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王秋惠; Wang, Chiu-hui 管志明; Chih-ming Kuan; 台灣文化研究所 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王秋惠; Wang, Chiu-hui
  • 管志明; Chih-ming Kuan; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 宗教類別; 民間文學; 觀音信仰; 府城; religious category; Guan Yin Buddha worship; folk literature; Fu Cherng
  • 描述: 「家家觀世音,戶戶彌陀佛」,觀世音菩薩本是來自於佛教的神聖信仰,是大乘佛教中擁有信眾最多,廣受信奉的菩薩。自東漢末年佛教傳入中國後,觀音信仰隨之傳入,至唐宋時期,觀世音菩薩成為民間普遍流傳的神祇,迄今,觀音信仰始終盛行不衰。依照具體的文字記錄,佛教傳入台灣正式建廟,始於明末鄭成功東渡來台後,觀音信仰亦隨之入台。被譽為文化古都的台南府城,為全台最早開發的地區。明鄭時期,南台灣敬祀觀音的三座古剎,即有竹溪寺與彌陀寺兩座位於府城。清領時期,府城盛傳「七寺八廟」,其中只有一間寺廟沒有奉祀觀音,其餘的都主祀或同祀觀音。發展至民國93年止,府城轄內寺廟正式辦理登記者多達327間,無論其宗教類別為何,常見觀音信仰混融其中;主祀觀音的寺廟,為府城寺廟主祀神數量排行首位;主祀和同祀觀音之寺廟總數量,也佔府城寺廟的半數。本文以實地訪查的田野工作為基礎,綜合327間寺廟資料進行分析。探討府城寺廟主祀觀音之緣由,其中從民間文學研究的故事和傳說等形式內涵,歸納發現,超過八成比例,緣起於觀世音菩薩顯靈救災除難的靈驗事蹟,印證了《法華經.普門品》中「眾生被困厄。無量苦逼身。觀音妙智力。能救世間苦」的精神。另外,府城同祀觀音寺廟中,約有九成的比例,緣起於一般信仰中觀世音菩薩「大慈大悲救苦救難」和靈驗的理由,所以同祀觀音菩薩。府城主祀觀音的寺廟中,五成的香火淵源於中國大陸的原鄉,顯示當年從大陸移民至府城的信眾,來台落地開墾發展的過程中,觀音信仰不僅是庇祐力量,更是精神支柱。此外,分香於本土的寺廟例子中,又約四分之一數量,淵源於日據時代台灣四大法脈中之大崗山派的觀音古剎—超峰寺。而府城寺廟奉祀觀音的時間,歸納發現,建立於明鄭時期的數量約佔一成,清領時期的超過四分之一,日據時期的不到半成,光復後迄今所建立的則超過六成,顯示府城觀音寺廟的發展,深受當時政治環境背景因素之影響。 探討府城寺廟奉祀觀音之宗教行為,分析府城寺廟所供奉之觀音聖像本身、奉祀觀音之位置、配祀神與同祀神,說明流傳於民間的觀世音菩薩,因結合佛教的慈悲與民間信仰的靈感觀念,形成觀音信仰在府城不同宗教寺廟中混融的特殊現象。透過深入探討觀音信仰文化的內容,經由全面探究府城寺廟奉祀觀音的種種集體宗教行為,歸納分析解讀這些指標意義,反應出府城信眾在觀音信仰文化方面有明顯的同質性,型塑出府城地區觀音信仰文化的區域特性。
    ."Every household worships Guan Yin Buddha. Every family worships Mi To Buddha." Guan Yin Buddha was formerly the holy religion from Buddhism, and is the most well-known Buddha that owns the most population of fellowships within Mahayana Buddhism. From the end of East Han Dynasty when Buddhism was first introduced to China, Guan Yin Buddha worship began. In Tang & Song Dynasty, Guan Yin Buddha was the well-known Buddha among civilians, and Guan Yin Buddha worship is always papular till now. From concrete written documents, it shows that when Buddhism was introduced to Taiwan and began the establishment of temples, which started from Zheng Cheng-gong crossing the strait to Taiwan at the end of Ming Dynasty, Guan Yin Buddha worship was also introduced to Taiwan.Fu Cherng, the said Ancient Cultural City, was the earliest zone for exploration of the entire Taiwan. During Ming Zheng period, there were three ancient temples worshiped Guan Yin Buddha in Southern Taiwan, in which there were two temples, Chu Hsi Temple and Mi To Temple, located in Fu Cherng. During Ching Dynasty, it was well spread with the saying "seven temples&eight temples" in Fu Cherng, in which there was only one temple didn’t worship Guan Yin Buddha, the rest worshiped Guan Yin as either major or 2nd major Buddha. Until the development in the end of Year 2004, the temples, formally accepted registration inside governing zone in Fu Cherng, exceed 327 in total. Regardless the religious category of these temples, Guan Yin Buddha worship is often combined among them. The type of temple that takes Guan Yin as priority Buddha is ranked as top 1; the type of temple that considers Guan Yin as major or 2nd major Buddha, takes 50 percentage among all the temples in Fu Cherng. This study, based on field investigation, generates the information of 327 temples to proceed further analysis.The investigation in origins of development of hosting Guan Yin as major Buddha in temples in Fu Cherng, from the content of many folk stories and legends, the collecting information has found that it takes over 80 percentage which was due to the recorded realization of Guan Yin Buddha saving civilians from difficult times, it justifies the spirit of "When civilians are surrounded by obstructions, troubled with extreme bitter, Guan Yin Buddha saves the world with the ultimate intelligence ," written in "Lotus Sutra, General Teachings". In addition, among those temples that takes Guan Yin as 2nd major Buddha, 90 percentage of them believed that Guan Yin Buddha had the capability to "save the world from evil influences", which is also the reason they worship Guan Yin Buddha.For all those temples that worship Guan Yin as leader Buddha, 50 percentage of incense burning was originated from ancestor town in China. It shows that some believers in Fu Cherng were immigrants from China, during their development and exploration in Taiwan, their faith in Guan Yin Buddha was not only their protection guide but also spiritual shelter. Besides, for incense burning custom assigned into local temples, about one fourth of them were from Chao Fong Temple, which was the Guan Yin ancient temple belonged to Takangshan Party, one of Taiwan''s four big descending streams during Japanese colonial period. About the time that Guan Yin Buddha was worshiped in Fu Cherng, the information has generated that ten percentage of temples were established during Ming Zheng period, more than one fourth of temples were established during Ching Dynasty, less than 5 percentage of temples were established during Japanese colonial period, and more than 60 percentage of temples were established from Recovering period till now. It shows that the development of Guan Yin temples in Fu Cherng was greatly influenced by political environment background.Investigating the religious behavior of worshiping Guan Yin Buddha in Fu Cherng’s temples, analyzing Guan Yin statue, the place of worshiping Guan Yin, belonged god and common god in temples, it explains that Guan Yin Buddha spread in the civilians, because of combining with Buddhism kindness and folk belief, it gradually forms mixed and unique phenomenon in different religious temples in Fu Cherng.Investigating further into the context of Guan Yin belief and culture, through overall investigations in all kinds of group religious behaviors in worshiping Guan Yin Buddha in Fu Cherng, it demonstrates that interpreting these indexes meanings would reflect distinct similarities and construct area characteristics in Guan Yin belief and culture of Fu Cherng civilians.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
