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楊靜雅; Yang, Ching-ya 賴志彰; Chi-chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊靜雅; Yang, Ching-ya
  • 賴志彰; Chi-chang Lai; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 花燈; 燈籠; 發光空體形構物; 天燈; decorative lantern; lantern; Illuminant Hollow Mold; flying lantern
  • 描述: 「發光空體形構物」融合了歡樂、祥和,其柔和的光輝,象徵著光明、希望及每個人心中的祈願。因此「發光空體形構物」成為歡樂節慶中最應景的觀賞、娛樂的吉祥物。「發光空體形構物」從最簡單的圓形燈籠,到精緻的蓮花燈、鳥獸燈和各種造型的大型花燈及方帽形的天燈;從紙糊燈籠到塑膠製的燈籠,再到各種素材的「發光空體形構物」;從照明、傳遞訊號之實用性到今日的裝飾、祈福用途,「發光空體形構物」的形狀、材質及作法和用途,隨著時代而改變。因此本文對「發光空體形構物」的造型、裝飾的意涵與製作媒材、工法和用途做一完整的介紹,期盼能為台灣「發光空體形構物」的工藝做一資料的整理。「發光空體形構物」在旅遊觀光和媒材活潑與文創產業的引導與推波助瀾下,發展越來越蓬勃,轉化成不同的面貌。故本文針對「發光空體形構物」轉化的情形,做一整理與建議,期盼此項技藝能傳承並持續發展下去。 「發光空體形構物」是結合了我國傳統的竹編、剪紙、彩繪、書法等等技藝的民間藝術,它所顯示的是一般民眾的憧憬與愛好,風調雨順、國泰民安是古往今來所有百姓的共同心願,藉由「發光空體形構物」來傳遞人民心中的祈望,期望「發光空體形構物」工藝能繼續傳承下去,將夜空妝點得更加繽紛絢爛。
    Illuminant hollow mold integrates cheerfulness and peace; its soft light represents brightness, hope, and everyone’s wish. Therefore, the illuminant hollow mold becomes an occasional and recreational mascot on the Festival. Illuminant hollow molds range from the most simple circle lanterns, the delicate lotus lanterns, birds and animal lanterns to a variety of huge decorative lanterns; they also range from papier-mache lanterns, plastic ones to ones made from various materials; their usage ranges from illuminate, transmit messages to today’s decoration and praying for blessings. The shapes, materials and usage change with time. Traditional lanterns confront the difficulty due to time changing and demands. Therefore the essay completely introduces the whole illuminant hollow mold with the style the manufacture the meaning of the decoration and the way we use also including the material. Hopefully the essay will be one of the data record for Taiwan’s Craft of Illuminant Hollow Mold. Illuminant hollow mold will develop vigorously due to the guidance and pushing of tourism, media, and creative culture industry. The article in accordance with change of illuminant hollow mold has an arrangement and suggestion. Expectantly the skill could be pass down. Illuminant hollow mold combines our traditional arts, such as bamboo weaving, paper-cutting, color-painting, calligraphy and so on. It reveals people’s expectation and preference. Good weather for crops and peace as well as prosperity have been the common wishes whoever in the past or present. Luminous hollow molds transmit people’s wishes. It is hoped that the art of luminous hollow molds would pass on to decorate the nightly sky.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
