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以親子共讀進行情緒困擾兒童的情緒教育之探究 = A Research of Emotional Education with Parent-Child Co-Reading for a Distressed Kid

尤慧美 國立臺南大學 幼兒教育學系碩士班 民105 [2016]

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  • 題名:
    以親子共讀進行情緒困擾兒童的情緒教育之探究 = A Research of Emotional Education with Parent-Child Co-Reading for a Distressed Kid
  • 著者: 尤慧美
  • 國立臺南大學 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 情緒困擾兒童 情緒教育 親子共讀; emotionaleducation emotionally-distressedchild parent-childco-Reading
  • 描述: 本研究旨在以親子共讀方式進行個案兒童情緒困擾的研究,描述情緒教育繪本在親子共讀中的實施歷程、探討親子共讀情緒教育繪本時的親子互動情形,以及親子共讀前後個案情緒困擾問題的情況與改變歷程。研究對象為一名國小二年級女生—瑪莉(化名)。因個案受其個人特質、家庭環境、學校生活、人際關係等因素的影響,而產生情緒困擾問題的情況。 本研究透過在自然情境中長時間觀察、訪談、文件蒐集等方式蒐集資料,對瑪莉的情緒困擾問題進行質性研究,以深入了解瑪莉於親子共讀活動的情緒表現與改變情形。依研究目的分析資料並歸納,獲得以下研究結果: 1.個案在親子共讀實施歷程中出現的情緒狀態與行為,包括:極端的情緒行為;以肢體動作顯露情緒訊息;對敏感的話題出現激動的情緒,或採取逃避、抗拒;不喜歡重覆的學習和被要求做困難的事;自我概念低落;孤僻的個性和孤單的人際關係;以及難以同理他人,表現強烈的自我中心等。 2.個案在共讀歷程中的親子互動情形顯示出貧乏的親子關係、不安全的依附,並拒絕與母親有肢體上的親密互動。 3.個案的情緒行為在共讀進行之後有明顯改變,包括鬧脾氣和自傷行為有改善;尿床的次數減少;情緒的表達趨緩和;比較願意和媽媽有肢體的親密互動;逐漸能聽進勸告和建議的話;比較願意配合父母的要求;及因意見不同和家人怒目相視的情形有明顯的改善。 最後,研究者根據本研究的結論,對家長、教師、學校與未來研究者提出建議,以供參考。.
    The purpose of this study is to conduct emotional education by using picture books in parent-child co-reading for an emotionally-distressed second grade girl. The emotion of the subject during the process of co-reading, the interaction between the subject and her mother during the co-reading process, and the emotion of the subject after co-reading were investigated. Qualitative research method was employed, using data from long-term observation in natural setting, interviews and documents from the subject’s after-school program. The findings are the following: 1. The subject displayed various emotional behaviors during the process of co-reading, such as exhibiting self-hurt and extreme emotional behavior, revealing emotional messages by distractive body movement, showing provoked emotion or strong resistance when faced with sensitive topics, displaying low self-esteem, strong self-centered, etc. 2. The interaction between the subject and her mother during the co-reading process revealed poor parent-child relationship, insecure attachment, and resistance of physical contact with mother. 3. The emotion of the subject after co-reading showed improvement on various areas, including decrease of self-hurt behavior, less temper tantrum, willingness of closer physical contact with mother, willingness to take advice from family members, etc. Finally, suggestions for parents, teachers , school and researchers are made..
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學幼兒教育學系碩士在職專班, 105學年度
  • 建立日期: 民105 [2016]
  • 格式: viii,189面 : 圖 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
