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「小淘氣尼古拉」系列故事研究 = A study on“Le petit Nicolas”

吳俊億 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班 民107[2018]

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  • 題名:
    「小淘氣尼古拉」系列故事研究 = A study on“Le petit Nicolas”
  • 著者: 吳俊億
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 「小淘氣尼古拉」 少年小說 校園故事 插畫; “Le petit Nicolas” juvenile novel Campus Story Illustration
  • 描述: 「小淘氣尼古拉」系列故事是西元1959年到1965年由法國德諾埃出版社在發行雜誌《駕駛員》上連載專欄的系列短篇故事共稱。故事文本由葛西尼創作,圖畫由桑貝繪製,書中的時空背景為1950年代的法國郊區,故事以主角尼古拉與他的一群好朋友、同學、父母、鄰居等角色的鮮明刻畫,表現出幽默、溫馨、童趣的故事情節。其中也藉由兒童的視角去表現作者對成人世界複雜的看法,如成人在職場應對上司、父母親對孩子的教育觀點、住家附近的鄰里關係、主角的父母應對親友等,題材可說是各式各樣。 本研究發現,這部作品是葛西尼以桑貝部分童年往事為素材,結合他自己少年時期的生活氛圍打造而出,故事中童趣紛呈,情節引人入勝,具有真實性的人物塑造與葛西尼的成長過程間的關聯亦密不可分,他的創作策略更是體現他個人的終極人生觀,筆者從這部作品本身、角色刻畫、情節發展、故事情節等面向切入,論及作品本身優、缺點。 本篇所論「小淘氣尼古拉」,所指為西元1959年到1965年之系列。2007年再出版的全五冊「小淘氣尼古拉的新故事」,不在本研究範圍內。.
    Time of “Le petit Nicolas”Series Story was AD 1959 to 1965. A series of short stories was published by the French Denoël press in the issue of the magazine“Pilotes”. The story text was created by René Goscinny and the picture was drawn by Jean-Jacques Sempé. The age of the book was the French suburb of 1950s, the main character of the story was that Nicolas.and his group of good friends, classmates, parents, neighbors have the significant personality. The plot of the story is humorous, warm, childhood, which shows the author's complex view of adult world through children's perspective. Take the following examples, how to maintain a good relationship with the boss, how the parents educate their children, how to interact with their neighbors, and how to cope with and retreat between the protagonist and the parents,and so on. The subject matter is too numerous to mention. I found it from the series stories that the main theme was taken by René Goscinny as part of Jean-Jacques Sempé childhood. René Goscinny combined with his childhood life atmosphere to write again. The story is full of childish interest, and the plot is very attractive. The relationship between the characterization of authenticity and the process of the author's growth is very close in the story. The author's creative strategy is to show his personal outlook on life. I describe from the work itself, the portrayal of the role, the development of the plot, the story structure,and talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the work. I study the「Le petit Nicolas」series stories from 1959 to 1965. All five copies of 「Histoires inédites du Petit Nicolas」series stories published in 2007 is not included within the scope of the study ..
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班.106學年度
  • 建立日期: 民107[2018]
  • 格式: iv,xii,197頁 : 圖 ,表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
