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林佳蕙; Lin, Chia-hui 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林佳蕙; Lin, Chia-hui
  • 賴志彰; Chih-Chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 高鐵臺南站特定區; 市街發展; 歸仁都市計畫; 歸仁; 終戰後; Establishment of THSR Tainan Station District; Development of streets; Gueiren Urban Plan; Gueiren; Postwar
  • 描述: 歸仁這個發展甚早的鄉鎮,在歷經荷治、明鄭、清領、日治等不同政權輪替下,從散處的小聚落到商街市集的形成,再到戰後市街發展雛形的出現,其發展重心從舊社街到舊菜市仔,後來轉移至以圓環為中心的區塊。如今歸仁圓環一帶在一連串公共建設中,逐漸成為今日歸仁鄉主要市街與黃金地段,在有計畫政策的陸續執行下,市街從初步成形到不斷擴張與連結,相較於鄉內其他地區,圓環四周顯得發展更為快速、更為密集。上述所提計畫性政策即是歸仁都市計畫以及高鐵臺南站特定區的設立,這兩項重大建設政策的執行,對於戰後歸仁的市街發展影響深遠,故本研究以歸仁都市計畫、高鐵臺南站特定區公佈實施為關鍵點,將終戰後歸仁市街發展過程區分為終戰至都市計畫公佈實施、都市計畫公佈實施後至高鐵臺南站特定區公佈、高鐵臺南站特定區公佈後至今等三個階段,並以歸仁都市計畫內之區域作為研究範圍進行研討,這三個階段的聚落型態隨著開發程度之不同而有迥異的現象,其中影響最著者莫過於地方政治、社會經濟、區域空間、教育文化四個面向,所以本研究試圖由這四個面向切入,用以探討終戰後各階段歸仁市街發展的情形與相互關係。 日治末期日本人即逐步將政治中心遷移至圓環一帶,在政權轉換局勢不穩定與戰後百廢待興、一切循舊的狀況下,現今歸仁圓環一帶在戰後初期成為新豐區的政治中心,讓本研究區域的能見度提高,雖然政治中心的優勢因全臺行政區域調整而維持不久,卻讓此階段本研究區域內以農業活動為主的的經濟型態有了不同的面貌出現,即後來新菜市仔的設立所帶動的商業活動,加上中山路的拓寬,使得原本各自發展的聚落產生了連結效應。在既有的教育基礎上,本研究區域內不只有小學教育機構,還有中學教育以及職業教育機構,讓本研究區域的教育體制更為完整,此外,地方宗教活動也在此階段逐漸復甦,讓民間文化更趨多元。本研究區域受到臺南市都會發展影響,經濟型態逐漸轉變為農業與工商業並重的局面,在經濟成長的帶動下,人口不斷增加,因此都市計畫應勢而產出,在有計畫性規劃土地運用下,連外與區域內的道路建設陸續完成,讓聚落間的連結效應更為擴大,形成帶狀的發展現象,許多農地、魚池、蔗園消失,而傳統的磚瓦建築搖身變為整批的販厝面貌,為了提升生活品質,民生相關建設於是積極進行籌建,改善區域內的教育環境設施亦受到各界重視,眾多的廟宇於此經濟起飛的階段在信眾熱烈參與下展開修建,一切呈現出汰舊換新的景象。在快速發展下,以圓環為中心由中山路與中正路向外擴展的市街發展模式逐漸定型,許多民生相關的商家如雨後春筍般在中山路、中正路兩旁開設,形成集中於交通要道的商業區,並且成為歸仁鄉與鄰近鄉鎮民眾們最常去的消費地點,因此工商業、服務業取代農業成為本研究區域內的主要經濟活動,農業活動亦在變動的環境中轉型與觀光產業結合,而位於區域內的宗教文化也在人們物質提升後亟需心靈成長下呈現多元、蓬勃發展,如仁壽宮結合網路讓道教文化更貼近人們生活。當區域內發展漸達顛峰與飽和時,地價、房價也節節升高,造成許多發展受到侷限,於是產生推力,此時在高鐵臺南站特定區公佈與實施後,遂產生一股吸力,在推力與吸力的相互作用下,本研究區域市街發展產生了另一個轉變,在歸仁都市計畫與高鐵臺南站特定區之間的臺糖用地,成為新興受注目的市街發展用地,部份公部門現在已遷徙至此辦公,藉以帶動都市計畫新腹地的發展。戰後本研究區域的市街發展深受重大政策影響,對內及連外道路的修築,讓原本分散的各聚落因此而連成一氣,教育、衛生、經濟各方面逐一現代化,也在一連串公共建設執行後本研究區域躍升為整個歸仁鄉的政經中心,也在一連串的併合下而有現今的市街型態。目前高鐵臺南站特定區對本研究區域的影響並非預期中之大,以致市街未來的發展是否會轉移至此成為一個不確定性,讓後續充滿著變數。
    Development of Gueiren went back long ago. Under the rule of the Netherlands, Koxinga, Qing Dynasty and Japanese occupation, the main development went from the old streets to old food market and again to the block centered on the roundabout, as we see scattered villages to business streets and again to the embryo of urban streets after the war. Now, the roundabout area, under a series of infrastructure, slowly became golden area in Gueiren Township. Thanks to planned policies, the city streets kept expanding and connection from earlier formation. Compared with other places in the township, development was more rapid and intensive around the roundabout. The preceding policies include Gueiren Urban Plan and establishment of THSR Tainan Station District. The two policies greatly affect development of streets in Gueiren after the war. Therefore, this study aims at Gueiren Urban Plan and THSR Tainan Station District and divides development of streets in Gueiren into three states—termination of war to announcement of urban plan, announcement of the urban plan to announcement of THSR Tainan Station District and announcement of THSR Tainan Station District to date. Study scope is areas inside Gueiren Urban Plan, covering local politics, society/economy, regional space and education/culture to explore development and mutual relation among the stages