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周蘭芳; Chou, Lan-fang 洪碧霞; Pi-Hsia Hung; 測驗統計研究所碩士班 2012

Online access

  • Title:
  • Author: 周蘭芳; Chou, Lan-fang
  • 洪碧霞; Pi-Hsia Hung; 測驗統計研究所碩士班
  • Subjects: 線上文學閱讀; 數位典藏; 線上閱讀後設覺察; 效度; 性別差異; meta-cognition; digital achieves; online literature reading; validity; gender
  • Description: 線上閱讀是現代青少年生活與學習的重要一環,學生常透過搜尋、理解和使用線上訊息,進行問題解決,這些活動都需要新的理解技能和策略來提昇問題解決的效能。PISA 2009 調查結果顯示閱讀小說的習慣與閱讀素養呈現顯著關聯,最近台灣數位典藏為本土文學作家建構許多優質的數位博物館,因此,這些資源對提升學生的文學和線上閱讀素養都具有相當值得重視的應用潛力。本研究的目的在擇取文學數位典藏發展高一學生線上文學閱讀與後設策略覺察評量 (Online Literature Reading Assessment, OLRA; Online Literature Reading meta-cognitive Strategies Awareness Assessment, OLRSAA),描述學生線上文學閱讀與後設策略覺察的表現概況,並初步探討評量工具的效度議題。兩評量工具的發展主要參考PISA的電子閱讀評量與後設認知量表設計,針對 618 位高一學生進行施測,探討學生線上文學閱讀理解與後設策略覺察的關係,同時藉由高一學生國中基測成績,兩評量工具的性別差異和聚歛、區別效度議題也同時納入探討。測驗結果顯示 OLRA 平均得分率為 0.50,平均鑑別度為 0.40。一般來說,OLRA 對於學生來說難度適中,女學生的表現比男學生略佳。OLRSAA 平均得分率為0.45,而與OLRA的相關為0.26。效度證據方面,OLRA 和與基測國語有較高相關(0.46),而和基測英語、數學、自然、社會各科的相關較低,大約介於0.22~ 0.36,呈現合理的幅合、區辨效度。本研究樣本在 OLRA 的表現,有 33% 未達基礎水準,他們僅能運用簡單的導航能力於動態文本中,進行跨網頁檢索指定的文本及依據網頁結構辨識資訊的位置,在線上文學閱讀後設策略覺的平均得分率為 0.34。有 54% 達到基礎水準,他們能精確辨識文本中文句意涵,在線上文學閱讀後設策略覺的平均得分率為 0.49。高一學生中有 13% 達精熟水準,他們不但能跨網頁閱讀多個文本,辨識作品間的共同特徵,還能引述文本說明作者隱含的核心理念及作品的特色,在線上文學閱讀後設策略覺的平均得分率為 0.52。一般而言,精熟水準學生線上文學閱讀後設策略覺察比未達基礎水準學生略佳。
    Adolescent readers vary tremendously in their ability to locate, understand, and use information online. A growing collection of research suggests that students require new comprehension skills and strategies to effectively read and learn from text on the Internet. Recently, Taiwan constructed some digital archives for well known local literary authors. These resources are very valuable for enhancing students’ online reading literacy. The purpose of this study is to develop an Online Literature Reading Assessment (OLRA) and an Online Literature Reading meta-cognitive Strategies Awareness Assessment (OLRSAA) by infusing the digital archives for the 10th graders of Taiwan. The constructs of OLRA and OLRSAA are mainly based on the PISA Electronic Reading Assessment and meta-cognitive strategies questionnaire. The students’ scores of their high school entrance exams were collected as the related variables. There were around six hundred 10th graders sampled for the OLRA and the OLRSAA. The inter-rater reliability for scoring and the convergent and discriminate validity issues were discussed. The differences between genders on OLRA and the OLRSAA were also investigated. The difficulty (average of proportion correct) of OLRA was 0.50. The mean discrimination of OLRA was 0.40. Generally speaking, the difficulty level of OLRA was appropriate for most students. For OLRA female students performed better than the male students.The average of proportion correct of OLRSAA was 0.40. The correlation coefficients between OLRA and OLRSAA was 0.26. The correlation coefficients between OLRA and the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students Chinese scores (0.46) were relatively higher than the others. The correlation coefficients between OLRA and math was especially low (0.22). The pattern of correlation coefficients reasonably supported the convergent and discriminate validity. So, the preliminary results suggested that OLRA was an innovative and valid attempt for testing online reading.More OLRA items should be developed to verify the construct validity issues more sufficiently.Three different levels of OLRA were adopted preliminarily to report students’ performances. Around 33% students performed below the basic level. Around 54% students performed at the basic level. Around 13% students performed upon the basic level. Generally speaking, students’ meta-cognitive performances at the mastery level are better than those of below the basic level.
  • Creation Date: 2012
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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