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邱明崇; Chiu, Ming-chung 丁學勤; Shueh-Chin Ting; 教育經營與管理研究所 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 邱明崇; Chiu, Ming-chung
  • 丁學勤; Shueh-Chin Ting; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 參與動機; 關鍵成功因素; 學校志工; Critical Success Factors (Abbreviation: C.S.F.); School Volunteer; Participating Motive
  • 描述: 本研究以台南縣國小參與志願服務的學校志工及負責業務老師為對象,探討學校志工參與志願服務的參與動機與志工組織經營的關鍵成功因素。家長參與學校事務是現代教育的一種趨勢,能為學校提供等量人力資源就屬志工,學校志工能提供多項服務支援,補充人力不足及延伸服務,所以學校志工有其必要性。學校志工除了依據個人的興趣和居住地的考量外,最重要的是參與志願服務的動機,動機具有多元性的目的,了解動機,滿足需求實現,維繫志工持續服務的動力。學校志工組織仍應重視經營管理,了解關鍵成功因素,了解學校志工的成員滿意關鍵成功因素,將有助於組織主事者進行經營策略的調整,以更紮實的腳步去實現非營利組織的社會公益使命。 本研究針對學校志工的參與動機及關鍵成功因素的探討,以質性研究中現象學方法論進行研究,運用現象學描述的方法,在沒有預設立場與期望的前提下,基於現象的哲學理論背景與思維,了解呈現學校志工在意識層面上的生活經驗。本研究選擇台南縣六所學校,共計18位學校志工及負責業務老師為抽樣,採用一對一的深度訪談來蒐集資料,根據研究目的、研究問題及相關文獻資料,研究者針對學校志工實際參與者及學校志工業務相關老師各自擬訂一份訪談大綱,透過互為主體的觀摩與訪談,還原學校志工的生活經驗,以探詢學校志工的生活世界的本質,藉此提供社會大眾對於學校志工瞭解的另一種面向,並對此相關議題與現象,有更深入的認識與理解。 研究結果如下:一、學校志工以小孩子為出發點的參與動機最為普遍,無論是針對自己小孩成長,或是其他小孩的幫助,都希望自己幫助的小孩能有得到特殊的照顧。二、以配合政府政策或學校需要為參與動機的志工,是認同學校的觀點,或是出於和學校有感情,他們都希望與學校建立良好關係。三、學校志工以純粹服務、盡ㄧ己之力、及享受志願服務後的樂趣為參與動機者,也許是個人因素,也許是受到外界的吸引而參與志工,他們都具有宗教積德、犧牲奉獻的個人特質。四、以個人利益為參與學校志工動機者,具有認識他人、拓展視野、增加學習成長機會,能自我肯定,也能受到社會的肯定,也有利用參與志願服務之便,增加個人有形或無形獲利機會。五、能配合志工服務時間,提升志工參與學校服務的支持力量,讓志工的服務理念得以實踐,是滿足學校志工個人的關鍵成功因素。六、良好的志工間關係維繫,健全的志工團長領導,建立志工團組織內部的運作模式,凝聚志工對組織內部的向心力,是滿足學校志工組織內部的關鍵成功因素。七、學校健全志工團隊制度,尋找適合學校生態的招募方式,提供多元的成長訓練課程,重視校長與教師的角色扮演,適時解決志工問題、重視獎勵回饋方式及提升志工參與士氣,是學校對志工管理的關鍵成功因素。八、學校推行志工制度的目前存在缺乏志工管理制度、家長對參與志願服務不正確的觀念、志工團長領導力不足、學校督導未落實、上級單位的漠視、及人力資源無法整合等因素。
    In this study, we took volunteers participating in the school service and their mentors in charge of service affairs as the research subjects to investigate their participating motives and critical success factors of management in volunteer organizations. It is a kind of contemporary educational trends that the householders taking part in school affairs. School volunteers are defined as the people who could provide the equal human resources for schools. School volunteers could supply a lot of assistance, such as supporting human resources and expanding service. Besides locations and personal interests, the most important of all for school volunteers are the motives of participating in service works. The motives consist of various purposes. To conduct and manage the school volunteer organizations well are necessary. The organization managers and leaders should realize the critical success factors in making school volunteers members satisfied. It could be helpful for the managers and leaders to modulate the managing policy and strategy to achieve the goals and missions of public welfare organizations. This study talks about the participating motives of school volunteers and the managing critical success factors. In order to understand, present and perform the conscious life experience of school volunteers, we made use of the description methods in phenomenology of quality research. These methods are based on philosophical theory and thought of phenomenology without any expectative presuppositions and settled standpoints. In this study, we selected 18 school volunteers and mentors from 6 different schools in Tainan County as samplings. The data and information were collected by one-on-one in-depth interviews with the school volunteers and mentors. According to the research purposes, questions and related references, we designed the personal specific outlines to interview with them. By the way of the interviews and inspections, we tried to restore life experience from the school volunteers. Therefore, we could comprehend their regular lives. Theses information and data could let the people know other personalities of school volunteers. Moreover, it could let the people have the more comprehensive understanding of the kind of topics and phenomenon. The results are as follows:1. The commonest participating motive of school volunteers is based on the children. Whether the children are theirs or not, they always hope the children whom they take of could acquire the special and better attention and cares. 2. The second kind of school volunteers is who match up the government policy or school needs. They always approve of the school viewpoints or have sentience with schools. They intend to establish a good relationship between schools.3. The people who just want to service others and relish the enjoyments after serving is another kind of school volunteers. The participating motives and causes depend on their specific personalities or influence with the environments. They always have personal characteristics of religious accumulate virtue and dedication. 4. In order to increase personal benefits, some people participate in school volunteers. They have chance to broaden their life field and learn things by knowing others. They could be admired by others by interactions with others. Also, they might gain visible or invisible chance to make profit.5. The critical success factors of personal school volunteers include: to match up their service time, to enhance the support for them and help them to practice their ideals.6. The critical success factors of school volunteer organizations include: to maintain good communications between volunteers, to have a healthy and stable leader and to condense the cohesion of the organization. 7. The critical success factors of the managements in school volunteers include: to establish the complete team systems for the volunteers, to supply diverse training courses, to respect playing the roles well in principal and teacher, to solve the problems timely with volunteers, to respect the feedback with rewards and to enhance their morale in service.8. Presently, there are still some difficulties in carrying out school volunteer systems well include: lack of complete managing systems for volunteers, the householders lack of correct concepts of voluntary service, the volunteer leaders of lack of charisma, impracticable directions by the schools, the disregard by superiors and the unconformable human resources.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
