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楊怡蓉; Yang, Yi-zong 姜添輝; Chiang, Tien-Hui; 社會科教育學系碩士班 2006


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊怡蓉; Yang, Yi-zong
  • 姜添輝; Chiang, Tien-Hui; 社會科教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 學習策略; 學習策略成因; 社會階級; learning habitus; learning habitus cause; Social status
  • 描述: 認知學派學者強調學生能掌握學習策略的要點,運用學習策略在學校的課程教材中,便能獲得較高的成績表現,達到成功的學習目的。然而許多教育社會學的研究發現學童的學業成就高低,主要根源於學童的家庭文化背景,此論點因而指涉家庭教育之重要性。在家庭教育的過程中,因家長的價值觀、教育期望、教育行動策略及家庭語言模式等的差異性,導致學童採取不同型態的學習策略,因而本研究藉由對學習者及家長進行訪談,探索不同社會階級學童的學習策略的差異性及成因影響為何。因此本研究藉由透過與國小學童及其家長的訪談,從下列幾個面向檢視:國小學童學習習性的影響因素,此影響因素造成學童何種學習習性,並且探討分析不同社會階級學童的學習習性差異性。為達到上述的研究目的,本研究採晤談法,以目的性選樣為原則進行研究,選定四名六年級國小學生及四名六年級國小學生家長,選出學生為學業成績前二名的學童及學業成績後二名的學童,家長為該生家長,每人進行四次訪談,共計二十四次的半結構式訪談,而後進行資料分析,歸納出以下結論。不同社會階級家長的工作性質屬性不同,導致家長的價值觀、語言模式、對子女的教育期望及管教方式也有所不同,加上所持有的知識類型取向不同,造成學童受家庭文化因素影響,所習得的知識類型有所差異性,進入學校體制時,所展現的的認知理解能力亦不同。此因素影響之下,使得勞工階級學童大多呈現「鴨子聽雷」的學習習性,致使此種放任機械型學習策略壓抑學習者的成就動機;反之,中上階級學童因受家庭文化因素影響,面對學校課程大多展現系統化的邏輯分析學習習性,進而此種精緻深度型學習策略激發學童高度成就動機。關鍵字:社會階級、學習習性、學習習性成因
    The Cognitive scholars claim that if students can employ appropriate learning strategies and ,thus, acqine tke key points of learning contents leading to achieve higher scores and successful careers in the future. Nevertheless, according to the research undertaken by the scholars of Sociology of Education, students’ performances were closely related to their families and cultural backgrounds. Being bred up in different family and influenced by parents’ points of view, expectations, educational action methods and language patterns, school-age children take different learning habitus. As a result, with interviews of learners and their parents, this research is to study the different learning habitus taken by school-age children of different social status and to explore the causes and influences as well. With interviews of learners and their parents, the purposes of this research are to find out the influential factors of school-age children’s learning strategies, to analyze how those factors influence school-age children to take different learning habitus, and to analyze the differences of learning habitus adopted by school-age children of different social and economic backgrounds. To achieve the above purposes, the interview method and purposive sampling are adopted. Four elementary six-grade students and four elementary six-grade students’ parents are selected as the study samples. Two among the selected students are the top two and the other two are the ones with worse class performance. The selected parents are the above mentioned students’. Four interviews are arranged individually. Total twenty-four interviews are in semi-structured interview format. With the above methods, I analyze the findings and propose the following conclusions.Since parents of different social status have different careers, they have different point of views, language patterns, expectations on their children, and educational methods. All the above mentioned factors with parents’ different knowledge orientation influence children significantly and make them to have different knowledge orientation as their parents. After entering school educational system, they demonstrate different comprehension abilities. Children of labor status confront “comprehension disability” mostly. Permissive and mechanistic learning habitus oppress their achievement motivations. On the other hand, children of mid-upper level of social status take systematic and logical analysis learning habitus at their school work. Sophisticated and profound learning habitus inspire their achievement motivations.Keywords:Social status, learning habitus, learning habitus cause
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
