國小的四年級某一個班級的41名學生。研究者以國小自然科班級氣氛量表、班級觀察、半結構式晤談方式等方式蒐集有關該班學生對於自然科教學之班級氣氛知覺的資料,以自然科創造性問題解決測驗、自然科創造性問題作業單、班級觀察與學習心得紀錄表蒐集有關學生在自然科之創造表現之資料,以供歷程檔案評量之需。本研究之重要結果如下:  1.學生在安全、自由、多樣化內在動機、凝聚、正向物質環境、學生創造行為七個正向班級氣氛分量表得分之平均數高於該分量表之量尺中點,其每題平均數高於每題之量尺中點,由此可知,學生在這七個向度所知覺到的班級氣氛有利於其創造表現。  2.學生在個別化這個正向班級創造氣氛分量表得分之平均數低於該分量表之量尺中點,其每題平均分數低於每題之量尺中點,由此可知學生在這個向度所知覺到的班級氣氛不利於其創造表現。  3.學生在威脅、限制、一致化、單調化、外在動機五個負向分量表得分之平均數高於該分量表量尺之中點,由此可知,學生在這五個向度所知覺到的班級氣氛不利於創造。  4.學生在分岐、負向物質環境兩個班級氣氛量表得分之平均數低於該分量表量尺之中點,其每題平均分數低於每題量尺之中點,由此可知,學生在這二個向度所知覺到的班級氣氛有利於其創造表現。  5.學生在自然科創造性問題解決測驗所得之流暢性、變通性、獨創性、評鑑力之平均分數低於其量尺之中點,由此可知其創造力表現不太理想。然而學生在自然科創造性問題解決測驗中對於每一個問題都能提出若干有創意的答案類型,但也提出許多錯誤的答案類型。  6.學生在自然科創造性問題作業單之獨創性分數高於量尺點,其妥切性分數低於量尺中點。而學生在自然科創造性問題作業單中會提出一些突破原設計型式之作品,但也提出一些模仿及設計不當的作品。  7.學生在多樣性、正向物質環境這兩個正向班級氣氛分量表之分數與其在自然科創造性的問題解決測驗之流暢性、變通性分數有顯著負相關。  8.學生在外在動機、疏離、負向物質環境三個負向分量表之分數與自然科創造性問題作業單之獨創性分數有顯著負相關。  9.高低創造力學生在安全、自由、個別化、多樣性、內在動機、凝聚、正向物質環境、學生創造行為八個正向班級氣氛之平均分數無顯著差異。  10.高低創造力學生在威脅、限制、個別化、一致化、單調化、外在動機、疏離、負向物質環境七個負向班級氣氛之平均分數無顯著差異。  11.依據晤談資料,高低創造力學生對外在動機、內在動機之知覺有差異。
      The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between classroom climate and students'''''''' creative performance on natural science.  The subjects were 41 fourth grade students of an elementary school in Tainan. In order to collect data about students'''''''' perception of calssroom climate, the Science Classroom Creative Climate Inventory was performed, and classroom observation and interviews with the students were conducted.  The Creative Science Problem Solving Test , the Creative Science Problem Work Sheets, and the Learning Reflection Record Sheets were administered to collect students'''''''' data for portfolio assessment on creative performance.  The main findings were as follows:  1.Students tended to have a positive. classroom climate perception on Safety, Freedom,Diversity, Intrinsic Motivation, Cohesiveness, Positive Material Environment, and Students'''''''' Creative Behavior.  2.Students tended to have a negative. classroom climate perception on Individualization.  3.Students tended to have a positive. classroom climate perception on Threat, Restriction, Unification, Monotony, and Extrinsic Motivation.  4.Students tended to have a negative. classroom climate perception on Alienation, and Negative Material Environment.  5.Students tended to have low scres of fluency, flexibility, originality, and evaluation in Creative Science Problem Solving Test.  6.Students tended to produce reproductive and inappropriate works on the Creative Science Problem work sheets.  7.Students'''''''' perception on Diversity and Positive Material Environment were negatively and significantly correlated with scores of fluency and flexibility in the Creative Science Problem Solving Test.  8.Students'''''''' perception on Extrinsic Motivation, Alienation, and Negative Material Environment were negatively and significantly correlated with score of the originality on Creative Science Problem Work Sheets.  9.There was no significant difference in perceptions of positive and negative classroom climate between high creative students and low creative students.  10.There were significant differences in perceptions of extrinsic motivation and intrisnic motivation between high creative students and low creative students.
  • 建立日期: 1998
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
