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謝菁菁; Hsieh, Ching-ching 吳鐵雄; none; 資訊教育研究所碩士班 2003


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 謝菁菁; Hsieh, Ching-ching
  • 吳鐵雄; none; 資訊教育研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 自我概念; 親子關係; 網咖經驗; Self-concept; Parent-child Relationship; Cyber Cafe''s experience
  • 描述: 網咖熱潮趨於穩定後,國中學生從事網咖休閒娛樂的情形如何,是本研究要探討的第一個現象。因過度使用而產生的網咖沉迷傾向,與學生之自我概念與親子關係之間有何關係存在,是本研究的最主要目的。  本研究採用問卷調查法,以台南市和台中市國中學生共676人為研究對象,採用自編的「網咖使用經驗調查表」、「網咖經驗量表」、「國中生自我概念量表」,以及具信效度的「親子關係量表」等研究工具獲得所需資料,再以敘述性統計、t檢定、卡方檢定、皮爾遜積差相關分析、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。主要發現如下:一、國中學生從事網咖休閒娛樂現況  國中學生上網咖消費的情形普遍,男生比女生多。三分之一的學生接觸網咖經驗在半年之內;近半數的學生平均每週去網咖一到兩次;近半數的學生平均每次待在網咖的時間不到兩小時。在網咖的活動以玩遊戲高居首位。二、網咖沉迷高傾向者之背景及行為概況約有十分之一的學生具有網咖沉迷的傾向,其中男生比女生多。五成的學生接觸網咖經驗在一到三年之間;三分之一的學生平均每週去網咖三到四次;六成的學生平均每次待在網咖的時間是5到8小時。網咖的活動也是以玩遊戲為主。三、國中學生網咖沉迷傾向與自我概念的關係  學生對能力自我的看法越消極,網咖沉迷的傾向越高。惟整體自我概念與網咖沉迷傾向無相關。網咖沉迷高傾向者和一般使用者、未上網咖者的自我概念也沒有差異。四、國中學生網咖沉迷傾向與親子關係的關係學生越覺得與父親或母親的知心感低,覺得在與父親或母親的親子關係�媟P到缺乏自主感;對母親有負向情感;對母親沒有敬佩感;母親提供工具弁銃V少,學生沉迷網咖的程度越深。和未上網咖的學生相較,網咖沉迷高傾向的學生知覺到較多與母親的負向情感和缺乏自主感。和網咖一般使用的學生比較,未上網咖的學生知覺到較多對母親的敬佩感、依附感,和與父親的一體感。
    The main purpose of the research is to know what relations there are between cyber café addiction, which is marked by the excessive use of cyber café, and self-concept, and that between cyber café addiction and parent-child relationship.The methodology adopted in the research is paper-pencil questionnaires and surveyed 676 junior high school students from Taichung city and Tainan city. Data were collected through “Survey of Cyber Café Experience”, “Cyber Café Experience Scale”, and “Junior High School Student Self-Concept scale”, which are all self-make, and also through “Parent-Child Relationship Scale”, which is with qualified reliability and validity. By “Internet Experience Scale” we got the addict group, and the analyses were done through the adoption of descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test, Person’s correlation, and one-way ANOVA. The main results are as follows.1. The present situation of junior high school students going cyber café for entertainment:It is common for the junior high school students to go cyber café, and more common for male than female students. One third of the students have kept going to cyber café for less than half an year. Almost half of the students went to cyber café for average one or two times per week and the average time they spent one time is less than two hours. Game playing is the most common activity they did in cyber café.2. The background and behavior of the addict group:One tenth of the students have addicted tendency, and more male than female students have such kind of tendency. 50% of the addict group have one to three years experience going cyber café. One third of the students of the addict group have an average of 3-4 times per week going to cyber café. 60% of the students spent average 5-8 hours one time at cyber café. The main activity of the addict group at cyber café is also game playing.3. The relation between the tendency of cyber café addiction and self-concept:The more negative attitude a student holds about his self-ability the high tendency he would have to be addicted to cyber café. However, self-concept has no significant relation with the tendency of cyber café addiction. There is no discrepancy between the self-concepts of high addiction tendency users, normal users and non-users of cyber café.4. The relation between the tendency of cyber café addiction and parent-child relationship:We found that the addiction became worse in the following circumstances: a student thinks of his parents less understanding; feel of lack of autonomy in parent-child relationship; having negative emotion with mother; no respect; less material-supply with mother. Compare with the non-users of cyber café, the addict group feel lack of autonomy and have more negative feeling about their mothers. While compare with the normal users, the non-users have more respect and more attachment to their mothers, and more unified, stable relationship with their fathers.
  • 建立日期: 2003
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
