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洪惠月; Hung, Hui-yueh 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班 2008

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  • Title:
  • Author: 洪惠月; Hung, Hui-yueh
  • 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班
  • Subjects: 俠客; 女俠; 唐傳奇; 女性意識; feminism; Chinese knight; female “shia”; Tang legend
  • Description: 「俠客」是中國古代社會中的一個特殊的區塊,「俠」的文化淵遠流長,一般而言,「俠」,是男性的世界,是剛勇氣勢的表徵,但在中國俠義小說中,亦不時出現女俠的蹤影。以「傳奇」為主的唐人小說,與詩律並稱一代之奇,豪俠小說是唐傳奇的三大主題之一,其中描寫女俠的作品,在數量上雖不足以與男性俠客作品相抗衡,但其神秘特異的行事風格,和快意恩仇的方式,顛覆了傳統文學中女性溫婉柔媚的形象,為唐傳奇的人物畫像增色不少,因此本文即嘗試在前人的研究基礎上,以女性閱讀的觀點,重新解讀唐傳奇中的女俠形象。本文論述架構分為六個章節。第一章說明研究緣起,研究現況,並對本論文所謂之「傳奇」及「女俠」加以界定。第二章重點在於外緣研究,先略述先秦至魏晉南北朝俠文化發展史的脈絡,呈現客觀歷史中的俠文化面貌,著重強調俠者型態遞變、演進的過程,進而探討唐代女俠的起源及其發展背景;第三章探討唐傳奇女俠故事的內容,其行俠主題、形象架構、故事意涵;第四章分析唐傳奇女俠形象的表現手法與藝術特色。第五章則進一步探索女俠形象背後之文化意涵,推究唐代文人塑造女俠形象之創作心理,以及了解女俠故事之嬗變及影響;第六章結論,總結唐代文人如何建構如此特出之女俠形象,在文學上的價值,以及女俠角色是否反映了唐代的女性意識。
    “Shia-ke” (Chinese knight) is a special group of people in ancient Chinese society. The idea of “shia”(similar to western knight) has a long history. In general, “shia” is a symble of courage and bravery of chauvinistic society. However, female “shia” are not few in Chinese shiaism novels. Being praised with poetry as the literatural spetecular of Tang dynasty, legend is the main kind of Tang novels. “Shia” fantasy is one of the three major themes of Tang legend. Even though inferior in quantity, by mysterious and unique way of behaving and baldness in love and revenge, female “shia” fantasy builds up totally different views of female from traditional ones as being gentle and fragile, and also makse the image of Tang legend characters more impressive. This paper, based on the previous studies, from the feminist point of view, tries to study and decode the image of female “ shia” of Tang legend. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is to state the reason of the study and make an introduction of cotemporary relative research as well as definitions of so-called legend and female “shia”. The second chapter focuses on the history of “shia” culture. First a brief introduction of development of shiaism from Chin dynasty to Wei-Jin dynasty is given to display the aspects of shiaism objectively focusing on the evolution of “shia” characteristics. Then a discussion of the origin and background of the female shia of Tang legend is following. The third chapter discusses of the contents, themes, structures and implications of shia stories. The fourth chapter is to analyze the writing skills and literatural and cultural characteristics of Tong legends. The fifth chapter goes further to explore the cultural implication of female “shia”image and study the psychology of Tang writers when building up female “shia”characters. The sixth chapter concludes how Tang writers build up such spetacular female “shia” characters, their value on literature as well as whether these female “shia” characters reflects the feminism of Tang Dynasty.
  • Creation Date: 2008
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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