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郭亭吟; Kuo, Ting-yin 蕭慶元; Ching-Yuan Hsiao; 幼兒教育學系教學碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 郭亭吟; Kuo, Ting-yin
  • 蕭慶元; Ching-Yuan Hsiao; 幼兒教育學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 才藝教育; 學前幼兒家長; 學前幼兒; 美術才藝班; talent education; Parents of pre-school children; Pre-school children; after-school art programs
  • 描述: 本研究為量化研究,研究目的為探討高雄縣市學前幼兒參加美術才藝班現況及不同家庭背景變項影響家長選擇幼兒美術才藝班之差異情形,並從中了解學前幼兒之家庭背景以及高雄縣市及公私立幼稚園選擇學前幼兒美術才藝班之差別情形。以立意取樣方式,利用自編之問卷表為研究工具。共發放550份就讀於大高雄地區幼稚園幼兒之家長,回收459份有效問卷,以SPSS12.0套裝軟體進行描述性分析、單因子變異數分析、t考驗等進行分析。再輔以訪談資料,所得研究結果如下:(一)大高雄地區公私立幼稚園學前幼兒家庭背景狀況:1.家庭狀況:「子女數」以2人為最多,「獨生子女」次之。「幼兒性別」以女生較多,但男女比例差不多。爸爸和媽媽的「教養態度」皆以「民主式」為主。2.家長背景:爸爸、媽媽教育程度皆以「大學」最多,爸爸職業以「軍公教」與「專業及技術人員」相同並列最多,「家中或親戚沒有人從事美術相關行業」佔多數。(二)大高雄地區公私立幼稚園學前幼兒參加幼兒美術才藝班之現況:1.師資-「美術才藝教師型態」中以「美術相關科系畢業」的教師最多,「美術才藝教師須具備之條件」以「個人特質」最多,「幼教師與美術教師之差別」最多家長認為是「美術專業知識與技巧」。2.教學內容與方法-「美術才藝班老師的教學法」以「老師部份主導」的方式最多。3.學習環境:「美術才藝班之性質」以「課後專門的美術才藝班」最多,參加的美術才藝班以「合格立案的幼稚園/補習班/安親班」為主。4.上課時段、日數、時數與收費-「上課時段」與家長認為「最適合的上課時段」皆以「幼稚園放學後(園所內)」佔多數,「上課日數」與家長認為「最適合的上課日數」都以「一星期一天」最多。5.家長期望-「停止學習美術才藝的年齡」以「視孩子興趣而定」最多,超過八成家長認為有達到當初學習美術才藝的目的,家長對「對未來發展所抱持的看法」最多認為是「順其自然,尊重孩子的興趣、意願」,「孩子學習美術才藝最重要的目標」以「孩子本身的學習興趣」居冠。6.家長教養態度-「在家的繪畫行為」以「自動自發」為主,學前幼兒「回家會找時間練習」的較多,也有八成的學前幼兒回家「會討論上課情形」,約八成的家長「在家並不會指導孩子繪畫」,當幼兒「不想上課」時家長會採取「良性規勸並與孩子溝通會繼續上」佔多數,九成的家長會在孩子「上課表現良好」時馬上「給予口頭讚美、擁抱」,約六成的家長會在孩子「上課表現不好時」會「與孩子討論原因請孩子改過」。7.其他-幼兒「滿四歲」開始上美術才藝班最多,家長認為幼兒「滿四歲」時「開始上美術才藝班最合適」, 65.5%的兄姊有上過美術才藝班。(三)子女數、幼兒性別、年齡、排行、父母教養態度、父親年齡、父親職業及家中或親戚是否有人從事美術相關行業與影響學前幼兒家長選擇幼兒才藝班因素皆無顯著差異。(四)幼稚園性質、母親年齡、母親職業、母親的教育程度及父親教育程度與影響學前幼兒家長選擇幼兒才藝班因素有顯著差異。關鍵詞:學前幼兒、學前幼兒家長、才藝教育、美術才藝班
    This research is in quantitative study, and the purpose is to explore current conditions of preschool children in greater Kaohsiung attending talent classes, and differences of various family background variables affecting parents to select after-school art programs for children in attempt to understand the differences between family backgrounds of preschool children and public/private kindergartens selecting after-school art programs for preschool children in Kaohsiung City and County. In purposive sampling, the researcher issues 550 self-compiled questionnaire to parents in Greater Kaohsiung. A total of 459 valid copies are returned. Descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, and t-Test are conducted with SPSS12.0. After complementing by interview contents, the researcher has the following findings: I. Family background of preschool children at public/private kindergartens in Greater Kaohsiung: 1. family condition: most families have two children, followed by one child. Most children are female, although the boy/girl ratio is quite close. Most of the parents make decision on the interest of the child-own. The majority of age of attendant of talents and skills school is six years old and the first-born child. The majority of the person submitted the questionnaire is Mother. Parents are mostly democratic in discipline. 2. Family background: the majority of the age of Father is 36-40 years old. The majority of the age of Mother is under 35 years old. Most parents are college educated. Fathers’ occupations are mostly military personnel/public servants/teaching personnel and professional and technical personnel. Mothers’ occupations are mostly retirees and housewives. Most families have no relatives in fine art related trades.II. Current conditions of preschool children at public/private kindergartens in Greater Kaohsiung attending after-school art programs: 1. Teachers: most teachers graduated from fine art related departments; personal traits are the most important in qualifications of fine art teachers; most parents believe the difference between preschool teachers and fine art teachers is professional knowledge and skills of fine art. 2. Teaching method: the main teaching method is teacher orientation. The most popular art materials used are crayons and pastel. The most popular subjects for painting are Animals. 3. Learning environment: most fine art classes are after school courses; most preschool children attend qualified and registered kindergartens/supplementary schools/nursing classes. The majority numbers of attendants are 6-10 children. 4. Class time, duration, and fees: most parents believe that the most appropriate time for classes are after courses at kindergartens (inside the kindergarten). Most parents believe one day per week for fine art classes is most appropriate. The most favorite class hour is 1 to 1.5 hours. Most of them charged one thousand dollars. 5. Parents’ expectations: over 80% of parents stop fine art classes when children no longer want to and when they believe the goal is achieved. In future expectations, they respect children’s interest and willingness. The most important aspect is for children to learn fine art at their own interest. 6. Parents’ discipline attitude: children paint at home at their own willingness. Children find time practicing at home. Around 80% of them discuss their classes at home. Around 80% of parents do not instruct children to paint at home. When children no longer want to continue classes, parents try to advise children in a good manner and communicate with them to continue classes. About 90% of parents give oral praise to or hug children when they behave well in classes. Around 60% of parents discuss the reasons with children and ask them to improve when children do not perform well in classes. 7. Most children start classes when they are four: parents believe the appropriate time for children to attend fine art classes are when they are four years old. 48.4% of children also attended other talent classes. 65.5% of children have brothers or sisters having attended fine art classes.III. Number of children, genders of children, ages, ranking, parents’ discipline attitudes, fathers’ occupations and whether relatives are in trades related to fine art do not significantly affect parents in selecting talent classes for children.IV. Nature of kindergartens, mothers’ ages, mothers’ occupations, mothers’ education attainment level and fathers’ education attainment level significantly affect parents in selecting talent classes for children. Keywords: Pre-school children, Parents of pre-school children, talent education, after-school art programs
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
