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團體諮商課程影響同情疲勞效果之研究─以我國動物保護檢查員為例 = The study of the group counsultation effect on compassion fatigue-the case study of animal protectors.

辜雅禪 國立臺南大學 行政管理學系碩士班 民107[2018]

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  • 題名:
    團體諮商課程影響同情疲勞效果之研究─以我國動物保護檢查員為例 = The study of the group counsultation effect on compassion fatigue-the case study of animal protectors.
  • 著者: 辜雅禪
  • 國立臺南大學 行政管理學系碩士班
  • 主題: 團體諮商課程 同情疲勞 動物保護; group counselling training compassion fatigue animal protection
  • 描述: 動物照護工作者需要長期、密集、持續的使用同理心,而易患有同情疲勞,其中,與同樣身為動物照護工作者的獸醫院相比,收容中心的從業人員承受了更高程度的同情疲勞。此外,過往的研究不乏探究影響同情疲勞以及如何減緩同情疲勞的因素,但卻少有研究說明訓練課程如何影響同情疲勞,因此本研究將透過訓練的介入方式,除了驗證訓練課程的效果外,亦比較不同團體諮商模式的訓練課程,對我國執行動物保護業務相關從業人員的同情疲勞之影響成效,並探討其可能的原因。 本研究採公開徵求自願參與訓練課程之從事我國動物保護業務的從業者,共75位,並分為四組實驗組及一組對照組。實驗組分別施以根據教育心理學、完形理論、人際歷程治療方法以及表達性藝術所設計的課程內容,並在課程前、後發放問卷,以混合研究方法考驗研究假設。 根據量化分析的結果,本研究結論如下:團體諮商課程可以有效減緩同情疲勞,然而,根據完形理論及表達性藝術所設計的課程,對同情疲勞的效果會比根據教育心理學及表達性藝術所設計的課程內容效果更顯著。據此提出相關建議,希望提供未來政府推動相關訓練課程時,能夠有效減緩動物保護業務從業者同情疲勞之參考。.
    Animal welfare workers are prone to compassion fatigue caused by prolonged and intense emotional involvement in helping animals. The staff of animal shelters are subjected to a higher level of compassion fatigue when compared with veterinarians. However, government officials of animal protection in Taiwan are likely to suffer from even more severe compassion fatigue as they are responsible for multiple tasks of medical care, refuge and investigations of cruelty cases of animals. Most of the previous studies have explored the causes and cures for compassion fatigue. Even though there were empirical investigations, discussion never came close to how counselling training may help alleviate compassion fatigue. Therefore, this study will verify the effectiveness of the training course through the intervention of training, and compare the effect of the training courses of different consultation mode on the sympathetic fatigue of the animal protectors in Taiwan. A total of 75 animal welfare workers were publicly recruited to participate in the counselling courses. They were divided into four experimental groups and one control group. Each experimental group was introduced to a different type of counselling approach. This study introduces four types of counselling and psychotherapy, namely: 1. direct instruction; 2. Gestalt psychology; 3. interpersonal process in psychotherapy; and 4. psychoanalysis. Through mixed-methods research, it examines the effects of different counselling approaches on compassion fatigue. The research findings show: 1. the psychological counselling courses effectively mitigated the compassion fatigue of the participants; 2. the counselling effects of the curricula designed with Gestalt psychology and Psychoanalysis were more obvious than those designed with the other two counselling approachesBased on the findings, we would like to make recommendations for the government to provide related training courses in the future to effectively allevia
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學行政管理學系碩士班.106學年度
  • 建立日期: 民107[2018]
  • 格式: v,viii,132頁 : 圖 ;表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
