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馮延巳詞之境界探析 = The Jing-jie Analysis of Feng Yansi’s Ci-poetry

周玉雯 (國語文學) 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班 民100[2011

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  • 題名:
    馮延巳詞之境界探析 = The Jing-jie Analysis of Feng Yansi’s Ci-poetry
  • 著者: 周玉雯 (國語文學)
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 王國維 馮延巳 詞 境界; Wang Guo-Wei Jing-jie (Chin-jie) Feng Yansi Ci
  • 描述: 馮延巳(903-960)是晚唐、五代時期之寫詞巨擘,其詞作質精量豐,雖然在史籍記載中關於其人格品性多所疵議,但是在開創詞體發展的新境界這方面,他功不可沒,並影響了北宋晏殊、歐陽脩等一代名家詞風。在標舉「境界」為評詞基準的《人間詞話》中,王國維對馮延巳詞之成就給予了高度的肯定,然而目前的研究多半偏重於其藝術技巧或與其他詞家的比較,對馮延巳其人其詞的整體考察較少關注。本論文希望盡可能全面的探析正中詞之「境界」表現,全文主要研究重點分為三部分:一、探討馮延巳詞的創作背景與其主題內涵,挖掘詞中的情感和思想;二、從形式上分析馮延巳詞的色彩、修辭、意象和結構等表現手法,突顯詞人創作的藝術匠心;三、以王國維提出的評價與觀點為依據,重新審視正中詞之風格與詞境。綜合各部分的討論,一則欲通過「境界」的詮釋為剖析正中詞之試金石,探尋足以展現其詞整體風貌之途徑;一則欲以其鮮明獨特的境界表現,確立馮延巳在詞史上無可取代的價值與地位。 Feng Yangsi was the most famous Ci-writer during late Tang and Five Dynasties , and his Ci-poetry is not only abundant but high-quality. Although there are some criticism of Feng Yangsi’s personality, he contributed to create the new field of Ci-style development and affected some celebrated Ci-writers’ Ci-style such as Yen Shu and Ouyan Xiu in Northern Song Dynasty. In addition, in Wang Guo-Wei’s remarkable work Ren-jian-ci-huam, he presented the concept of Jing-jie as a standard of commenting poetry, and he also gave a high degree of certainty to Feng Yangsi’s Ci-poetry. However, most of the research focused on Feng Yangsi’s fine art skill or the comparative study with other Ci-writers. There is few research on investigating the relation between Feng Yangsi himself
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班,99學年度
  • 建立日期: 民100[2011
  • 格式: v,221面 : 圖,表 ; 30公分.
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
