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許譯云; Hsu, I-yun 台邦.撒沙勒; Sasala Taiban; 台灣文化研究所碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許譯云; Hsu, I-yun
  • 台邦.撒沙勒; Sasala Taiban; 台灣文化研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 橋頭; 人群關係; 社會發展與變遷; 仕隆許家; 許厝; Hsu lineage at Shihlong; Ciaotou Township; human reationship; the Social Development and transition; Hsu ancient house
  • 描述: 此文目的在瞭解仕隆許氏家族在橋頭地區的歷史發展過程,進而探討經由人群關係的互動,凝聚宗族力量,延續文化。其研究方法和資料來源乃利用實地觀察與訪談瞭解宗親狀況;根據文獻資料認識橋頭地區和許氏宗親在當地的發展歷史背景;以官方統計資料了解許氏宗親在橋頭地區的社會發展與變遷情形。在研究報告中,可知仕隆許氏在橋頭發展與變遷的過程。第一,傳統閩式的許氏祖厝重建為融合古代廳堂與現代建築的特殊風格。第二,宗親的居住遷移情形,自第八世始有遷居的現象。他們仍每逢清明掃墓或是春秋祭,返鄉祭祖。第三,宗親的生活方式是以仕人的身分過著務農的生活,儉樸無華;家庭型態漸漸由大家庭轉而折衷家庭、小家庭為主。第四,宗親的宗教信仰仍以道、佛教為主,不外乎有人信仰基督教,引起信仰習慣的衝突,卻能接受祭拜祖先不拿香的儀式,從這裡也呈現許家對其他信仰的接納度。第五,許氏宗親的認同危機,可從語言和建築兩方面來看,新世代的許家子孫對閩南語漸漸感到陌生,又大致可分為會說會聽、會聽不會說、聽說皆不會三類。在建築方面,仕豐里遺剩五進四院的殘骸,橋頭街道保留許家商行建築,這些都是許家祖孫應該努力維護的任務。
    The purpose of the thesis is to examine how interaction among people achieves cultural continuity and cohesion, through the case study of the historical development of the Hsu Clans at Shihlong. The research materials are derived through the following methods—interviewing the local clans while doing the field study; finding out both the situation of Ciaotou area and the development the Hsu clans have undergone in the literature; investigating the social development and transition occurring to the Hsu clans at Ciaotou through the officially kept statistical materials.The development and transition which Shihlong Hsu Clans have undergone is explicated in the following points in this essay. Firstly, the Hsu’s historical residence has undergone the renovation from its previous Fukien fashion into the unique combined design, which features both the old-generation style and the modern architecture. Secondly, the clans’ relocation has appeared since the eighth-generation. Whenever there is a ceremony or it comes to Tomb Sweeping Day, the descendents still go back to their hometown to worship the ancestors, though. Thirdly, intellectuals though the clans were, they made their livings with agricultural production; with time, the clans’ family units have undergone the transition from extended families to nuclear families. Fourthly, while most members of the clans practice the religion of Taoism or Buddhism, some choose to put faith in Christianity, which forbids the usage of incense sticks while worshiping ancestors. However, such collision between two faith systems has finally been received by the clans. This shows how receptive the Hsu clans can be. Lastly, Identification crisis is now facing the Hsu clans, which can be examined from the aspects of language and architecture. Taiwanese becomes more and more unfamiliar to the Hsu Clans new generation, who can be categorized as full comprehension and articulation with Taiwanese; comprehension but no articulation with Taiwanese, and no comprehension and no articulation with Taiwanese. On architecture, both the relics of the Hsu Clans courtyard houses at Shihfong and the commerce buildings on CiaoTou streets should be well conserved by all the Hsu descendants.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
