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毛宣晴; Mao, Hsuan-ching 呂明蓁; Meg M. Lu; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2011

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  • Title:
  • Author: 毛宣晴; Mao, Hsuan-ching
  • 呂明蓁; Meg M. Lu; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • Subjects: 行動研究; 教學活動設計; 多元文化素養; instructional design; multicultural teaching; action research
  • Description: 本研究旨在透過行動研究的歷程設計實施一套多元文化教學活動,以提升學生的多元文化素養及增進教師的專業成長。本研究場域為研究者所服務的某山區國小,研究對象為中年級學生共14位,實施時間共為10週20節課。本研究所設計之多元文化教學活動分為三個階段,第一階段的教學目標是認識我族文化與他族文化,教學策略為跨文化了解與溝通、文化回應教學,第二階段的教學目標為學生能覺察差異、尊重差異,發展批判思考能力,教學策略為合作學習法、議題中心教學模式,第三階段的教學目標為學生能從體驗活動中實踐多元文化的精神,發展社會行動能力,教學策略為策略決定與公民行動教學模式。本研究主要發現如下:一、對中年級的學生而言,多元文化活動設計首重情意的培養,引起學生興趣與學習動機,且合乎學生的認知理解範圍,教學媒材具體多元化,循序漸進提升教學目標,須透過長時間持續推行以增進教學成效。二、從學生多元文化素養學習情況的探討發現,認知方面提升學生對於我族文化的瞭解與他族文化的認識。情意方面提升學生對於學習多元文化認知的興趣,增加自我的認同感及他族文化的接納程度。技能方面學生能表現出助人的意願與行為,但主動發現問題批判思考能力尚未成熟。三、教師在進行多元文化教育之前,所要做的準備包括有價值觀的釐清、文化內涵的充實、以及開放的思想與胸襟。教師要將多元文化教育的精神內化為自己的教育哲學觀,以身作則落實在日常生活中。
    The purpose of this study is to design and implement a teaching program, to improve the students’ multicultural literacy and to promote the teacher’s professional growth through action research. Observations were done at a school where the researcher worked in the mountains. The subjects of this research were fourteen children in the third and fourth grade.The process consisted of a 20 classes during a 10 week period where the researcher implemented a multicultural teaching program. The multicultural teaching program is divided into three phases. The objective of the first phase was enabling the subject to understand various cultures in addition their own. The teaching strategies included cross-culturalunderstanding and communication strategy and culturally responsive teaching.The objective of the second phase was observed the students’awareness of cultural differences, response tothose differences, and whether they developed critical thinking skills. The teaching strategies were cooperative learning and the question-centered teaching mode. The object of the thirdphase was that the students would practice the spirit of multiculturalism and develop the abilities of social action from experiencing the activitiesThe teaching strategy is the decision-making process.The results of this research are as follows:1. For the third and fourth grade students, the first essential component in designing a multicultural teaching program is cultivating multicultural attitude of the students. The program should interest and motivate the students. The content should be conformed to the students’cognitive stage. The usage of the structural and diverse teaching tools will enable the teacher to control the step by step implementation of the program. The effectiveness ofthis program will required a substance amount of time to practice the lessons and to increase the effectiveness of the teaching.2. The multicultural teaching program enhances the students’understanding of their own culture and other cultures. It also enhances the students’ interests to learn multicultural awareness as a result of learning about other culture it provides them with a greaterunderstanding of their own cultures. The students show the willingness to help the minority group, but they still need to enable themselves to be greater critical thinkers.3. Before proceeding with a multicultural education, the teacher needs to make clarifying his or her own values, enriching cultural knowledge, and having an open mind and vision. The teacher internalizes the spirit of multicultural education into his or her own educationalphilosophy and practices it in daily lives to set a good example.
  • Creation Date: 2011
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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