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張世宗; Chang, Shih-tsung 范玉玲; Yu-lin Fan; 環境生態研究所碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張世宗; Chang, Shih-tsung
  • 范玉玲; Yu-lin Fan; 環境生態研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 環境態度; 環境認知; 環境教育; 生態旅遊; 台江國家公園; 環境行為; Environmental attitude; Environmental awareness; Environmental education; Ecotourism; Taijiang National Park; Environmental behavior
  • 描述: 台江國家公園成立於民國98年,是台灣第八座國家公園,不僅擁有先民移墾的歷史、蘊涵台灣歷史基礎的獨特文化資產,更具備國際級濕地的重要生態資源,而台南市立土城高中地處於古台江的範圍內,緊鄰台江國家公園,學生又多來自社區,對於探索台江國家公園這塊瑰寶,擁有了天時地利與人和的優勢。環境教育法於去年通過後,明定每年至少要有四小時的環境教育時間,本研究採行動研究法,希望透過生態旅遊融入戶外環境教育的概念,探討舉行生態旅遊對學生在環境認知、環境態度與環境行為上的影響,並以台南市立土城高中高一、高二學生為對象,舉行生態旅遊:以大眾廟綠色隧道周圍及七股光復國小溼地為旅遊地點。設計聯想語「台江國家公園」、「生態」及「環境」讓學生於出發前、第一次旅遊後及第二次旅遊後分三次填寫,並設計學習單,於兩次生態旅遊後填寫,再輔以訪談追問及活動中的觀察。研究結果發現:一、大多數同學認同生態旅遊是一種以生態為主體的深度旅遊,並且富含教育的意義,但對於經濟利益由社區民眾共享及永續經營方面缺乏認知。二、生態旅遊確實為學生帶來環境認知上的提升、正面的環境態度改變及有利於環境的行為實踐。三、促成生態旅遊融入戶外環境教育的因素包括:有別於日常生活的感官體驗、在教室外邊玩邊學、令人感動的大自然之美、心靈上的放鬆及好的解說員;而阻礙生態旅遊融入戶外環境教育的因素包括:旅遊造成的身體不適、對特定生物的排斥感、缺乏解說員及身心狀況不佳。
    Taijiang National Park was approved as Taiwan’s eighth national park in 2009. With its distinctive history background and cultural landscape, this area even has internationally important natural resources. Tainan Municipal TuCheng High School was located in this area, and most of the students come from the nearby community. Therefore, the students have the comparative advantages to explore Taijiang Nation Park. Besides, the Environmental Education Law has passed last year; at least four hours of environmental education are as a result required. This study was undertaken by action research, and based on the concept of integrating ecotourism into outdoor environmental education in order to explore how the ecotourism education influences students in terms of environmental awareness, environmental attitude and environmental behavior. The grade one and grade two in TuCheng Senior High would be the subjects of this study. It was held through two times of ecotourism. One is the green tunnel and the scenic spots around the Public Temple, and the other is the wetland in Tainan Municipal Cigu District Guangfu Elementary School. The students need to write something about “Taijiang”, “ecology”, and “environment” before the trip and after the first trip and second trip. After these two trips, they also need to finish the worksheets. With the findings of the observation during the ecotourism and the interview with the students, the results are as following: (1) Most of the students agree that ecology is the spirit of ecotourism, which is beneficial for education. However, they have little understanding about that the economic interest should be shared by the community and how to keep sustainable development. (2) Ecotourism truly has positive impacts on students’ environmental awareness, environmental attitude and environmental behavior. (3) The factors that could promote integrating eco-tourism into outdoor environmental education include: different sense organ experience, outdoor learning by playing, the beauty of nature, relaxing mind and a good tour guide. Contrarily, the factors that stop integrating ecotourism into outdoor environmental education include: the illness, the sickness toward certain creatures, and the lack of a good tour guide.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
