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黃琮智; Huang, Tsung-chih 黃秀霜; Hsiu-shuang Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃琮智; Huang, Tsung-chih
  • 黃秀霜; Hsiu-shuang Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 家庭閱讀環境; 中文閱讀能力; 新移民女性; Family Reading; Chinese Reading Ability; Foreign Spouses
  • 描述: 本論文的研究係針對國內新移民女性子女的中文閱讀能力做一探討,以其居住的區域、其父母之學歷、職業,與家庭環境、社經地位為影響因素,探討其相關性。瞭解新移民女性子女是否因其家庭背景因素進而影響其中文閱讀能力。故本研究欲瞭解:一、新移民女性子女的認字能力與本國籍子女是否有所差異。二、新移民女性子女之閱讀理解能力與本國籍子女是否有所差異。三、認字與閱讀理解能力是否因受教時間長短而有所差異。四、認字能力是否影響閱讀理解能力。五、認字及閱讀理解能力與家庭環境之間的相關性。六、新移民女性之社經地位與其子女的認字、閱讀理解能力之相關性。本研究以臺北市、高雄市、臺南縣、高雄縣、雲林縣共十七所小學之二、四、六年級之新移民女性子女共433人為研究對象。採用四項研究工具進行施測、調查,分別為黃秀霜(2001)編製的中文年級認字量表、曾雅瑛(2001)編製的國民小學中文詞彙閱讀測驗、吳宜貞(1997)編製的家庭環境變項調查表、林生傳(2000)的二因子社經地位指標。資料處理以變異數分析研究結果如下:一、新移民女性子女的認字能力與本國籍子女有差異且偏弱。二、新移民女性子女之閱讀理解能力與本國籍子女有差異且偏弱。三、認字與閱讀理解能力隨著受教時間的增加而有所提昇。四、認字能力與閱讀理解能力有相關,但無必然之因果關係。五、認字及閱讀理解能力與家庭環境之間有相關,尤其是閱讀理解能力與家庭環境因素之間的相關均為顯著。六、新移民女性之社經地位與其子女的認字、閱讀理解能力均無相關。就整體而言,新移民女性子女其中文閱讀理解能力確實與本國籍子女有所差異,且有偏弱的情形,與其家庭環境因素亦有密切的關係。因此,加強學校及社會教育,並改善新移民女性的家庭環境,對其子女的中文閱讀理解能力應能有所提昇。
    The study aimed to investigate the impact of residential locality, parental education background, occupation, family reading surroundings, and social-economic status on Chinese reading ability of foreign spouses’ children in Taiwan. Thus, the study attempted to tackle the following questions:1. Whether there were differences between Chinese word recognition ability of children from foreign spouses and those from local ones. 2. Whether there were differences between Chinese reading comprehension of children from foreign spouses and those from local ones. 3. Whether schooling duration affected word recognition ability and reading comprehension. 4. Whether Chinese word recognition affected reading comprehension. 5. Whether there was relationship between family reading surroundings and Chinese word recognition ability and reading comprehension. 6. Whether there was relationship between foreign spouses’ social-economic status and their children’s Chinese word recognition ability and reading comprehension. The subjects in this study included second, fourth, and sixth graders in 17 schools located in Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, and Yunlin County. There were four study instruments in this study: The Grade Chinese Character Recognition Test (Huang, 2001), Elementary School’s Chinese Reading Comprehension Test (Tseng, 2001), Family Surroundings Survey (Wu, 1997), and Social and Economic Status Scale (Lin, 2000). The results were in the following: 1. There were differences between Chinese word recognition ability of children from foreign spouses and those from local ones. Moreover, the Chinese word recognition ability of children from foreign spouses was weaker than those from local ones. 2. There were differences between Chinese reading comprehension of children from foreign spouses and those from local ones. Chinese reading comprehension of children from foreign mothers was weaker than those from local ones. 3. Chinese word recognition ability and reading comprehension improved with the increase in duration of education. 4. Reading comprehension was related to Chinese word recognition. However, there was no direct cause-effect relationship.5. There was relationship between family reading surroundings and Chinese word recognition ability and reading comprehension. There are especially significant differences between family reading surroundings and reading comprehension.6. There was no relationship between parental social-economic status and their children’s Chinese word recognition ability and reading comprehension. As a whole, there were differences between Chinese reading comprehension of the children from foreign spouses and those from local ones. Chinese reading comprehension of children from foreign mothers was weaker than those from local ones. Such ability was closely related to family reading surroundings. Thus, to improve Chinese reading comprehension of the children from foreign mothers, we should improve school and social education and their family reading surroundings.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
