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唐代詠女仙詩研究 = A Study on the Poems of Female Immortals in the Tang Dynasty

王詩婷 國立臺南大學 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班. 2023[民112]

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  • 題名:
    唐代詠女仙詩研究 = A Study on the Poems of Female Immortals in the Tang Dynasty
  • 著者: 王詩婷
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班.
  • 主題: 唐詩 道教 女仙; Tang poem Taoism female immortals
  • 描述: 道教勃興加上文學發展,使得詠女仙詩在百花齊放的唐詩題材中,綻放燦爛光芒。詠女仙詩,是以吟詠女仙這一對象為主的詩歌,而女仙除了我們一般認知的道教女仙,在唐代亦可指女冠和女妓。這些女仙在文人筆下呈現不同樣貌,形象也隨著時局更迭而發生變化。文人在歌詠女仙的同時,寄寓其情志,並使用某些藝術手法刻劃女仙形象、展現仙境特色。本論文在架構上分為六個章節,各章節內容如下: 第一章〈緒論〉,該章旨在說明研究動機與目的、定義何謂詠女仙詩和界定研究範圍,並從多方面去回溯前人的研究成果,提出研究展望和研究方法。 第二章〈唐代詠女仙詩興盛之背景與概況〉,該章分為三部分,第一部分追溯詠女仙詩發展的歷史,釐清它的起源與在每個時代的變化;第二部分探討在道教勃興的唐代,道教與詠女仙詩之間的關聯;第三部分統計唐代四期女仙詩的數量,並從中分析唐代詩人歌詠女仙的整體概況。 第三章〈唐代詠女仙詩之女仙類型與形象〉,在爬梳所有唐代詠女仙詩後,將文人頻繁歌詠的女仙分成三類型,一為天上仙真,指的是由神轉變為仙,或是在創始時就是仙的對象,如西王母等;二為人間仙姝,指的是由人轉變為仙者,如湘江二妃等;三為俗世仙娥,指的是女冠和女妓喻「仙」者,文人在寫作時經常以比喻和用典等方式表現其形象。
    第四章〈唐代詠女仙詩之情志表現〉,將文人歌詠女仙,背後的情志分為五類,一為編織仙話,指詩人運用巧思重新訴說仙人故事;二為諷刺針砭,指詩人藉由書寫女仙隱含對時局的批判;三為神女崇拜,詩人以邂逅神女情節,或將女冠、女妓喻「仙」,滿足自身對於仙凡戀的渴求;四為抒發思情,因應不同身份背景的女仙,對其心生懷想或同情,五為反轉形象,中晚唐時期基於憂國意識,刻意反轉女仙形象,使其臣服於父權底下。 第五章〈唐代詠女仙詩之藝術表現〉,將女仙形象刻劃手法分為四類,並分析女仙不受時空拘束的特質如何呈現、女仙詩的仙境特色與體裁的運用等。 第六章〈結論〉,綜合以上各章分析,為唐代詠女仙詩的整體狀況作一概要說明,提出筆者的觀察,並反思本論文的不足之處。
    The prosperity of Taoism and the development of literature made female immortal poems shine in the diverse themes of Tang poetry. The female immortals referred to in this thesis, besides the traditional Taoist female immortals, can also refer to female Taoist priests and prostitutes in the Tang Dynasty. These female immortals showed different appearances in the works of literati, and their images also changed with the changes of the times. When the literati sang the praises of female immortals, they expressed their feelings and wishes, and used some artistic techniques to describe the image of female immortals and express the characteristics of the fairyland. This thesis is divided into six chapters in structure, and the content of each chapter is as follows: The first chapter "Introduction" aims to explain the motivation and purpose of the study, explain the significance of female immortal poems, and set the scope of the study. Then, it reviews previous research results from many aspects, and puts forward research prospects and research methods. The second chapter "The Background and General Situation of the Prosperity of Female Immortal Poems in Tang Dynasty" is divided into three parts. The first part traces the history of the development of poem on female immortal; the second part explores the relationship between Taoism and Poem on female immortal ; the third part counts the number of female immortal poems in the Tang Dynasty, and analyzes the overall situation of Tang Dynasty poets singing about female immortals. The third chapter "Types and Images of Female Immortals in the Tang Dynasty" divides the female immortals often praised by literati into three categories. The first category is deified female immortals; the second category is humanized female immortals; the third category is female Taoist priests and prostitutes called "female immortals" by literati.
    The fourth chapter "The Emotional Expression of the Female Immortal Poems in the Tang Dynasty" divides the literati's emotions in praising the female immortal into five categories. First, compose the story of the female immortal; second, praise female immortals and criticize the status quo; third, compose the story of a man encountering a female immortal, or call female Taoist priests or prostitutes "female immortals" to satisfy the man's desire for love; fourth, express it by singing the praises of the female immortal One's own nostalgia or sympathy; fifth, to subvert the image of female immortals and make them succumb to patriarchy. The fifth chapter, "Artistic Expression of Female Immortal Poems in the Tang Dynasty", divides the techniques of describing female immortal images into four categories, analyzes the time and space characteristics of female immortal poems, and explores the genre of female immortal Poems. The sixth chapter "Conclusion", based on the analysis of the previous chapters, summarizes the general situation of the female immortal poems in the Tang Dynasty, present my observation, and reflects on the shortcomings of this thesis.
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班.
  • 建立日期: 2023[民112]
  • 格式: [9],168面 : 圖,表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
