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張銘月; Chang, Ming-yueh 戴文鋒; Wen -feng Dai; 台灣文化研究所 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張銘月; Chang, Ming-yueh
  • 戴文鋒; Wen -feng Dai; 台灣文化研究所
  • 主題: 乳釘; 鐘門; 門釘; 門乳; nipplknobse; belldoor; doornails
  • 描述: 本文以臺南地區的門釘為範例,由出現門釘的器物探討其可能根源,由文化的角度說明臺南地區的門釘造型與意義,與大陸原鄉門釘之差異與變遷。全文共分以下列幾大方向進行探討:首先,從門開始探討其在空間的重要功能,繼而從門飾的種類,與門釘的器物紋飾進行探討,探討門上裝飾與門釘位於傳統建築空間中的特徵及意義。其次,試圖由門釘出現的器物開始,進行史籍考證及解釋,研究其可能的起源,輔以門釘的傳說、用途、以及民間的說法,探討門釘可能的形成原因。再以臺南地區門釘廟宇與古蹟類型,整理、分類歸納目前臺南地區門釘的裝置與現況,並探討臺南地區門釘類型與主祀神之間的相關性,以及臺南地區門釘廟宇與古蹟的特殊性,個別分析與比對臺南地區的門釘造型、歷史意義、藝術價值、與文化變遷做一深入分析探討。並針對臺南地區門釘匠師之施作分工、施作工具、運用材料及技法作一探討,記錄施作過程,以檢視傳統與現今門釘的差異。最後綜合前述各章,分別歸納門釘於傳統建築上的意義、施作手法及特色,並接續本文,提出若干可能之後續研究項目。
    Using the doornails in Tainan areas as examples, this article is mainly to search for the origins of doornails through the doors, and to illustrate the differences and changes of the styles and meanings between the doornails in Taiwan and mainland China from the points of culture. This article is divided into several parts as follows:To begin with, we look into the important functions of doornails through the doors. To find out the characteristics and meanings of them, we work on a probe into the veins of the doornails and the variety of the doors on traditional buildings. Next, in order to study the possible origins , we try to make the testification of historicgraphy and an explanation with the beginning of the doornails. Besides, we look into the possible formal reasons of the doornails with the legens and uses of doornail. After that, the doornails are classified and categorized according to their occurances in different temples and historic places or ruins. In addition, the relationships between the types of doornails and the worship gods are also discussed. Depending on the specialty of different temples and historic places, the styles, the historic meanings, the values of art and the changes of culture are analysed and compared individually. Moreover, the records of the materials and the tools which are used on the doornails and the techniques of the carpenters as well are made to examine the differences betweem the traditional doornails and the modern doornails. Finally, combining the former chapters, we bring up some possible ideas and items as following studies.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
