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朱浚維; Jhu, Jyun-wei 莊宗嚴; Tsung-Yen Chuang; 數位學習科技學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 朱浚維; Jhu, Jyun-wei
  • 莊宗嚴; Tsung-Yen Chuang; 數位學習科技學系碩士班
  • 主題: 數位遊戲; 客製化遊戲; 推理能力; 遊戲設計; 悅趣式學習; 認知風格; Reasoning Ability; Game-based Learning; Game Design; Customized Gameplay; Digital Game; Cognitive Style
  • 描述:   數位遊戲導入教育學習已成趨勢,悅趣式學習研究已證實數位遊戲與認知風格配合能增進學習成效。而常識推理能力-尤其在解決問題時,其訓練跟認知風格有相當密切的關係,同時也因個體認知風格差異使學習策略、學習過程、學習成果有所差異,進而成為影響學習的重要變因。另外,數位遊戲相關研究亦開始運用客製化概念,意即針對目標使用族群特徵作為遊戲設計依據,並已證實能提供不同認知風格差異的學生各自合適、更佳的遊戲經驗與沉浸。然而,在認知風格、推理能力與客製化遊戲三要素之間的相關性仍有許多尚待探討的空間,因此本研究旨在透過針對場獨立、場依賴特性所開發的自製解謎遊戲「幻想虹境奇遇」作為研究工具,觀察不同認知風格玩家於遊戲歷程中的表現與各項差異,藉以驗證數位遊戲對推理能力的影響,反思遊戲設計的合適性、衍伸發掘新的相關研究議題。  研究過程以臺南市國民小學的六年級五個班級共112位學生為研究對象,透過測驗工具「藏圖測驗」為分組依據,將學生分成實驗組A與實驗組B-組內包含一定比例的場獨立、場依賴學童依班級因素於不同時段進行數位遊戲訓練活動,控制組則以學校老師教學課程為主,以「瑞文氏標準矩陣推理測驗平行本」作為評量工具。本研究共進行了10次、每次為35分鐘的實驗。最後透過實驗結果,從過程觀察、訪談中證實不同認知風格學習者在遊戲行為與問題解決策略上出現顯著差異,多數受測者表示遊戲的客製化設計對提升遊戲經驗有實質幫助。且從前後測成對樣本t檢定分析中也證實數位遊戲能確實協助不同認知風格學生訓練與提升推理能力的成效,並根據實驗觀察及受測者回饋,紀錄並彙整如圖形文字、系統功能或操作性等要素的影響,以歸納出新的設計標準與原則。本研究期望能作為未來相關研究之改進方向與更進一步擴大實驗與採樣之前導參考依據之一。使相關研究者與設計團隊除了根據不同認知風格差異給予適當的教學設計與訓練外,也能考慮更多面向、避免遊戲設計上的瑕疵,更有效增進各方面之學習成效。
    Many research of edutainment have already demonstrated that digital games combined with cognitive styles can promote learning effectiveness. Likewise, conceptual applications of customized game design had been proved effective in offering better gameplay experience. Yet researches integrating these two aspects into the design process of e-learning game are still scarce. This study tends to create an adventure question-solving adventure game using customized game design concepts. In order to create suitable and immersive gameplay experiences for both field-dependence and field-independence players, this game provides different game mechanics choices based on usual behaviors, ways of thinking, and habits from different cognitive styles when doing logical reasoning activities. Participants of this study were 112 sixth-grade elementary students from five classes in Tainan. They were separated into three groups: 30 of them representing field-dependence, while the other 29 participants representing field-independence. Members in these two Groups did logical reasoning training by playing the developed game of this research. And the rest 53 children were assigned to a control group taking school curriculum. The experiment used “Hidden Figure Test” and “SPM Parallel” to measure participants’ cognitive styles and reasoning ability. The experiment results confirmed that students with different cognitive styles will take significantly different problem-solving strategies during the game, while the game based on customized design concepts had been proven useful for improving both types of users'' immersion and logical reasoning efficiency. Both field-dependence group and field-independence group had magnificent better logical reasoning performance than the control group during the post-test. The results and data gained from this research was expected to be important references for developers tending to find more efficient and effective ways to use cognitive styles and customized design principles on game-base learning projects.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
