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應用合作學習教學對國小五年級學童閱讀理解能力之影響 = The effects of cooperative learning on elementary school fifth-grade students’ reading comprehension ability

徐詠琇 國立臺南大學 教育學系課程與教學教學碩士班 民109[2020]

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  • 題名:
    應用合作學習教學對國小五年級學童閱讀理解能力之影響 = The effects of cooperative learning on elementary school fifth-grade students’ reading comprehension ability
  • 著者: 徐詠琇
  • 國立臺南大學 教育學系課程與教學教學碩士班
  • 主題: 合作學習 閱讀理解能力; Cooperative Learning Reading Comprehension Ability
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探究合作學習的學生小組成就區分法(Student Teams Achievement Division,STAD)教學,對於國小五年級學童閱讀理解能力之影響,並且瞭解教師與學生對合作學習和閱讀理解的意見。本研究採準實驗研究之「不等組前後測」,以台南市某國小五年級兩個班級的學生為實驗對象,一班為實驗組(N=26),另一班為控制組(N=25),實施10週的實驗教學。實驗教學期間,實驗組學生實施「合作學習教學」,控制組學生則「一般講述教學」。在研究實施過程中,以「閱讀理解成長測驗」的題本B1和B2複本為研究工具,針對研究對象施測並進行量化分析,並且以實驗組學生填寫的「學生回饋單」、學生「訪談紀錄單」及教師的教學觀察記錄省思的資料,進行質性分析,藉此以作為瞭解合作學習教學對學生閱讀理解能力之影響。本研究的結論如下: 1.合作學習教學對實驗組和控制組學生閱讀理解能力無顯著影響,但實驗組學生在閱讀理解方面有進步。 2.在接受合作學習教學後,實驗組學生比控制組學生有較高的進步分數。 3.實驗組學生對合作學習教學持正向的看法。 4.教師對合作學習教學持肯定的看法。實驗組學生除了閱讀理解有進步,也在學習態度和合作技巧上有所進步,研究過程中也提昇教師的教學力。 針對上述研究結論,提出相關的建議以提供教師教學上的參考。.
    This study aims at exploring how the student teams achievement division (STAD) in cooperative learning influences the reading comprehension ability of fifth-graded students in a certain elementary school, and aims at obtainging teachers' and students' opinions on cooperative learning and reading comprehension. This study adopted a quasi-experimental methodology with pre-test and post-test. The student participants involved in this research were 51 fifth-graded students from two classes in an elementary school in Tainan City.One class was the experimental group (n = 26) and the other class was the control group (n = 25). During the period of the experiment, the students in the experimental group received "cooperative learning teaching", while the students in the control group received "the traditional didactic instruction". In the course of this study, B1 and B2 copies of the reading comprehension growth test were adpoted as the research tools to test the research objects and implement the quantitative analysis of the outcome. In order to elucidate the influence of cooperative learning teaching on students' reading comprehension ability, qualitative analysis was conducted based on the course feedback form, carried out by the experimental group students, and the interview records with the students and the teaching observation records,completed by teachers. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The cooperative learning teaching made no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group, in terms of the reading comprehension ability. However, the students in the experimental group made progress in reading comprehension. 2.After receiving cooperative learning teaching, the students in the experimental group had higher progress scores than those in the control group. 3. The students of the experimental group hold positive views on cooperative learning teaching. 4. Teachers hold positive view on cooperative learning teach
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學教育學系課程與教學教學碩士班.
  • 建立日期: 民109[2020]
  • 格式: 165葉 : 圖 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
