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顏宛青; Yen, Wan-ching 葉啟村; Chi-Tsun Yeh; 數學教育學系 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏宛青; Yen, Wan-ching
  • 葉啟村; Chi-Tsun Yeh; 數學教育學系
  • 主題: 動態視覺化; 乘法; 等分除; 重量; 體積; 查月曆; measures; the dynamic state vision; weight; multiplication; check the monthly calendar; partitive division
  • 描述: 本研究的主要目的是在探討「動態視覺化數學教材」對國小二年級學童數學學習之學習成效。以台南市某國小二年級的兩個班級共51名學生為研究對象,進行為期二個月共計三十二節課的實驗教學。實驗教學後,兩組學生接受研究者自編的數學學習成就測驗,並以單因子共變數分析考驗實驗處理後兩組間的數學學習成就是否有無差異。歸納分析結果,得到以下幾點研究發現:一、實驗組學童在歷經兩個月「動態視覺化數學教材」豐富的視覺刺激下,其數學學習成就是有所提昇的,但兩組學童的數學學習成就並未逹顯著差異。二、「動態視覺化數學教材」對高分群學童的數學學習成就有顯著差異;而對中、低分群學童的數學學習成就雖有所提昇但並未逹顯著差異。三、「乘法、等分除、重量和體積、查月曆概念動態視覺化教材」整體而言都能有效提昇學童的數學學習成效。四、「等分除、重量和體積、查月曆概念動態視覺化教材」大致上對中、低分群學童的數學學習成就都有顯著影響。五、「乘法概念動態視覺化教材」對中、低分群學童的學習屬偏難的教材,而因而乘法概念的教材設計宜更注重中、低分群的學前經驗,才能有效協助學童提昇其學習成效。 動態視覺化數學教材以學習理論、數學概念、兒童認知發展和相關文獻探討的考量來進行教材的設計。本研究亦提供「動態視覺化數學教材」實施歷程中及學生學習上的困難,期能提供未來研究在教材設計上更有實質的建議,以發展出更具學習性的數學教材,供未來研究發展之參考。
    The main purpose of this research is to inquire into the influence of "the dynamic state vision turns mathematics teaching material" on the mathematics learning result among grade two school-children in elementary school. The research objects are two grade-two classes, 51 students in a certain elementary school in Tainan City, the experiment last for 32 class periods, 2 month. After the teaching experiment, each group of students take the mathematics learning achievement test, which was designed by the researcher. The result of the test is analyzed with one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to indicates whether students’ learning achievement makes any difference or not. The result of the analysis includes the following findings: First, the group receiving two month of teaching experiment-"the dynamic state vision turn mathematics teaching material"- shows a great promotion in mathematics learning achievement; nevertheless, it makes no significant difference with the other group.Two, the mathematics learning achievement of "the dynamic state vision turns mathematics teaching material" among the high-scored school-children shows great significant difference; nevertheless, among the medium and the low-scored school-children, the learning achievement shows no significant difference, though it leads to some improvement.Three, " the dynamic state vision turn the teaching material on multiplication, partitive division, weight and measures, check the monthly calendar concept " can promote mathematics learning result among the school-children effectively on the whole.Four, " the dynamic state vision turn the teaching material on partitive division, weight and measures, check the monthly calendar concept" has the obvious influence on the mathematics learning achievement among the medium and low marks school-children.Five, "the multiplication concept dynamic state vision turns the teaching material" is difficult for the medium and low marks school-children; therefore the teaching material design should focus more on the medium and low marks students’ pre-learning experience to improve the learning results.The dynamic state vision turns mathematics teaching material is designed based on related theories, mathematics concept, and children’s cognitive development. By presenting the difficulties students would encounter during the learning process, the research aims to provide some practical suggestion for further teaching materials and reference for further studies.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
