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鄭美芝 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭美芝
  • 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 注音符號; 診斷測驗; 補救教學
  • 描述: 摘 要 本論文之主要目的有二:一、發展注音符號能力診斷測驗,從其中建立百分等級及分析小一學童在開學十週後讀寫注音時可能犯的錯誤之原因、類型,以做為日後改進編選教材、教學教法之依據,或進一步成為注音符號學習困難學生轉介或補救教學之根據。二、依低年級注音符號學習不利之學童能力,筆者設計兩套不同的教材,實驗教學驗證其效益。 在測驗工具方面,抽取台南市大、中、小型學校及高雄縣偏遠(新發)國小一年級學生共118名,結果顯示測驗之內部一致性為 .97,認讀分測驗之信度為 .96,聽寫分測驗的信度為 .96,重測信度為 .98(p.01),且全測驗與認讀、聽寫兩分測驗之相關均達.90以上。各細項與測驗總分之相關為.703至.891。測驗時間與認讀分測驗得分之相關為-.737(p<.01),男女生在測驗總得分上並無顯著性的差異。聲符與韻母的難度並無差異。第二次測驗分數與第一次測驗分數有顯著的不同,可能是受試者對注音符號更多接觸之熟悉度所造成。 經分析,180題中,ㄅ、ㄧ的認讀和ㄅ、ㄚ的聽寫答對率達100%,聽寫ㄧㄥ的錯誤率最高。一般學生篇章的認讀表現優於單音的認讀,而學習困難學生則在單音認讀的表現優於篇章的認讀。在分析錯誤的原因與方法時發現,能否正確掌握發音的方法與部位是影響學生注音讀寫能力最重要的原因。 在補救教學的實驗上,為確實瞭解補救教學的效益,轉介來自台南市九所國小86名的補救教學學生,分為認讀符號組、拼讀注音組、控制低分組和控制高分組。控制低分組和認讀符號組的能力相同,控制高分組和拼讀注音組的能力相同。認讀符號組、拼讀注音組採用筆者自編的兩種不同教材,控制低分組和控制高分組則採細部化首冊的教材方式教學。四組學生在補救教學後僅控制低分組無顯著進步,且控制低分組與控制高分組在聽寫上有顯著的差異。 本研究建議:編輯注音符號教材時需難易調和,將較難的音分散並與較簡單的音調和在不同的單元,使學生比較容易學習並熟練。一般學生的教材以篇章型式較適合,但對學習有困難的學生則較適合採單音的方式呈現、漸進導引為篇章的閱讀補救教材。學校行政人員應選擇發音正確、班級經營較佳之教師擔任一年級導師。增加閱讀量、多讀課外書,能提高注音符號之能力。對注音能力為百分等級3以下的學生而言,補救注音符號教學成效有限,不如另闢適合學生學習的項目,讓學生愉快地學習。而家長應注意孩子所收看之電視節目,以免發生錯誤的學習。 關鍵字:注音符號、診斷測驗、補救教學
    Mandarin phonetic symbol ability diagnosing test and effect of phonetic symbol remedial teaching Mei —Chih Cheng Abstract There are 2 purposes of this thesis: first to develop a Mandarin phonetic symbol diagnosing test, in which process to set up percentile rank of Mandarin phonetic symbol ability, and to analyze student’s miscues and miscues type in reading or writing phonetic symbol after ten weeks of the first term in elementary school. According to this, we can improve teaching method and editing teaching materials afterwards, furthermore we can introduce students who has learning difficulties in phonetic to remedial teaching. Second, to investigate the effects of two different types of teaching materials design by the author。 In the diagnosing test, coefficient of internal consentiency is .97, the coefficients of the reading subtest and the writing subtest consentiency are .96,the test-retest reliability is .98(p<.01). The result shows that the test is suitable. The correlation between whole test with reading and writing are about .90, the correlation between whole test and each item is .703~.891, and the correlation between time of student’ use and the score in reading is -.737(p<.01). The effect of gender difference is not significant. The retest is significant different from the first test, probablely because students have more contact with phonetic symbol in Chinese textbook. The most principal miscue in reading and writing phonetic symbol in the first grade is difficult to handle phoneme perfectly。 In remedial teaching, not only two experiment groups- and reading group, those who use the different materials are edited by the author, but also two control groups: low score control group has same ability in phonetic diagnosing test with naming symbol group, and high score control group has same ability in phonetic diagnosing test, those who use the same materials and same teaching method by another teacher. After remedial teaching only the low score control group hasn’t significant improvement in four groups, there is significant difference with high score control group especially in listening and writing. It means that the teacher should accord to student’s phonetic ability and use different material even in remedial teaching. At last, the author provided. recommendation for the instruction, materials and future research of Mandarin phonetic. Key words: Mandarin phonetic, diagnostic test, remedial teaching
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
