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黃榮泰; Huang, Rong-tai 張惠貞; none; 國語文學系碩士班 2008

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  • Title:
  • Author: 黃榮泰; Huang, Rong-tai
  • 張惠貞; none; 國語文學系碩士班
  • Subjects: 說唱; 童詩; 答喙鼓; 盤喙錦; 三塊板; 歌謠; 童謠; bamboo clappers; rhythm; tongue twister; Narrating and Singing; Taiwanese comic dialogue; children poems; children songs
  • Description: 一個成功的人士,必定擁有自信,而其自信心的來源,除了豐富的學識外,還在於勇敢面對群眾抒發己見。兒童台語說唱是一門表演藝術,可由此訓練兒童口語的表達能力與肢體語言的應用,使兒童敢於公開場所展現才能,進而培養兒童的自信心。本論文以兒童台語說唱為研究取向,探討其在國小台語領域的教學過程與應用。共分六章,第壹章〈緒論〉,旨在說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法與步驟、研究範圍以及名詞界定。第貳章〈台語說唱藝術解析〉,探討說唱藝術的本質、說唱文學的定義與台語說唱藝術的分類。第參章〈兒童台語說唱節拍律動分析〉,探討兒童台語說唱的表演基礎、樂曲節奏與唸誦、唸唱的節奏。第肆章〈兒童台語說唱節奏樂器探究〉,探究可作為兒童台語說唱的節奏樂器,包括自身節奏樂器與打擊節奏樂器,並說明三塊板的演奏法。第伍章〈兒童台語說唱的演練與應用〉,以實例說明兒童台語說唱的教學過程與應用,包括唸誦童謠、竹板唸誦、唸唱童謠、竹板唸唱、朗誦童謠、吟誦童詩、囡仔古、答喙鼓、盤喙錦、竹板盤喙錦等十項不同的演練形式與綜合上述各項表演的竹板說唱。第陸章〈結論〉整理研究成果,歸納各項兒童台語說唱的特色與其應用。期待在學生方面,經由兒童台語說唱的表演與互動,增進學生對台語的興趣,養成愛用台語的習慣;在老師方面,經由兒童台語說唱與台語教學的結合,充實台語教學題材,除了增進老師本身的教學技能外,也能繼續台語的傳承。
    People’s confidence is not only from his/her abundant knowledge but also from his/her courage to facing publics to express themselves. Children’s Taiwanese Narrating and Singing is a kind of performing art, we can train children how to express themselves by oral and gesture language. Therefore, making them able to showing themselves in public and building up their confidence. The research is to study instructing Children’s Taiwanese Narrating and Singing in primary school. There are 6 chapters in the thesis. Chapter 1- Introduction, identify research motivation, research goals and definition. Chapter 2 - The analysis of Taiwanese Narrating and Singing Arts, identify what is Narrating and Singing Arts. Chapter 3 - The rhythm of children Taiwanese Narrating and Singing, to study the base of children’s performance, music tempo and reciting. Chapter 4 – The Instrument of Children’s Taiwanese Narrating and Singing Arts, to research the instrument that can be used to narrating and sing arts, including bamboo clappers. Chapter 5 - The Application of Children’s Taiwanese Narrating and Singing, instructing the teaching process and application by actual example. Chapter 6 - Conclusion. For students, I expect that they can be used to Taiwanese language by learning Taiwanese narrating and singing; for teachers, they can not only increase the teaching skills but also pass down Taiwanese language.
  • Creation Date: 2008
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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