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李佳玲; Lee, Chia-ling 邱麗娟; none; 行政管理學系文化與自然資源管理組碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李佳玲; Lee, Chia-ling
  • 邱麗娟; none; 行政管理學系文化與自然資源管理組碩士班
  • 主題: 店仔口; 大排竹; 哆囉嘓社; 大武壠派社; 白河; 張丙之亂; Dian-zai-kou; Da-pai-zhu; Duo-luo-guo Faction; Da-wu-long Faction; Baihe; Zhang-bing Revolt
  • 描述: 白河位在臺南地區的東北部,地處邊陲,開發時間較晚。在漢人未入墾前,本區主要是洪雅族哆囉嘓社與西拉雅族大武壠派社的社域範圍,鄭氏時期漢人溯八掌溪與急水溪到白河開墾,大排竹為當時主要聚落。因水利的修築,使本地的農業生產與土地開發逐漸興起,聚落增加。清初白河原屬於下茄苳的腹地,但因地處平原與丘陵山地的交接地帶,演變為山產交易繁盛的山麓市鎮。因東部山地與大排竹距離甚遠,需要中途休息的據點,於是乾隆末年到嘉慶初年,店仔口因其地理位置優越迅速崛起,成為商業繁榮的街市。從鄭氏到清代時期,漢人的移墾造成本區平埔族勢力逐漸消退,透過契約資料的分析,可知漢人利用租佃、出典及買賣等方式,不斷侵占平埔族之地權。本地移民來自漳、泉,亦有客籍,故本地有許多以粵省祖籍地命名之地名,但客家人比例較少,加上福佬文化的影響,客民漸放棄原本的母語與文化,成為「福佬客」。開墾初期白河地區具有移墾社會的特質,領導者以豪強型的領袖為主,加上游民滋事、吏治不良、族群衝突等因素,社會動亂不斷,民變械鬥事件頻傳,如劉卻之亂、張丙之亂、江見事件、吳金印事件等。乾隆、嘉慶以後,因人口的繁衍,宗族規模逐漸擴大,許多宗族開始建立宗廟、設立祭祀公業;而此時白河地區的社會與經濟也已發展到一定程度,各地庄民陸續修築村廟,祭祀從原鄉供奉來臺的神祇,形成信仰中心與祭祀圈。隨著居民生活逐漸安定,開始重視教育事業,於店仔口、大排竹、海豐厝等地設立書院或文祠學堂,振興本地文風,故士子們紛紛投考科舉,仕紳階級崛起。由清代碑文可知,地方仕紳不時參與地方事務,意謂清代中期以後,白河地區漸由「移墾社會」過渡到漢人「文治社會」。
    Baihe is in the northeast of Tainan County. Owing to the remote location, it was developed later. Before the Hans’ arrival and reclamation, the two main locally influential groups are Duo-luo-guo Faction of Hong-ya Tribe and Da-wu-long Faction of Xi-la-ya Tribe. In the reign of Zheng Clan, the Hans crossed through Ba-zhang Stream and Ji-shui Stream to reclaim from Baihe. Da-pai-zhu was the chief village in those days. The construction of irrigation works had upgraded the agriculture and land exploitation progressively, and the number of villages increased. In the early period of the Qing Dynasty, Baihe was originally part of the hinterland of southern Qie-dong. Owing to the location between champaigns and hilly areas, it subsequently evolved into a market town by brisk sales of mountain products. It was a long distance from east mountain country to Da-pai-zhu, and therefore a rest spot in the middle of way was necessary. Between the late reign of Qian-long and the early reign of Jia-qing, Dian-zai-kou rose abruptly as a prosperous city of commerce by advantageous location. During the reign of Zheng Clan and the Period of the Qing Dynasty, the Hans’ migratory reclamation declined the Pingpu tribes‘ influence gradually in this locality. According to the analysis of the contract documents, the Hans were discovered to seize the Pingpu tribes‘ land ownership continuously by means of tenancy, pawn, trade, and so forth. The local immigrants came from Changchou and Quanzhou in Fukien Province. Furthermore, some immigrants were of Hakka descent, and many local place names therefore derived from the ancestral home places in Guandong Province. On account of the lower percentage of the Hakka population and the influence of Ho-lo culture, the Hakkas discarded their mother tongue and culture by degrees becoming the Ho-lo.In the early period of reclamation, Baihe Region had the distinct identities of migratory reclamation social system. There used to be a lot of troubles in the region because the men at the helm were mainly the leaders with despotic style of the leadership; moreover, the vagrants caused trouble, the officials supervised inefficiently, and the ethnic groups conflicted. The incidents of mass uprisings and fights with weapons had been heard frequently, for instance, Liu-que Revolt, Zhang-bing Revolt, Jiang-jian Incident, Wu-jin-yin Incident, etc. After the reigns of Qian-long and Jia-qing, the population grew, and the patriarchal clans expanded progressively, so that many patriarchal clans set about establishing ancestral temples, and instituted ceremonial systems of sacrificial offerings to the deceased ancestors. At that time, the development of Baihe’s society and economy had already reached a certain level. Villagers all over the place constructed their village temples in succession, and offered sacrifices to gods enshrined from native land to Taiwan, forming a religionary center and a sacrificial circle. As the inhabitants’ lives got smooth and stable gradually, they began to take account of educational undertakings. The academies of classical learning or the old-style private literary schools had been established in Dian-zai-kou, Da-pai-zhu, Hai-feng-cuo, and so on. It prospered the literary ambiance locally; thereupon the literates applied for and took the imperial examination in droves. The gentry class sprang up. To learn from the inscriptions on stelae of the Qing Dynasty, the local gentry had a hand in regional administrative matters regularly. It signified that Baihe Region had gradually transited from migratory-reclamation social system to the Hans’ civil-government social system after the middle period of the Qing Dynasty.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
