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文徵明《停雲館法帖》研究 = The Study of Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan

楊伯渝 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士 2021[民110]

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  • 題名:
    文徵明《停雲館法帖》研究 = The Study of Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan
  • 著者: 楊伯渝
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士
  • 主題: 文徵明 停雲館法帖 明代書法 法帖
  • 描述: 文徵明(1470-1559)是明朝中葉重要的鑑藏家,嘉靖五年(1527),五十六歲的文 徵明辭去官職後,返鄉領導吳中書壇,不久後便著手刊刻《停雲館帖》。文徵 明面對明初自嘉靖以前的兩種發展路線,以「復古創新」理論統合「泥於規模 」與「病於新巧」之弊端,並將之反映在一系列藝術行動上。本文以《停雲館 帖》為研究對象,藉由文徵明以及當時書家的書作及題跋,檢視文徵明選帖標 準與其書論之間的關係,並剖析文徵明書論在明代書法發展中的意義。 《停雲館帖》共十二卷,收錄了晉唐到明代中葉之間的書作,其中以「小字 」、「真蹟」與「名人」區分各朝代與書體,也隱約地透露文徵明的書史觀。 藉由選帖與題記,文徵明展現了以晉唐法書為學習典範的傾向,並對宋元法書 作目錄式的整理與收藏。而宋元書法在風格上雖與晉唐不同,其中仍不乏繼承 傳統二王典範的書家,文徵明仍對他們的作品仍持肯定的態度,並經由題跋、 增錄篇幅等方式表達自身的讚許。最後,文徵明經由收錄明代書作表達了自身 對當時書法發展的見解。 本文藉由觀察文徵明一系列的書畫活動,檢視《停雲館法帖》中收錄的書作 ,了解文徵明如何透過選帖加強自身的藝術楷模與道德楷模。.
    Wen Zhen-Ming (1470—1559) was one of the most prominent connoisseurs in the mid-Ming dynasty. After resigning from the position in the government in the fifth of the Jiajing Reign of the Ming dynasty (1527), fifty-six-year-old Wen Zhen-Ming went back to his hometown to lead the calligraphy of Wu school which refers to the painting and calligraphy style originated from the Wu region. Afterwards, he began dedicated himself to the Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan. Faced with two lines of development in the early Ming dynasty, even before the Jiajing Reign, Wen Zhen-Ming created an innovative approach to calligraphy, "restoration and innovation", which aims to improve the shortcomings of two extremes, namely "sticking to rules and traditions" and "being eccentric and unconventional". He adopted the theory on a series of artistic actions. With Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan as the focus of the research, this paper examines the relationship between Wen Zhen-Ming's selection criteria and his calligraphy theory to analyze the significance of his calligraphy theory in the development of calligraphy in the Ming dynasty through the calligraphy and inscriptions of Wen Zhen-Ming and other well-known calligraphers of his time. Wen Zhen-Ming was responsible for the dissemination of his collection, Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan, which was compiled in twelve chapters. Model Calligraphy TingYunGuan gathered together calligraphy works from the Jin and Tang dynasties to the mid-Ming dynasty. Among them, different dynasties and calligraphic styles are distinguished by "small characters," "authentic work," and "celebrities". The selection and arrangement of contents implicitly revealed Wen Zhen-Ming's view on history of calligraphy. Through the selection of calligraphy works and inscriptions, Wen Zhen-Ming demonstrated a tendency to view calligraphy of the Jin and Tang as a learning model. He also organized, collected and arranged Song and Yuan calligraphy works in a catalog...
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班
  • 建立日期: 2021[民110]
  • 格式: 150面 : 圖 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
