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曾建勳; Tzeng, Jiann-shiun 王偉仲; WEI-CHUNG WANG; 數學教育學系 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 曾建勳; Tzeng, Jiann-shiun
  • 王偉仲; WEI-CHUNG WANG; 數學教育學系
  • 主題: 機率學習; 前導組體; 電腦視覺化模擬工具; 國小學童; none; none; none; none
  • 描述: 本研究致力於發展一個能夠促進國小學童思考、推理、驗證及建構機率概念的電腦輔助學習環境;並評估前導組體與視覺化模擬工具的使用,對國小學童機率學習成就及學習保留量之影響。系統設計立基於Jonassen (1996) 以電腦為「心智工具」(Mindtools)之觀點,結合Ausubel含攝學習理論與網路多媒體的特性,建立一個以學科發生邏輯為基軸的視覺化機率模擬情境。其發展成果在於(1)結合網路連結與電腦多媒體的特質以提昇前導組體的效能,促使學童在具體例證中有效掌握機率學習方向,彌補現行教學學童缺乏整體課程認知之缺憾。(2)以視覺化模擬工具作為學習者主動探索、思考及解決問題的心智工具,提昇國小建構式數學教學活動進行的可行性,並培養運用科技解決問題的能力。(3)利用現行視窗軟體如Excel、Powerpoint設計電腦輔助學習教材,是資訊融入教學的可行模式,有別於傳統電腦輔助教學的設計方法。針對系統效益評估,本研究採「不相等控制組前後測設計」之準實驗研究法,研究樣本以高雄市一所國小六年級六個班級207位學生區分成實驗組五組與控制組一組進行實驗教學,其各組學習方式的差異在於使用前導組體(Flash版、Powerpoint版與未使用)及使用視覺化模擬工具或一般教學,利用機率成就測驗進行後測與延後測,並利用電腦輔助學習及前導組體調查表進行意見調查與評估。實驗處理以在校數學段考成績為共變量,分別就不同學習方式組別的機率學習成就和保留量進行共變數分析。研究結果顯示:(1)在不同學習方式組別下,學童機率學習成就與保留量均有顯著差異;進一步將不同學習方式下的「前導組體」與「模擬工具」二個因子進行共變數分析,結果顯示(2)使用視覺化模擬工具之學童在機率概念「學習保留量」顯著優於未使用視覺化模擬工具的學童,而在使用視覺化模擬工具的教學方式下,使用不同形式前導組體的學童機率學習成就顯著優於未使用前導組體的學童;(3)獨自使用前導組體或模擬工具學習的學童,在機率學習成就和一般教室教學學生並無顯著差異,但在機率概念「學習保留量」的測驗上卻顯著優於一般教室教學的學童。從電腦輔助學習學生使用意見顯示,前導組體的使用與模擬工具的提供以促進學童新舊概念的連結及學習活動的探究,是一個正向的嘗試。學童對視覺化模擬情境的教材設計、教學方式與學習態度皆持肯定的評價。前導組體對其先備知識的引發及機率學習架構的釐清都有正面的效益;使用模擬工具能觸動學童學習動機與協助其主動探究,結合配對學習與小組討論模式有助於機率概念的形成。提供前導組體與電腦視覺化模擬工具以達成九年一貫課程中「運用科技」、「主動探索」的能力指標,已在研究中顯示初步成效。在未來研究的發展上進一步建立系統模式,提供適切的前導組體,持續誘發學童學習興趣,並且提供不同成就學習者適切的電腦輔助工具,將是持續致力發展的議題。
    This study focuses on developing and evaluating a computer aided learning environment that will enhance students’ ability in cogitation, hypothesizing, verification, and problem solving. The design of such computer aided learning system is based on the combination of Jonassen’s (1996) Mindtools concept, Ausubel’s subsumption theory and Network multimedia peculiarity in order to construct a curriculum-orientated computer visual simulated learning environment. Such simulated environment provides advanced organizers for students to associate existing knowledge to new coming concepts. This computer aided learning system employs spreadsheets and visualized tools as Mindtools for active exploration, cognition, and problem solving of learners. In addition, it organizes reference models for teachers and students in order to perform meaningful learning.To estimate benefit of this visual simulated learning environment , the study adopts Quasi-experiment. Six 6th-grade elementary school classes were divided into 6 groups learning situates. One was control group and others were experiment groups. The differences of learning situates were using advanced organizers (Flash version, Powerpoint version) and visual simulated tool or not. Examinations of this computer aided learning system report has demonstrated some results. (1) Accomplishments and retention of learning in concept of probability had remarkable difference between primary school students of different learning situates. Discriminating different learning situates to two application factors of advanced organizers and visual simulated tool were analyzed using ANOVA tests. The results showed (2) the group which is provided with visual simulated tool has demonstrated better retention of learning in concept of probability than the group allocated with traditional teaching aided tools. Futhermore, it had better learning accomplishments of probability by adding to use advanced organizers. (3) Primary school students who use only one of advanced organizers and visual simulated tool hadn’t remarkable difference in learning accomplishments of probability. But it has demonstrated better retention of learning in concept of probability than the group allocated with traditional teaching. Also students have shown positive appraisal after the usage of such learning system.The development of this visual simulated learning environment is to pursue an applicable teaching method with the students as the main body and the computer as Mindtools. It helps the learner to develop the concepts of probability through the steps of experiencing, realizing and understanding. The whole system agrees with the objective of the study. The test of the experiment also shows that learners have better knowledge retention after using this system and also give credit to the system. However, it is important how to provide appropriate advanced organizers to bring out student’s prolonged learning motive. In addition, a more constructive guide and more appropriate software are required for the improvement. At last, expansions of the contents for the simulated environment can be improved to help the learners to grain better learning.
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
