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以繪本實驗教學提升國小學生 正向心理資本之研究 = The Effect of the Experimental Teaching with Picture Books on Elevating the Positive Psychological Capital of the Elementary School Students

林宏錦 國立臺南大學 教育學系課程與教學博士班 2022 [民111]

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  • 題名:
    以繪本實驗教學提升國小學生 正向心理資本之研究 = The Effect of the Experimental Teaching with Picture Books on Elevating the Positive Psychological Capital of the Elementary School Students
  • 著者: 林宏錦
  • 國立臺南大學 教育學系課程與教學博士班
  • 主題: 正向心理資本 自我效能 希望 復原力 樂觀 繪本教學; picture book positive psychological capital self-efficacy optimism hope resilience
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討繪本教學對提升國小學童正向心理資本之果效。研究中的心理資本乃以Luthans, Avolio,Avey,& Norman (2007)所提出的自我效能、樂觀、希望、復原力為依歸。並依此四個面向開發兒童正向心理資本量表以作為前後測測驗之依據。 研究採用準實驗設計,取用兩班三年級兒童為研究對象,一為實驗組和一為對照組。兩班均與研究者進行每週兩節課(晨光時間與閱讀課)為期十週的繪本閱讀,實驗組課程活動融入9本正向心理資本繪本閱讀課程活動設計,對照組則採全校統一的自由閱讀形式-寧靜式閱讀。兩組分別於教學前、教學後及教學後一個月測量正向心理資本,結果發現:經10周20節課的繪本實驗教學,學生在正向心理資本之總分表現不論是前後測或延宕測均達顯著差異,由此可知經正向心理資本繪本實驗教學實驗組孩子在正向心力資本確實有所提升。 研究者於實驗後訪談實驗組的班級導師與家長所得到的觀察回饋發現,孩子經繪本教學,不管在自我效能、樂觀、希望、復原力上均看到孩子的長進的實例,有表現在改善學童對課業的無力感而變得積極主動、也有表現在人際關係上,會用正向眼光看待對方因而改善關係,和同學融洽相處,也有表現在學習新事務上會想方法解決,並發覺孩子挫折容忍度提升。故不管是質性或量化資料,均顯示利用繪本教學提升孩子的正向心理資本確實能達到顯著的成效。
    This study investigated how picture books enhanced the elementary school students’ psychological capital, which has four constructs: self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience (Luthans, Avolio, Avey, & Norman, 2007). Students from two third-grade classes of an elementary school participated in this study. One class was the experimental group, reading and discussing the contents of 9 picture books regarding positive psychology, while the other was the controlled group, only reading any books interesting to them. The study lasted for 10 weeks. A 14-items survey was developed. Both groups took the survey before and after the reading program. The results showed that the experimental group (M=5.23, SD=5.45) outperformed the controlled group (M=2.39,SD=5.56). One mother later, another survey was administrated to both groups as the delayed test. Again, the experimental group (M=5.12, SD=5.12) was still better than the controlled group (M=1.04, SD=6.69). The feedback from the classroom teacher and parents also confirmed the improvement that the students in the experimental group demonstrated their progress in the study and inter-personal relationship, and became positive toward new challenges and more tolerant of frustration. Through the program, the student elevated their positive psychological capital and showed their advancement both in the quantitative and the qualitative way. The implication of this study was discussed, and further studies were also suggested.
  • 出版者: 博士論文--國立臺南大學教育學系課程與教學碩博士班.
  • 建立日期: 2022 [民111]
  • 格式: 314面 : 圖, 表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
