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許雍政; Hsu, Yung-cheng 蔡宗信; Tsung-Shin Tsai; 體育學系 2007


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許雍政; Hsu, Yung-cheng
  • 蔡宗信; Tsung-Shin Tsai; 體育學系
  • 主題: 茄萣; 文陣; 武陣; 角頭; Wen Zhen; Jiading; Wu Zhen; Jia tou
  • 描述: 茄萣是以捕烏魚發跡的小漁鄉,居民因而多富裕,在地的宗教信仰、廟會活動相當頻繁,其中又以藝陣表演為一大特色。本研究藉由文獻分析、田野調查,以觀察陣頭活動和訪談負責人取得資料,並加以分析整理,以探討在台灣光復後頻繁的茄萣建醮廟會活動中,本地庄民們投入富涵身體律動、音樂、美術等多元文化元素的藝陣活動,在這長達六十年的時間裡,經由獨特形式身體活動所形成的茄萣文、武陣頭獨特文化。居民生活於此,透過宗教信仰與廟會活動和這些陣頭文化產生互動,形成了僅屬於茄萣地區的藝陣文化,並從社區文化實踐中產生新的元素、新的技藝、新的陣頭。茄萣的文武陣頭多達二百五十餘陣,「武陣雄壯威武、文陣阿娜多姿」各自呈現變化多端的樣貌,其內容之豐富、樣貌之多樣性均為全國之冠。傳統武陣多由早期的鄉勇團練、反清復明組織保存下來,有:宋江陣、獅陣、宋江獅陣、龍鳳獅陣,共保存了二十六陣,極受庄民重視。經由外地教練、本地師傅及錄影帶的協助,不僅技藝保存至今,並從中演化出新的技藝:旗陣、八卦旗門陣共三陣。新的技藝強調武術的可觀性,加入新的兵器,並以旗子演練武術,以吸引觀眾的目光,更豐富了茄萣的武陣文化內涵。阿娜多姿的文陣,使茄萣的藝陣內容顯得更多采多姿,文陣強調身體活動、音樂、美術、戲曲、舞蹈等與庄民藝術生活相關元素的呈現,可以說是居民藝術生活的總體表現。茄萣文武陣頭的運作與保存,均與「姓角」—以宗族血緣為中心的各姓「角頭」有極大關係,屬業餘性質的「子弟陣」更是茄萣藝陣的特色。以「姓角」運作的模式,再加上廟方的經費補助,使得茄萣的陣頭鼎盛時曾超過三百陣。但近年來由於經濟發展、人口外移、民間生活習慣改變,及年輕一代價值觀念的改變,「子弟陣」組織的血緣性地位已大不如昔,而區域性漸增,然茄萣藝陣堅持由本地子弟演出的特色不變。 本研究分析茄萣藝陣的技藝、現況及困境,希望能對獨特的茄萣藝陣保存有所助益,延續且發揚茄萣藝陣獨特的生態文化,補足目前國內研究藝陣偏向「山線藝陣」型態之缺憾,讓隱於茄萣常民生活之後的獨特「海線藝陣」亦能為人所認識,並能綻放出本就應屬於它的耀眼光芒。
    This study is to investigate Jiading Folk Activities. There are a lot of religion festivals and activities held at high frequency, and its features are folk- activity groups in Jiading, which had been a small fishing village famous for catching mullets and its related industries. When a festival or a temple activity is held, there will be a long parade, in which the folk- activity groups will play roles, the fusion of body-movement, music, and art. Jiading’s unique folk custom contains those activities with multi-style groups of parades. In this study, the research methods are documents analyses, field investigation, and interview, in order to find out how local people devote themselves into the temple activities after 1949 Taiwan’s Restoration from Japan. During these six decades, those folk-activity groups develop through interactions and exchanges with one another and constantly absorb new materials, new techniques; then, they regenerate into different forms. However, they can be divided into two peculiar types: Wu Zhen (martial art groups) and Wen Zhen (music, dance, etc. groups). The number of these groups reaches 250; each of them has its own variety and diversity. Jisding’s Wen Zhen and Wu Zhen can be classified as follow: twenty six well-preserved traditional Wu Zhen developed from the early time village self-protection guards or the heritage of the filibusterers against Ching Dynasty. They are Song Jung Zhen, Shi Zhen (also called the Lion Zhen), Song Jung Shi Zhen, Long Feng Shi Zhen (the Dragon, Phoenix, and Lion Zhen). Those groups are emphasized and succeeded by the villagers. They not only hire coaches from the local and other places to train them but also use video tapes to help them practice the skills. New groups are created: Qi Zhen (Flags Zhen), Ba Gua Qi Men Zhen (Eight Trigrams Flags Zhen). New weapons are added and new techniques are invented, that increase the power of the martial art and more attractiveness to the viewers. On the contrary, Wen Zhen emphasize on the static part and put into themselves, body movement, music, art, folk songs, dancing, and all the art elements related to villagers’ life. Wen Zhen can be said the set of the villagers’ arts life. The operation of Jiading’s Falk Activities is greatly bound to its two features, Xing jia and Zi di Zhen. Xing jia is a connection revolving around a genealogical tied, called Jia tou. Zi di Zhen belongs to amateurism. With the operation of Xing jia and the funds from the temple boards, there were over three hundred groups in the period of prosperity. However, the economic situation and the social values recently changes tremendously. The kindred ship in the organization of Zi di Zhen is not as significant as before. Instead, the senses of district increased and the insistence that the performing members must be from the local area remains. According to this study, the techniques, status, and predicament of Jiading’s Folk Activities can be found. This study tries to reveal how to preserve and stretch these unique cultural activities. Unlike most studies of the Inland Activities, this study (Seaboard Activities) wants to be a compliment of the deficiency and hopes that the unique culture of Jiading will be known to the public and show up its own glory.
  • 建立日期: 2007
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
