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方東昇 孫光天; 資訊教育研究所 2000


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 方東昇
  • 孫光天; 資訊教育研究所
  • 主題: 網際網路; 全球資訊網; 電腦輔助學習; 課程軟體; 電腦輔助學習成效
  • 描述: 在目前的國民小學國語科教學中,國字的教學與教材仍侷限於傳統的書空教法及紙筆練習,教師可使用的教材教具實在有限,面對活潑好奇的國小學童,未能運用生動有趣的電腦多媒體來輔助國字教學,殊為可惜。然而,現今國內資訊教育的領域內,卻很難取得相關的資訊科技技術支援,來配合國民小學之國字課程教學活動,及進一步提供國小學生自我學習,培養其正確書寫國字的能力。 一套完整且有效率的國字電腦輔助學習系統,應該有別於一般直線性設計,只提供國字筆畫展示的教學軟體,更需考慮到學習者與媒體互動的嘗試行為,並由系統即時提醒及錯誤修正的機制,促使學習者進行某種形式的認知重建,亦即認知心理學界所提倡的「情境認知」。所以,實際讓學生融入情境,模擬其書寫國字的行為,提供適時指引與糾正,是系統設計時的重點之一。此外,尚需詳盡記錄學生國字筆順的學習歷程,追蹤學生錯誤筆順的行為,以供教師教學之參考。 故本研究擬建構一套線上(Web-based)國字電腦輔助學習系統,利用網際網路的特性,突破時間與空間的限制,彌補現行傳統國字教學之不足與困難處,以期減輕教師的負擔及提高學生學習的興趣。並進一步探討本研究之國字學習系統在國民小學國語科國字學習上的成效,並對研究結果提出具體建議,以提供國民小學國字教學之參考。
      The teaching approach and materials of Chinese words today are still confined to traditional write-in-air procedure and pen writing. There is a limit on available teaching materials. It is a pity that, while facing curious and active school pupils, we don’t use lively computer-related multi-media as a teaching aid. However, in the area of domestic information education, it’s hard for us to have supports from relative technology of information to cooperate with us in teaching words. Neither can it offer the pupils the ability to study by their own and to nurture themselves correct writing abilities. A set of complete and efficient computerized learning system of word comprehension should be different from commonly seen linear device. This system, instead, offers a mutual and trial-and-error activity between learners and media. Furthermore, the function of immediate reminder and error correcting of this system can help learners reconstruct their recognition of learning behavior, i.e., “Situational Recognition” as we know from recognition psychology. Therefore, one of the main points of this system is to let students immerse in a real situation, imitating the real writing behavior, and to offer them proper instructions and give corrections. In addition, we need to record students’ learning process of writing words and trace their wrongdoings in word writing procedure. Hopefully, we can give their teachers what we found as a teaching reference. Therefore, this study is to construct a web-based CAI system for words, so as to use the characteristic of the network in a hope to make up what the traditional word teaching can’t do. Bo doing so, we are sure that teachers can have less teaching burden and the pupils can learn more with less finical spending.
  • 建立日期: 2000
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