after the termination of the war. In late Japanese occupation, the Japanese gradually moved the political center to around roundabout. Under the unstable political reshuffle and everything in old rules, current roundabout areas became the political center in Xinfong District at the beginning after the war. The center did not last long due to adjustment of administration areas in Taiwan. Yet, changes took places in economic style mainly in agriculture activities in the areas—the business activities brought by the new food market. As Zhongshan Road was widened, connection took place among villages which used to have individual development. Based on the then education foundation, there were high schools and vocational school in addition to elementary schools here, making the education system more complete. Also, local regional activities were recovering, making folk culture more diverse. Affected by metropolitan development of Tainan City, economic styles in the areas saw changes. Population grew because of economic growth, resulting in urban plan. Under planned use of lands, roads connecting outside areas and in the areas were completed, enlarging connection effects among villages into belt development. Farm lands, fish ponds and sugar cane gardens disappeared. Traditional brick and tile buildings turned into batches of commercial buildings.Education facilities also won attention in the areas. A number of temples were renovated thanks to participation of believers in the time of soaring economy. The fast development in outward expansion of Zhongshan Road and Zhongzheng Road from roundabout was settled. A lot of stores were opened on the sides of Zhongshan Road and Zhongzheng Road into a major business section where citizens in Gueiren Township and nearby towns shop most frequently. Industry and commerce replaced agriculture as the major economic activities in the areas. Agriculture activities are integrated with tourism in such changes. Religious culture also saw diverse development to meet mental development of people. Renshou Temple made Taoism closer to people with the Internet. As development reaches peak in the areas, barriers occur to push. Announcement and implementation of THSR Tainan Station District sucked. Under the mutual effects of push and suction, another change took place in street development. The Taiwan Sugar land in Gueiren Urban Plan and THSR Tainan Station District is the new star. Some public sectors have moved offices here to lead development of new hinterland of the urban plan. The development of postwar streets in this study area was deeply affected by significant policy. The construction of internal and external roads connected scattered settlements together. Therefore, every aspects of education, sanitation and economic were modernized one by one. After a series of public construction, this study area came up to the whole political Gueiren Township Center of politics and economics. An accumulation combination among settlements also caused the present-day streets patterns. These days, the influence of THSR Tainan Station District on this area is not so much as expectation that the future development of streets might be uncertain and variable.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
